Chapter Thirty Seven

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The room was tense and silent as everyone waited. The digits on the clock seemed to move at an agonizingly slow pace. Everyone was growing impatient and irritated with each other. Wheeljack looked around the room with a blank expression, and Jazz continued to shake with fear. The soldier was going to protect him no matter what.

He looked to the father who was slowly losing consciousness. He moved a little so he was in front of Drift but kept Jazz in a protective embrace. Starscream was yelling at his men as he started to reach his limits. A man looked at them then to the leader as they spoke. He then cocked his gun and loaded it. Wheeljack knew that they weren't going to make it out of here alive.

"Jazz..." he whispered quietly and set his chin on his head as he buried the man's face in his chest. He felt like an older brother in this case. "Close your eyes..." he mumbled as tears filled his own. He needed to give him peace before things went south. Jazz didn't know why, but he did as the man said as he heard someone approach. Drift weakly looked to their executor and then to Magnus.

"Farewell... my friend..." he rasped weakly and wheezed a little. He looked at Wheeljack then reached out and gripped his ankle. The soldier glanced at him then nodded slowly before he looked at the thug.

The gang member raised his gun and set it against the soldiers head. Wheeljacks expression became blank as he stared him down. They suddenly looked to the door as it opened and blinked in surprise.

"What the-?" Starscream said as he stared at the newcomer. "Soundwave?!" He shouted and the man simply stared at him blankly.

"What- how- what?" He asked and shook his head as the gang members surrounded the silent man.

Soundwave kept his expression blank and walked into the room without fear. He looked around slowly as if judging the layout. He glanced at Starscream and barely raised an eyebrow.

"What?! Don't judge me and my headquarters!" He snapped angrily and looked him up and down. "Why are you here anyway?" He growled lowly. The silent man didn't respond and his eyes fell on Magnus. It took all his effort not to show emotion and he looked to the captives. He stared at Starscream then pointed to them.

"No. They're mine." He huffed angrily and folded his arms. He thought for a few minutes then smiled wickedly. "Unless you have something to trade." He sneered. Soundwave didn't respond and stood taller as he stared the man down.

"You can't be serious." He said and narrowed his eyes. Soundwave moved his head ever so slowly to indicate he was.

"And why would I do that?" He asked and looked at Arachnid who hid in the shadows. Soundwave thought for a few minutes then pulled a flash drive out of his pocket. "What is it?" He asked then reached for it, but the other man put it away, he then glanced to the prisoners.

"Wait... are you saying you have their plans and information from the police station? And that you also have Shockwaves plans?" He asked. Soundwave didn't respond and looked at him as his expression stayed blank. Starscream laughed and shook his head as he walked off a little.

"I accept your terms and also want you to work for me. You're very valuable you know." He sneered and the silent man nodded slowly. Hardshell hadn't said anything and felt something was off.

He knew Soundwave had elaborate and detailed plans, but he was helping the enemy earlier. He didn't trust him and quietly spoke with Arachnid. She narrowed her eyes as she watched them and walked off. Starscream was about to suggest they call the station when one of his men walked in.

"The cops! They found us!" He shouted and Starscream yelled angrily.

"You led them to us!" He shouted and shot the man. Soundwave didn't flinch but he jumped inside as the man's blood splattered on his clothes.

His world fell silent as the men ran around and gathered things. He stared at the dead man then looked at Magnus again. He glanced at the other prisoners and knew he had to protect them. He walked over then crouched down in front of them.

He didn't care if Starscream got suspicious. Wheeljack glared at him as he remembered their last encounter.

"I'll kill ya if you touch them." The soldier seethed angrily through gritted teeth. The silent man didn't respond and pulled something out of his pocket. He then held it out to him as his expression stayed blank.

"Give this to Heatwave." He said seriously and quietly. Wheeljack blinked in surprise and hesitantly took it. He had only ever heard him say one thing before.

