Notable members of Starclan

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Hawkstar, a leader of Stormclan. The first leader to receive and lose all nine of his lives, and the youngest to die. 

Minnow, the first medicine cat of Stormclan. He was good friends with the founder, Storm, and was a playful medicine cat who took his job as a blessing. 

Foxtooth, the medicine cat after Minnow. She was a beautiful she-cat, and joined the clans after Minnow had a vision about her having a bond to Starclan. She accepted. 

Brambleheart, a warrior of Stormclan. He advocated for Specklestar to not be deputy, and so was killed by her.

Froststar, the leader of Stormclan after Specklestar. He was small and scarred but had a large personality. He was very strict on the warrior code, and enforced medicine cat duty.

Ivystar, the leader of Stormclan after Froststar. She was wise and intimidating, contracting a disease when she was older after the great prophecy about the new era cats was delivered. She died soon after, leaving the clan to Stormstar. 

Stoneheart, a dark grey tom. He was Ivystar's apprentice and was known to be a bold and very good warrior, but died in a dog attack on the borders of Twoelegplace, along with Frogtooth and Berrykick. 

Berrykick, a tortoiseshell she-cat. Berrykick was Snowstar and Stormstar's mother, whose mate was a Snowclan tom. Snowkit left to join Snowclan when he was young with their father, and she kept Stormkit. 

Nettlestalk, a young and timid medicine cat in the clan but a ferocious force in battle. She was the first medicine cat to fight in battle as well as heal. 

Dovepounce, a small tom who was determined to be the best warrior, but was wounded during aborder scuffle with Snowclan, and the wound got infected, and eventually killed him.

Cinderstripe, a grey and ginger she-cat with long whiskers. She was bright and clever, Dovepounce's sister. She helped to heal him, but when he died, she eventually died too, from unknown causes. 

Larkblaze, a white tom with a ginger splash on his chest. He died of old age and was a very popular elder. 

Snowleaf, a white she-cat, Larkblaze's sister, who joined him in the elder's den. She also died of old age. 


Cherrywhisper, a black she-cat with amber eyes from Snowclan. She is apparently from the times of the first leaders. She was the cat to deliver the great prophecy of the new era cats.

Sandblaze, a ginger tom that is Cherrywhisper's brother. 

Rainclaw, the first Snowclan medicine cat, who only arrived after Snow was dead. Snowclan had never been assigned a medicine cat by the stars, and she was their savior and is always talked of highly. 

Jumpfoot, a russet tom that was apprenticed by Snow. He was apparently a very good jumper and could leap into trees, and taught some cats how to do this. 

Duskstar, the first leader after Snow. He was the first leader to receive nine lives in Snowclan. He was noble and kind, taught well by Snow to be his successor. Rumors still stand that he was perhaps Snow's mate. 

Bluespots, a strangely colored she-cat who was compassionate and excited and passionate about being a medicine cat, but had big paws to fill. She worked herself to death and succumbed to greencough.

Whitenose, Bluespots' successor. He was a kind and quiet tom, but was strict on his apprentice, Whitestream. He was the first medicine cat in Snowclan to fight and heal too, but his apprentice did not want to do that.

Tigerstar, Duskstar's successor. She was an intimidating and harsh she-cat, but loved her clan deeply. She has a very close bond to the new Snowstar, and guides him in many dreams, like a mother figure he never had. She was the first previous rogue in the clans who had an important position. 

Finchflight, Tigerstar's apprentice and friend. Finchflight was a very small she-cat who many thought would never succeed in battle, but she lived up to be Snowclan's most fierce warrior. 

Volestar, the leader after Tigerstar. He was notably reckless with his nine lives and died younger than he should have. He was known to be kind to his clanmates but territorial toward others, especially Mistclan, and the start of the great feud is credited to him. 

Whiskermuzzle, the nursery father of Snowclan. He helped the nursery queens without mates or without extra help look after their kits. 

Patchstar, the leader after Volestar. He was a spiky and patched young tom, and his personality was equally as prickly. He condemned kittypets and rogues from clan life, which led to more strife between Snowclan and Mistclan, who welcomed these cats.

Kinktail, Patchstar's apprentice. Kinktail was murdered the day he became a warrior by Lionpelt, Patchstar's deputy. 

Bluebird, Snowstar's first deputy. Bluebird was an old cat when she became deputy, and died of old age, but her death still haunts Snowstar. 

