Chapter Five

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Hey. There is a mature scene in this chapter.

Please don't read if sensitive



I was walking out after writing my last paper. Next week will be our graduation day and I'm sure that I did well. I was so dwelled in my thoughts that as I passed a class someone caught my hand pulling me into the classroom locking the door as he held my mouth so I would not scream.

After I saw who it was he removed his hand

"Hadi, Why would you pull and scare me? I asked.

"I was trying to gain your attention but you were so busy with your thoughts, he said wrapping his arm around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"Hadi please leave me. I need to go," I pleaded struggling in his arms but what he said made me stop moving as I look into his eyes.

"I love you, Pari, he said as he let go of my waist cupping my face. I really love you and I want to marry you,"

"Ammi aur abbu nahi maneghe," I said shaking my head.

(Ammi aur abbu won't agree)

"Then we will make them, I won't give you up without a fight,"

"Hadi. I am sorry I shouldn't have gotten close to you because I don't want to hurt you. Let me go," I pleaded.

"Pari meri Jaan look at me," he said making me look at him with a blurred vision as my eyes are full of tears 

Bring his lips closer to me he kissed my forehead leaving his lips to linger there for a few minutes before pulling back as he wiped my tears.

He pulled a casing out from his pocket and opened making me looked shocked.

A golden pendant with a winged girl gently caressing a heart in her hand

"It reminds me of you and how innocent you are," he whispered

"It beautiful," I whispered.

"But not beautiful as you," he said taking it out bringing it close to me.

"May I ?" he asked making me nod my head as I lifted my hair.

I felt his fingers on my neck making me shiver. He is so close to me that I could get the smell of his cologne.

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

He slowly removed his hands from my neck to my face cupping it. I was so lost in this moment that I never realize when his lips touched mine.

My first kiss. He never move just placed his lips on mine then he pecked my lips a few times before pulling back.

I had my eyes closed as I was shy and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Look at me Jaan," he whispered.

I shook my head as I was too shy. I couldn't run so I hid my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Speak to your parents. I can't stay away from you any longer," he whispered as he kissed my head.

"Jee. Next week after my results are out," I said.

"Go now jaan. Be safe," he Breathed pulling back from the hug but my chain got hooked on his button.

I removed it and looked at it.

"Thank you, Hadi. I really love it and I will never remove it," I said.

Giving me a last hug and kiss I left not realizing that this would be the last moment with him which I would always treasure.

Flashback ends.

"Yes, Farhad. Your Farhad. The one you lied to," he shouted in my face.

"You fucking played with me," he yelled.

"I never Farhad. I never expect my parents too...."

"Shut it. I don't want to listen to your lies. The truth is that you never loved me. You used me. That is why you kept your life a secret. You lying bitch. See this acting and shedding these crocodile tears, it won't have any effect on me. I'll make your life a living hell," he screamed

"Hadi, please....

"It's Mr. Ali or sir for you also I want you to make the project on your own and I want it by morning, if not you will see what I will do to you. Now get out of my office. He yelled"

I ran out and went to my place. I was so scared. He never even gave me a chance to explain myself, he just judged me. How am I going to work here?

I quickly wiped my tears before anyone noticed and started working on a new project. I even skipped lunch and supper. I finished the project at 8 pm and made a backup in case the project is deleted.

Packing my bags I left for home. As I reached I went straight in the shower to relax my muscles 

I was really exhausted. After having a shower I went to bed.

The next morning

I woke up and got ready for work. I'm really scared in case he doesn't like this project as well.

I gathered all the information when the phone rang and it was a call from him.

"Goodmorning sir," I greeted.

"Bring the project. I want to see it," he said.

In fear, I got everything ready and went to present it to him.

I explained everything well as if I'm not afraid of him yet my heart was pounding in my chest.

After I was done I waited for his reaction.

He got up and came up to me.

"So this what you could only come up with since yesterday?" he asked.

"Yes sir?" I said looking down.

"Well it's horrible," he said shocking me. Who gave you a job in this company? You know fuck all. You don't deserve to work on these important projects. You will close my company down. You are so stupid," he yelled making me cry in front of him.

"Get out of my office. Just do what you can do. I don't want to see you unless I have work," he shouted making me leave everything.

I ran to my desk and cried. How am going to manage one month more with him I thought.

It was around midday and all I have been doing is scheduling meetings and answering phone calls.

I was just about to go for lunch when my phone rang.

It was him.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I want one cup of black coffee with no sugar within the next fifteen minutes," He said cutting the call.

I quickly ran downstairs to the cafeteria and got it made bring it up for him.

He took one sip and spat it on my dress.

"It tastes ugly he said. Make another one," he demanded.

