Notable medicine cats of Thornclan

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Rumored to be a large dark brown tabby tom with green eyes, he was apparently the first medicine cat in Thornclan to help a sick Swiftclan cat, and was shunned by his clanmates. He is used as an example by Thornclan to not trust outsiders, as he moved to Swiftclan to take Fennelpaw as his apprentice.
Discovered the Starwillows. 
Apprentice: Fennelpaw (Fennelwhisker) 

A black and white patched she-cat. She was known to be patient and kind, even if her clan were unsure about her due to her mentor's reputation. She helped Thornclan after the battle with Stormclan, but her heart always lay with Swiftclan, where she moved to as an elder. 
Apprentice: Mousepaw (Mousefall) 

A brown tom with a white-tipped tail and green eyes. He was apparently very quiet and very wise, and was trusted by his clanmates most of the time. He helped all of the clans when he could, nervous because of Thornclan's reputation. 
Apprentice: Otterpaw, Snakepaw 

A ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes. 
Often challenges her leader, very confident. She dislikes Thornstar's attitude toward other clans and to medicine cats, and was taught to be compassionate by her mentor. She plans to flee to Swiftclan with her apprentice. 
Apprentice: Rowanrain

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