Ghostflight, a grey tabby she-cat that guides the paws of Whitestream, being her ancestor. She is the only cat that Whitestream can see when she goes to Starclan. 

Acornpaw, a young apprentice that died of his wounds after the battle with Mistclan under Volestar's rule. 

Swiftleaf, a white and brown she-cat who was Acornpaw's mother. She died of greencough soon after her kit did.

Oakstorm, a brown tom with large ears. He was a friend of Whiskermuzzle and helped him when he needed it in the nursery, and was a valiant warrior. He died of greencough. 

Rainheart, a young grey she-cat who defended the nursery during the battle with Mistclan. She was killed by Riverstep. 

Ravenflower, a black she-cat with yellow eyes who died of old age and lived a very long life. 

Cinderflight, a spiky grey she-cat who worked hard. She died of old age too, and was good friends with Ravenflower.

Spottedshine, a young spotted tortoiseshell she-cat who died after an accident. She was crushed by a tree branch along with her sister, and was crippled but died a moon later. 

Brookpaw, Spottedshine's sister. She died on impact when the branch crushed them. 


Lionstar, the first apprentice of Mist, the founder, and the leader after Deathstar. He was full of pride, wise, and strong. Although he was prideful, he knew Deathstar's crimes, and was determined to right them.  He buried those memories as best he could.

Reedfur, Deathstar's apprentice. He was extremely scared of her and grew up chronically anxious, but was extremely vigilant and helped Mistclan as a lookout. 

Moon, the first medicine cat of Mistclan. She was kind and clever, and apparently her eyes reflected the stars even during the day. 

Wolfleap, Moon's successor. She challenged the medicine cat and was very quick to query her leader.

Reedstar, the successor of Lionstar (not to be confused with Reedfur). Reedstar was a talented she-cat with a penchant for snooping, and loved to learn secrets. She acted younger than she was.

Ravenwing, a black tom with lots of energy and always happy. He was a kind young cat who lived a long life and died of old age. He was once deputy, but then retired from the role when he grew older.

Mossheart, a black and white patched she-cat who was harsh but proud of her clan. She drowned in the river. 

Toadsplash, Wolfleap's successor. He was strict and took training redfrost very, very seriously.

Brackenpelt, a brown tom who died of greencough, and was deputy after Ravenwing.

Skystar, a black tom with white ears. He was quiet and contemplative, clever, and was previously a kittypet. He had a very close bond with Redfrost, who was Redpaw at the time of the beginning of his leadership. 

Birdpaw, Skystar's second apprentice when he was a warrior. She drowned in the river during greenleaf with another cat, which shocked the clan. 

Silverbrook, a silver she-cat who tried to save Birdpaw but drowned as well.

Shadehop, one of the cats who died of their wounds after the Snowclan-Mistclan battle. He was a small young cat who was a new warrior. He talks to Snowstar, as he was killed by Snowstar when he was still a warrior. 

Ashflake, Shadehop's brother, a brown tabby. He died of greencough soon after the battle, weak from his wounds. 

Yewleaf, a dark grey tom who died of old age just before Miststar became leader.

Frogtail, an old brown tabby tom cat who died of old age.


Silvercall,  a silver tabby she-cat who guides the young Swiftclan cats. Many cats say they can see her in the nursery when times get hard. 

Owlpaw, Silvercall's only kit. He also appears in the nursery to comfort mothers and kits during hard times. 

Raggedear, Swift's first deputy. He died during a vicious attack from dogs in Swiftclan. 

Burnpaw, a young ginger tom who never actually went to Starclan but remains a ghost and explores the territories. 

Snowmoth, a white she-cat who died in the dog attack. 

Springstep, a brindled tom who was Swift's first apprentice. He was very wise and guided the leader after Swift.

Wolfstar, Swift's successor. A light grey tabby she-cat, patient and protective like Swift. She died after losing her last life to greencough. 

Fennelwhisker, Talonfoot's successor. She served Thornclan well despite the clan not trusting her, and she returned to Swiftclan as an elder to die there, as she had spent a lot of her training there. 

Deerbranch, a young tom that was Wolfstar's first deputy. He died from an unknown illness that caused him to waste away and grow weaker before he died.

Mistleflower, the deputy after Deerbranch even though she was far too young. She changed electives from a warrior to go help the medicine cats as her true calling. She died of a snake bite.

Snakestar, a young and playful leader who was a very good ruler. Tensions were high with Mistclan during his leadership, and it proved to be difficult when he died and left the tension to Thrushstar. 