This went on for my whole lunch. I didn't eat and I was hungry but then he called me to his office as he said he wanted to dictate notes.

"I want it done by the end of today and there is a shop down the street. Go and get me a chicken and mayo sandwich," he said shocking me.

It only 20 minutes to home time and I have over 30 pages to type. Leaving his office I ran out with my purse.

I was tired as from lunch I didn't have anything to eat and he was finishing me with work.

I only got back at 17:05. I rushed and gave him his sandwich and started doing the work he instructed me to do. I was starving and he didn't even bother.

I finished typing around seven pm. Going to his office I handed it to him.

"Good work. Now make 20 copies each and bind them. Then bring me one cup of coffee," he said bringing tears to my eyes yet I left.

I only finished after nine pm and I was hungry and tired. I went home had a shower and just had tea and a sandwich. I wonder what tomorrow will be like.

One month later

My life has gone from worse to worst. Farhad shouts at me all the time. He is always criticizing me and it hurts a lot. I'm going back into depression and fear as I work here. The dreams are starting to come back as well.

I can't for today to end. I will never renew my contract. He hurt me a lot how will I manage. Only Zoya and Zarmina know that it is my last day. I told them I don't want a farewell party as I don't want anyone to know.

They cried with me and were sad I was leaving and to be honest so was I, but I was happy I won't have see him again.

Now I am taking a cappuccino for him. He keeps on changing all the time. I have blisters on my feet because he makes me run in heels. I always wore pumps but he said I must be professional and wear heels.

I knocked and entered his office keeping his cappuccino on the desk when I heard a cup hit the wall and broke on the floor making me jump.

"What type of PA are you. He shouted. You can't even make one thing nicely. Clean this mess and bring me another cup," he shouted.

With shaky hands, I cleared his office and picked up the broken pieces earning myself a cut but he didn't care. Going downstairs I went to get him another cup when I felt really dizzy.

Trying to be strong I went and gave him his cappuccino and waited.

He took a sip making me scared of his reaction.

"It's good, he said. Take those papers, make copies and bind it for me," he instructed making me lean on the table to reach it.

It happened so quickly that I never realized I was holding my hand as the hot cappuccino fell on it.

"Shit Affu I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," he said coming to hold my hand but I took a step back.

It's ok I said trying to stop my crying. Bearing the pain I took some tissues and wiped his desk, gathered the pages to make for copies, and ran out of his office as the teats started falling. I ran to the bathroom and placed it under cold water.

He must be angry that I spilled his drink. I rather take him another cup I thought as I ran into the elevator. I was going when it stopped and the doors opened making four guys from the finance department come in. I hate one guy because he always flirts and tries to touch me so I tried to run out but he corned me as he entered with the other guys making me really shiver in fear.

"So sweetheart you have been avoiding me," he said as he touched my shoulder making me even more scared as my back hit the other end of the elevator. He then grabbed my hurt hand making my breathing uneven.

"Le leave me please," I pleaded trying to be strong.

"Why should I?" he said grabbing my waist as he held me closer to him with a smirk on his face.

"You look beautiful," he said as he rubbing his face on mine. I tried pushing him but he twisted both my hands behind my back.

He then left me as the elevator opened and Farhad entered. He looked at me confused so I quickly wiped my tears.

"What happened?" he asked as he stood next to me.

"Nothing sir. They with fear in their voice." The next stop they went out leaving both Farhad and me alone.

I was still so scared that I kept wiping my tears.

He pressed his floor number and came and stood next to me.

"Affu what is wrong he asked but I was too scared,"

He turned me towards him yet I kept my head down as the tears kept rolling down and I kept whispering he will hurt me he will hurt me.

The elevator then stopped and it got dark making me even more scared.  I was starting to hyperventilating. This is too much for me. I don't want this. I want ammi. I want to go home.

"Afreen," I heard his voice. "Afreen. Affu he called cupping my face. Breath with me. In and out slowly," He said as he did it with me making me calm down but the tears weren't stopping.

"Shhhh I'm here stop crying. Did something happen? Did they hurt you?" he asked as he hugged me.

I gave into that hug and I don't know why.

"He he touched me," I said as I cried.

"What you mean he touched you?" he asked.

"I then explained everything as I cried and I felt his grip get tighter.

"Shhhh don't cry. I'll take care of it. Don't cry. I'm here now. He said as he held me.

"Murat said the elevator is stuck but they working on it but we will come out soon. Okay. Relax I'm here, he whispered as I was still in his embrace.

All of a sudden I felt light-headed and the next moment I wake up in an office 

"What happened?" I asked as I was about to wake up but Farhad held my shoulders making me lay back on his couch.

"You fainted," he said.