Soundwave stood and walked over to Magnus then crouched down. He took off his jacket and carefully laid it over the man. He hung his head in silence for a moment to respect him. Hardshell grabbed the communication specialist and drug him away as he growled lowly. During the confusion they forgot the prisoners nor did they have time to grab them. Wheeljack listened to the silence and looked around the now empty room. Had Soundwave actually helped them?


Chief Burns jumped out of the car and quickly took in the building the hackers had located. He yelled some orders and ran in as he cocked his gun. They had seen a man on the street that bolted when they got close. They followed him to this place and it just confirmed what they already knew. The officers ran inside and searched the building, but didn't find anything. They were quiet and looked at each other with worry. Chief Burns stopped and stared at the floor as they finished the search. He felt his hope plummet as he realized something horrible. They were gone. The mafia had disappeared with his boys.

"Over here!" He blinked in surprise and looked up at Chase as he ran in. "I found a false wall." He said seriously and took off again. They quickly followed him but froze at the doorway.

The man that they followed was dead on the floor. A few feet away they saw Magnus and then the others. Wheeljack was staring blankly at the wall, he was holding on to Jazz like a protective older brother, and staying in front of Drift to protect him as well. The men went in and searched the room for anyone else. Chief Burns walked over and knelt in front of the soldier. He furrowed his brow as the man continued to stare blankly at the wall. The chief glanced at Magnus and noticed the jacket, it seemed fimailar. He then looked at Drift who had passed out and Jazz who was shaking horribly as he stared at the dead officer. Burns gently set a hand on Wheeljacks shoulder and the man finally looked at him.

"Stand down soldier. It's alright now..." he whispered quietly. Wheeljack blinked a couple times as if snapping out of something. He hesitantly loosened his grip on the traumatized officer. Jazz winced in fear then looked at his chief for a moment.

"Chief... Burns?" He asked with disbelief and looked around.

"It's okay Jazz... you're safe now." The man said gently and the officer let go of Wheeljack.

"Magnus... he's... he's hurt... he... needs a doctor..." he stuttered and stared at the said man again.

"We'll take care of it. I need you to focus on me right now." Burns said seriously and made him look away. "Listen to me... you're going through some trauma right now. I'm going to have Chase take you to the hospital and I'll be there shortly." He explained slowly.

"I-I-I... n-n-need to he-elp." He stuttered and looked around as his shaking grew.

"Jazz... it's okay... you can help by going to the hospital. When you're done there visit Smokescreen and help him feel better." He said seriously. He knew giving him a task would distract him and hopefully help calm him.

The traumatized officer nodded slowly and Chase helped him stand up. A few others helped guide him out and they disappeared. Burns then looked at Wheeljack and watched him intently. The said man was staring blankly at nothing in particular. He was still protecting Drift and they couldn't get to him.

"Stand down soldier." He said more firmly and the man shook his head as he snapped out of it again. He blinked a couple times then looked at him before moving so they could get to Drift.

"That's it..." Burns said gently and carefully helped him up. He then led him out of the building. Wheeljack just followed slowly as if in a daze.

He seemed to be numb to everything and didn't know what to do. He walked over to the curb and just sat there as he stared blankly. Chief Burns sighed shakily and looked around as the men worked. He glanced at an officer and sighed forcefully.

"Call Rung. I'm going to need him to help these boys." The chief said seriously. The officer nodded and walked off. Heatwave ran over and looked at the chief with concern.

"Where's Soundwave?" He asked and the other man looked at him with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Burns asked as he furrowed his brow.

"The jacket they found on Magnus... that was my brothers... did anyone find him?" He asked again. Chief Burns stared at him blankly for a few minutes, then looked to the building and paled a little.

"He saved us... Starscream took him." Wheeljack muttered and they looked at him. He didn't respond or look at them as he stared blankly. He then held his fist up and the Chief walked over. Wheeljack still didn't look at him as he gave him the item. Burns furrowed his brow and handed it to Heatwave.

"Do... you know what it means?" He asked quietly and furrowed his brow. The firefighter stared at the locket in his hands and fought back tears.

