Chapter 4

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Warning mature content in this chapter. Please don't read if sensitive. There will be warning sign when it starts and ends.

"Bhijaan," I screamed running and hugging him.

"My baby. I'm so sorry. I had no clue about all of this. If I was here I wouldn't have let it happen. I'm so sorry. I missed you so much. I looked and looked everywhere for you but I had no clue where you were.

Then yesterday I was walking in the park when I noticed you from afar talking to Mr khan. So I thought that maybe you were married to him and he kept you happy. I knew his office so that's how I got the address and found you. I couldn't wait to see you. How are you meri Bacchi," he asked as he held me in his arms.

"Bhaijaan. I am not married to him. He just saved and helped me out," I said with tears filling my eyes again.

"Bhaijaan please just hold me. I missed you. You don't know what I went through in these few months. Please," I cried as I buried my face in his chest.

"Shhhh what happen meri bacchi. Tell me," he asked as he consoled me.

We both sat down and I started telling him what happen.

"Bhaijaan. I was married to his father who was 55 years old. Ammi and abbu never think once before marrying me off. They told me I'm not welcomed home. I wish I could contact you. I had no phone."

I told him everything from the time I got married till now.

Gudiya I I ......

He couldn't say anything he just caught and hugged me as he cried. I finally have someone of my own who is with me.

"Aapi," I heard Hira call making me break the hug wiping our tears.

"Ammi told me to check up on you as you were taking long,"

"Jee sorry, Hira. This is my big brother and my sister-in-law. Bhaijaan. This is hira. The girl that helped me out."

"As salaamu alaikum bhaijaan,"

"Wa alaikum salaam Hira.

"We having breakfast. Come join us," Hira said.

"Jee bhaijaan. Come. Please come bhabhi,"

I pulled them into the dining room where everyone we eating.

"Ammi. This is my brother and bhabhi.

Bhaijaan. This is Hira's mother. She helped me when I needed someone.,"I introduced everyone and then we all sat and had breakfast. I was so happy that my big brother is around.

"Afreen you should start packing your bags," bhaijaan said making me look confused.

" Why bhaijaan," I asked.

"Because you coming home with me. I'll take care of you. Don't worry about Ammi and Abbu," Bhaijaan said.

"No Bhaijaan. I won't come. I said taking a step away from him.

"Par Gudiya

"No Bhaijaan. They hurt me. I can't be thrown from pillar to post. I won't come."

"Afreen don't be stubborn. Did you forget what his father did to you?" Bhaijaan asked.

"And they didn't know bhaijaan. They taking care of me. I finally got the love I have been craving for. I'm happy here. How you know they won't get me married again when you not around. No, I won't come and this is final," I said as I laid my grounds.

"Afreen!" he shouted as he lifted his hand to hit me but Idaya, Hira and Ibrahim stood in front of me.

"Ameer. I don't want any problems but your sister is my responsibility and she is happy here. As long as I'm alive I won't let anything happen to her. I'm not stopping you from seeing your sister but you won't force her if she doesn't want to go with you," Igshaan said.

But Ighsaan.

She is safe here. I will be speaking to a friend about a job for her soon. I won't let anything to. Yeh Vaada hai Mera.

(This is my promise)

He walked up to me as they moved out of his way but as he came closer I looked down.

"Gudiya, " he called making me look at him with tears in my eyes.

"You wanted to hit me bhai," I asked as my tears rolled down my face.

"I'm sorry, he said as he hugged me. I was angry."

"I don't want to go back. You can come to visit me whenever you want but I won't go back," I said.

"Okay, then I won't force you. But if you ever need anything please tell me."

I nodded my head with a smile

"Let me go now. I have to go back to work but first I have to drop safiya off. I'll see you soon," he said.

After our goodbyes, I spent my day as usual. I'm so happy to see my bhaijaan today.

The next day.

I woke up with a smile on my face. I saw Hira's head on my chest holding me tight. She had a cute smile on her face.

Giving her a kiss on her forehead I removed her hand from my waist and got out of bed.

After having a shower I went out to help Ammi.

There wasn't much to do today so I went to sit in the garden enjoying the smell of the fresh air when I heard my name being called and saw Ighsaan walking up to me.

"As salaamu alaikum," I greeted

"Wa alaikum salaam he replied. How are you?"