"I'm sorry," I said looking down.

I then noticed I had a bandage on my burnt hand.

"I applied some ointment on to stop the burn. I have ordered something for you to eat. It should be here," he said.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm not hungry. Thank you so much for helping me. I have to leave," I said and that is when I noticed that my hijab isn't on my head and my hair is open.

"You were sweating so I had to remove it," He said handing it to me.

"You shouldn't have done that," I said taking a step back as I quickly tied my scarf 

"Why not?"

"Sir I should leave. Thank you so much for your help," I said interrupting him and ran out to go to my desk.

I did all the work that he asked me to then made important notes of what is to be done.

I left work around 10 pm

No one knew and now I don't know how I'll get back home as I forgot my phone and the taxies are on strike

I was waiting outside thinking what to do when a black car parked in front of me. I saw the window slide down and saw Farhad sitting in the back.

One look from him made me realize that he is waiting for me to sit in.

I was scared but it better that I accept so I got in. I gave the driver my address as he drove. The drive home was quiet and full of tension. I was really scared and confused as to why he would give me a lift when he hated me and why did he help me today. He really baffles me.

Soon we reached but before I could get down he said something to me.

"On Monday I have a meeting with clients and I need you to attend it with me,"

"I'm sorry sir but I can't," I said as I opened the door to get out.

"Why not? Don't forget you work for me,"

"I won't Mr. Ali but my contract has ended. I really am grateful to you and your brother for allowing me to work in your company. I learnt a lot, I said. Thank you for helping me out today. In Sha Allah, Allah will give you the right girl which isn't me."

"As salaamu alaikum," I greeted and then left. Not being able to hold my emotions I went straight to the bathroom and cried my eyes out.

I came out and changed and was lying in the darkness thinking about my faith. I don't know when I fell off to sleep.

"Hello my beautiful wife," he greeted as he walked in making me afraid of him.

What is he going to do now? I thought.

"So I have the weekend off and no one is going to be around so I have you all to myself," he said as he walked up to me.

"Please don't please I don't feel well please do...."

He shut me up by kissing me as he hovered over me using his heavy rough hands to touch me.

"God, you are so beautiful. I'm so glad you are my wife but tonight I need you to be quiet because I want to ravish your body," he said as he pulled the drawer open pulling a Cloth out.

"No please don't no...."

He tied it around my mouth shutting me up. I tried hitting and fighting but he was big and strong. He tied my hands and legs.

I tried pleading but he just wasn't interested as he was undressing himself.

He then opened a bottle and took to pills making me wonder what is he doing. When I tried to read the bottle it read viagra which made me more scared. I tried moving and screaming in the cloth but he tore my clothes making me naked as he looked at me with lust in his eyes.

"Just look at what a beautiful lady you have become. Gorgeous, he said," please his wet kisses in me as I shut my eyes not wanting to see what he is doing.

I felt his lips on my blossoms. Pulling it and biting it as he pinched my other one. He started pushing his finger in and out of me after a few minutes he pushed himself in me and took me. I was in a lot of pain but he took me three times before he left leaving me tied.

"I opened my eyes as I was sweating. Then I saw Hira looking at me with concern 

"Aapi. Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep? She asked.

"Jee Hira. I'm okay just a bad dream. You can go back to sleep," I said as I got down from the bed.

I had a bath and went to help Ammi set the table. Everyone came to eat.

"Afreen. Murat told me that you refused to renew your contract . Why is that?" Ighsaan asked as everyone started looking at me.

Before I could answer the doorbell rang. Ighsaan and Ibrahim went to see who it was while I cleared the table and went to my room as I wasn't feeling well.

"Afreen," I heard Ammi.

"Jee Ammi,"

"Come with me. There are some people here to see you," she said holding my hand and dragged me out with her.

When I came to the lounge I saw an elderly woman and man, Farhad and Murat.

The elder woman stood and came up to me.

"Ma Sha Allah my son's choice is good. She looks beautiful," the lady said making me confused.

She pulled me to sit next to her taking out some bangles and made me wear them. What is happening I thought.

Okay, so when do you'll want the wedding the lady asked.

What wedding I thought

"Next weekend Ammi," Murat said shocking me.

"Am I marrying Murat?"


Hey Everyone. Another chapter.

So Farhad is back in the picture.

What is going to happen?

Is he treating her right?

When will her torture stop?

How was the elevator scene?

"Will she marry Murat knowing that she was with Farhad?

Will Farhad accept that she is marrying his brother?

To answer some of my readers questions.

Farhad was suppose to be the son of the family but in Islam it isn't allowed to marry your stepmother.

So that is why I changed the plot but it much better this way. And it gets more and more interesting.

Please vote comment and follow.

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