"It... it means... he doesn't plan... on coming back." He choked back a sob and clenched his fists as he looked to the vast city. He could be anywhere.

"We'll find him..." Chief Burns promised and glared at the building again.

"If Starscream hurts him... I'll kill him." Heatwave growled threateningly and looked at the chief. Burns didn't respond and stared blankly at the ground. He knew the man had to be taken out.


Once the station found out that they successfully rescued the others, they got to work on the next step. Finding Soundwave and stopping Starscream.

Raf and Fixit were working hard on trying to find them. The boy stopped suddenly as he stared at Soundwaves computer he had been using. He furrowed his brow and saw a paper under the keyboard. He carefully pulled it out and stared at the paper for a while. It didn't say much other than to turn the screen on and a few other things. He furrowed his brow and turned on the screen then blinked in surprise as he saw something ask for a password. He looked at the paper again and then types it in. The computer beeped and started to download a bunch of things.

"What did you do?" Fixit asked as he blinked in surprise. His screen showed a bunch of one's and zeros as it downloaded.

"I... I don't know." Raf said and noticed every screen was doing the same thing. Everyone stood and backed away from the computers as it worked.

"Stop whatever is happening! It's a virus!" An officer yelled and started typing frantically. Raf panicked and started to type as well to stop the computer.

Everyone worked on the same thing and tried to stop the virus. There was a beep and they stopped as the computer finished. They stared as the screen shut off and everything fell silent.

"Oh crap..." Bumblebee whispered as the others looked at each other. One of the other chiefs walked in and narrowed his eyes.

"What happened?" He asked and clenched his fists tightly. "Nothing electronic is working now." They all looked at Raf who paled and tried to disappear by sliding down on his chair.

"Why is there a kid in here?!" The man shouted and stomped over. Bumblebee stood in front of the boy and narrowed his eyes.

"Raf is the best hacker we have and does a lot better than most of our own men." He said seriously.

"Then why is our system down?" The man growled lowly and poked Bumblebee in the chest. "Did you ever think that maybe we're on a tight schedule? That we are trying to find the mafia and don't have time to babysit a snotty nosed nerdy kid?!" He shouted. Raf stared at his hands as tears filled his eyes.

"Don't talk to him that way." Bumblebee seethed angrily through gritted teeth. "Don't say that about him even if he isn't here. Rafael is my friend and you need to show him some respect." He said seriously.

"I don't care if he-" the man was cut off as the computer beeped. They all looked to Raf as he stared at the screen.

Another bar popped up asking for a password. Raf hesitated as he stared at the blank screen then looked at the others nervously. Bumblebee crouched by him and looked at the computer.

"I... was just... doing what... Soundwave told me..." he whispered quietly and glanced at him. The young officer nodded slowly and looked at the paper.

"Then finish your task." He whispered quietly and smiled a little. Raf hesitated and looked at the mad chief then his friend. He nodded slowly and typed in the last password.

The computer beeped again then a bunch of files popped up. They were files on every single person in the mafia and where to find them. Their eyes widened as the computer showed them Shockwave and Starscreams plans. The officers cheered excitedly and hugged each other with excitement. Raf grinned happily and looked at Bumblebee. His smile faded as he saw his friend had a blank expression. Fixit and Grimlock looked at him with concern.

"He betrayed the mafia..." Bumblebee whispered quietly.

"Ya... so? It's a good thing for us. We now have everything we need to take the mafia down." Grimlock said as he smiled brightly.

"You don't understand..." the young officer muttered and looked at him. "They'll kill him. Shockwave will follow Megatron's tradition and kill traitors. Starscream will probably do it out of anger." He said seriously.

"Meaning...?" Grimlock asked with confusion and furrowed his brow.

"If we don't find Soundwave before they find out... he's not going to make it home alive." Raf whispered quietly and they looked at him. They realized Soundwave had given them what they needed to win the war, and free the city. But at a cost.

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