"Alhamdulilah and you?"

"Alhamdulilah. I spoke to my friend and he said you can start tomorrow," he said.

"Really! Jezakallah," I said with a big smile.

"No problem. I'll drop you off tomorrow morning. You have to be ready by 8."

Nodding my head I went inside the house to help Ammi as it was evening and everyone would want to eat. I'm excited and sacred. I didn't think that males would be around. How will I react around them I thought.

After supper, I went to see what to wear tomorrow. Choosing a simple white Anarkali dress with a matching scarf.

I went to bed with mixed emotions. Soon I fell off to sleep.

The next day. I woke up early, had a shower, and read my salah asking Allah for help. Folding the prayer mat I kept it away and went to get dressed.

Checking myself one last time in the mirror I went out in the kitchen to help Ammi

"As salaamu alaikum Ammi."

"Wa alaikum salaam," Ammi replied.

"You look so ma sha Allah. Kisi ki nazaar nah lagi," Ammi said.

"Jezakallah Ammi,"

After breakfast, we left for work and I was really nervous as to how will my day be.

"Afreen. Don't worry. Everything will go well. Murat knows you would be arriving so he will be waiting for you. Relax. If anything goes wrong call me," he said making me look at him with worry.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I I don't have a phone," I said looking at my fingers.

"What?" he replied in shock.

Ammi abbu nahi chahte the ki mere pass phone ho... Mere sifarishon ke baad bhi unhone meri baat nahi maani... Jab bhaijaan ne mujhe phone diya toh unlogon ne mujhse phone cheen liye ye kehkar ke mai iske laayak nahi hoon.

(Ammi and abbu didn't want me to have a phone. I begged them to get me one but they never did. When bhaijaan got me a phone they confiscated it saying I don't deserve one.)

"Okay. Then I'll call Murat and speak to him," he said making me nod my head.

"Thank you," I said as I got down from the car.

I walked to the receptionist and greeted her.

"Hello. I'm here to see Mr. Ali," I spoke.

"Sure mam. Go up the elevator. He is on the 30 floor," she replied making me nod.

I thanked her and started walking.

I went in and spoke to another lady and she guided me to his office.

"Mr. Ali. Miss Maqsood is here to see you she said and left the office.

I went in and waited as he was a little busy.

"Sorry, Miss Maqsood.

"No problem sir," I said.

"Please call me Murat.


"So Afreen. As you know it will temporarily but when the time comes we will see but for now, you will just be our PA. There isn't much to do. Just phone calls, taking down important notes and messages from clients, and preparing our schedule for meetings, but you will be trained in other departments as everyone should know everything. He said making me nod as I took in the information.

"Okay so I'll show you to your desk and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask," he said standing up and making me go to the other office.

After he left I was looking at my desk when a girl around my age came up and greeted me.

"As salaamu alaikum," I'm Zoya she said.

"Wa alaikum salaam. I'm Afreen. I replied.

"Nice to meet you. Well they have two PA and the other lady is already on leave so I'll was told to help you out, she said making me nod.

"So all the information is on the pc. Contact numbers emails and projects. This is a guide which can help you and this is two diaries which you will schedule all the meetings for both of them. We both will share the same so there aren't many problems.

"Mr. Ali is very strict. He was a very loving and calm person. Made us laugh but recently he is gone hard and cold," Zoya said.

"He fires everyone on the sport and doesn't care whose feelings he hurts. At least with him being gone, it is easier for us to work. Let's hope things get better when he comes back. I hope he becomes the person he used to be, she said.

"In sha Allah," I replied.

She then took me around the office. It was really big but be beautiful. The day went quick and well. I really enjoyed myself. I was really scared because of the males and whenever a male approached me I wanted to run but Zoya was always with me and noticed my discomfort so she made an excuse to leave.

It was already time for me to go home.

I was really tired. I had a shower and went to help Ammi set the table but the table was already set.

We all sat down and started eating when Ighsasn asked me how was work.

"It was good. Tiring but good. I made one friend," I said with a smile.

"That's good," he said.

The evening went with small talks and I went to help Hira with her homework.

Not long after we heard a knock and entered Ibrahim with something in his hands.

"Afreen. Bhaijaan told me to get this for you," he said handing me a present. I looked confused as I took the gift. When I opened it, it was a brand new phone.