Icepool, the medicine cat after Mistleflower. He lost his first apprentice, Squirrelpaw, to rat bite infection, and blamed himself for her death. 

Squirrelpaw, Icepool's first apprentice. She was a quiet and timid she-cat, but was passionate about learning. She died from a rat bite infection after going to fetch herbs and pursuing more than she should have. 

Whiteberry, Icepool's second apprentice and successor. She put a lot of pressure on herself to live up to Squirrelpaw, and never got much affection from Icepool. She was very young when he died, but she was talented and learnt fast. She vowed to love Clearmist greatly and taught her very well, and comes to her in dreams.

Thrushstar, a light brown tabby tom who attempted to rekindle the alliance with Mistclan but did not manage to do so. 

Olivefoot, who was Thrushstar's first deputy. He was a wise old cat but died of old age after he left to go to the elders den.

Ravenheart, Doestar's deputy. She died during a border scuffle with Mistclan, which triggered a lot of rage within Swiftclan. She is one of the reasons they haven't reconciled.

Doestar, the leader before Swiftstar. She was kind, but she fell in love with Thistlestar of Thornclan. She denied her feelings and went to Starclan to be with him soon after he died. 

Lakefur, Doestar's first apprentice. Lakefur died of greencough. 

Dustflight, a tom that died a few days before his litter of kits were born, who would join him in Starclan only a few days later. He died of an infected wound.

Leopardkit, a small spotted she-kit that died soon after she was born in leaf-bare. 

Shadekit, a black kit that died soon after he was born in leaf-bare. 

Ashkit, a grey kit that was alive for a few days after his two siblings but eventually died. 

Flowerdust, Leopardkit, Shadekit, and Ashkit's mother who died a few moons later from greencough, joining her kits and mate Dustflight in Starclan. 


Bristlestar, the first leader after Thorn. He was a small black tom with spiky fur and big yellow eyes, and many likened him to a ghost. He amended the brawl that Thorn had with medicine cats. He died of old age after losing his ninth life to frailty.

Firebounce, Thorn's second apprentice. Firebounce died of hunger when famine struck Thornclan when their prey was caught by twolegs. 

Larkfire, Bristlestar's apprentice. She starved to death during the famine, too.

Talonfoot, the first medicine cat. He was a large tabby tom, and he helped a sick Swiftclan cat and was shunned by his clanmates. The feud began there so early in the moons of the clans. He moved to Swiftclan to take Fennelpaw as his apprentice. He trained her there with their medicine cats before returning and succumbing to greencough. 

Fennelwhisker is in Swiftclan in Starclan.

Lightstar, Bristlestar's successor. She was a gentle she-cat and known to be too passive with her clanmates and fellow leaders, and was not respected in the clans. She died when she had an infected shoulder wound during her ninth life. 

Wolfclaw, Lightstar's first deputy. He died from an unknown growth on his face that began to grow and caused bad balance and confusion. He died young. 

Mousefall, Fennelwhisker's apprentice who remained in Thornclan. He was full of life but determined to prove himself, and was often sad in Thornclan. In Starclan, he stays with Fennelwhisker, but is loyal to Thornclan. Everyone mingles in Starclan. He died after he worked himself to weakness. He blamed himself for Otterpaw's betrayal, and was not clsoe to Snakepaw.

Badgerstar, Lightstar's successor. He was protective and defensive of Thornclan, determined to amend his clanmates' pride after Lightstar's weak leadership. He disliked Swiftclan and caused much conflict. He died of greencough.

Whitefur, Badgerstar's first deputy. She died during a border scrap by Swiftclan that had meant to be a peaceful visit, which caused Badgerstar to dislike Swiftclan more.

Thistlestar, the leader after Badgerstar. He was a harsh and proud cat, but a noble and well respected leader. He was the father of many kits and captured the attention of Doestar. He died in a scrap with Doestar, and was eventually killed by her. 

Hawkbeak, Thistlestar's first deputy. He was a gentle cat, but old, and died of an infection in a wound. 

Berrywhisker, Thistlestar's first apprentice. He was gentle and kind, but died of a chest infection. 

Dapplesun, Hawkbeak's mate. She died soon after he did, going missing. No cat knows how she died, but she ended up in Starclan. 

Bluesong, a pale blue-grey she-cat who defended Thornclan against Stormclan during a night raid. She died after being struck through the throat.

Mudpelt, the warrior who defended the elders' den during the night raid. He died of his wounds after the battle, succumbing to the loss of blood. 

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