"It has all our numbers saved on it. If you don't understand anything let me know," he said then left.

"Ighsasn bhaijaan is so sweet. He also gave me one," Hira said.

"But how can I accept it?" I asked.

"Aapi. There is nothing wrong with accepting a gift, and we all need phones. Ammi even has one. Keep it," she said.

One week later.

It's already the weekend. The week went so well. I thanked Ighsaan for everything he has done for me.

Work is going well and it is so nice and calm. I am helping on a new project and they really liked my ideas. They want to move to the creative department saying I will be a benefit to their company.

It is now lunchtime and I made roast chicken and salad.

"Aapi. How is this picture?" Hira asked as she showed me her phone.

"Hira you rubbish child," I shouted as I started chasing her. It was a picture of me sleeping.

"Aapi it looks so cute," she said.

"No Hira delete it," I shouted chasing her to the living I entered I got a shock of my life when I saw who was sitting there.

It was my Ammi and Abbu.

"Afreen meri bacchi, "Ammii said coming forward to hug me but I took a step back.

"Why did you'll come here?" I asked

"Afreen we are your parents. You are our daughter. We wanted to see you, and to explain to you why we did what we did," Abbu said.

"What explanation, I asked. You'll hurt me from childhood. Whenever I needed comfort you'll weren't there for me. How much I craved for your love and affection but you'll didn't give it to me."

"Afreen meri bacchi, please don't say that," Ammi said as tears left her eyes.

"Ammi. Do you'll remember what you'll said to me before I left and do you'll want to know what he did. Then listen.

Mature Content. Don't read if sensitive.


I go to hug my parents instead of hugging they said something that broke me.

"You no longer welcome here," Ammi said.

"Ammi I'm your daughter. You carried me for nine months in your womb. Don't you have a little feelings for me to even hug me?" I asked as tears rolled down my cheek.

"No. Please go, she said pushing me out. I just stared at both of them as I walked to the car crying thinking how could they.

The whole ride home I was crying thinking about my faith.

A few minutes later I was brought to his room. I sit on the bed in fear wondering how my husband looks or how he is. I head the door open and then close. A few minutes later I felt the bed dip. He lifts my veil grabbing my chin making me look at him. I had a shock.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your husband. God, you are so beautiful. I can't wait to make you mine,"

"No, no, this is a mistake," I sobbed

I was moving back but he caught me by the leg-pulling me towards him.

"Shut up you are my wife and you will please me," he shouted.

"No no I pleaded but he just pulled my veil grabbing my top and tearing it off me. He pushed me on the bed and started kissing, pulling, and biting my skin.

Stop, please

Turning me on my stomach he tied my hands then removed my lenga

Turning me on my back he started kissing me. I never kiss back but then I felt two of his fingers in me which made me scream.

I think it is time he said applying his full weight on me.

Aaaaaa stop aaaaa please no I tried moving but he didn't care. Just trusted hard and raw the whole night. He didn't even let me sleep until morning.

I woke up around 10 and that too with him touching me.

I moved his hand and sat on the bed covering myself.

"You can shower then we can have breakfast he said.

I took as long as possible in the bathroom and after over an hour I came out in a bathrobe.

"Oh, you done. I thought something happened. Come and sit. Let's eat," he said.

I tried eating but couldn't because of how scared I was and I just wanted to throw up everything.

He placed everything on the side and brought a piece of cake

"This is for us," he said.

"I don't want I'm full," I whispered

You will eat he said.

No, I shook my head

Next moment he grabbed my jaw forcing me to open it. He then did something I never expect. He held half the cake in his mouth and shoved the other half in mine forcefully kissing me. I tried pushing him but held my hands. I told you not to refuse me and you didn't obey. Now you will see what I will do.

He raped me. Continuously. I begged and begged but he didn't stop. I don't know when he stopped because I fell asleep immediately with tiredness and pain.

The next morning I woke up with weight on me.

Opening my eyes I saw him trusting in me.

And I was in a lot of pain.

"Morning jaan. You looked so tempting that I couldn't resist," He said as he spilled his seed in me pulling out. You have the perfect body. You look so hot and sexy. I just want you to around me all the time. You make me feel so young. I wish I married you earlier and you could have carried my child he said as he was kissing my neck and chest and lastly on my stomach.

"I love my marks on you but seems like I'll have to darken it," he said making me feel disgusted by his words.

"I want a cute child of ours. Hopefully, soon you will be carrying our baby and I am sure she will really be beautiful as she will take after you, my beautiful wife. As much as I would love to make love with you gave to go to work. Now don't cry. Go back to sleep. I have to go and see my son at work but the time you wake and do all your work I'm sure I'll be back soon," he said forcefully kissing me on my lips before leaving.

Saying this he had a bath got dressed and left.

I couldn't move. My body was in pain. I battled to go to the bathroom. After having a shower which helped with muscle pain. I cried and cried. What has my life become? He just hurts me more and more. Non-stop.

When will this stop?

I washed and washed my body trying to get rid of his touch and disgusting kisses. When I came out I cried because of the pain I go through.

Flashback ends.

(Mature content ends)

"You closed the door on my face Ammi and sent me to this animal. He raped and raped me that whole week. So much that I lost my baby and where we're you'll in this four months. Not once did you'll bother to come and take me away or check how I was doing.

You'll kept me at home all my life. If it wasn't for bhaijaaan I wouldn't have been able to study. Ammi I would have tolerated anything but you'll destroyed me ammi. I don't even feel like looking at myself in the mirror. If it wasn't for Fatima bi I would have been dead by now.

"Afreen. Please don't say that. You don't know why we did it. Please give us a chance meri bacchi,"

"I'm sorry Ammi but I can't. The day you'll got me married is the day you'll lost me. I'm dead to you'll now. From now on you'll have no daughter. Only a son the one that you'll be always proud off."

"Enjoy your snacks,"

"As salaam alaikum," I greeted and as I turned I saw everyone present and it seemed like they heard everything because they all had tears on their eyes.

Ignoring everyone I ran to my room and cried. The pain was too much. How can they?

"Afreen meri bacchi,"

"Ammi. I moved and hugged her. Ammi they they... Why Ammi.

"Afreen meri jaan. You have every right to upset and angry that's why you don't want to see or listen to them. Maybe they were helpless that's why they did what they did. Give it time. They your parents and you can't deny the fact. In sha Allah everything will be okay," Ammi said.

"But Ammi. Why me?" I sobbed.

"Afreen. Beti. Some question are better left unanswered as you may not like the answer," Ammi said making me nod.

"Sleep for a while. You look exhausted Ammi said as she laid me in bed making and tapped my head until I fell off to sleep.

Two months later.

I was at work and it is chaos at the moment. Apparently, Mr. Ali will be coming in and everyone is really afraid of him. They did say he has changed. I fear people like that so I wonder who it will be and I'll be facing more of his wrath than anyone as I'll be doing everything for them.

I sat at my desk working on the project with Zoya and Zarmina. It was all teamwork. I met Zarmina in the second week and she is so sweet and kind.

While busy with work we heard a ding and the elevator opened. I am more scared than anyone so I kept my head down.

Zoya and Zarmina greeted him but he seemed to ignore them and went straight to his office.

Arrogant man I thought. We all started working on the project and finally, we were done. I heard the phone ring and when I answered it was Mr. Ali.

"Is the project done?" he asked.

"Yes Mr. Ali," I responded.

"Bring it," he said then cut the call.

"He wants to see the project," I said to Zoya and Zarmina.

We gathered all the information and went in. I just stood quietly and never raised my head to see him.

"Who made the project?" he asked after they were done with the presentation.

"Afreen," Zarmina replied. After a while, I heard his reply

"It terrible. The worse project I have ever seen in my life. Redo it," he said making all of us shocked. I still kept my head down.

"Now what are you'll waiting for get going, he yelled.

We quickly gathered the information and were just about to leave when he said something that scared me.

"Afreen you stay back I want to have a word with you," he said.

I stood silently as they left. He went and locked the door and came in front of me. I still haven't seen him.

The next moment I was pushed against the wall with his hand on my throat and when I saw who it was a tear just fell from my eyes.



Hey everyone. So another update.

So her brother and parents came to see her?

Did she make the write decision by not leaving with her brother?

Did she treat her parents right?

Farhad is back in the picture. What will happen now?

Any guesses?

Please share your thoughts.

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