Chapter Three

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Ighsaan. Pov.

After I left home I drove straight to work.

As I entered the office everyone stood up to greet me. Everyone fears me because I don't take nonsense. If you are wrong you are wrong. I won't take sides. The elevator door opens making me walk straight to my office. I sat down and started thinking about life.

I was a very soft person but after Ammi died things changed. Abbu didn't remain the way he was. He was always trying to make things work and see to the business and home. After he felt I'm responsible enough to take over the business he hardly paid any attention to it. I don't understand how did he even get the idea of getting married. If he didn't marry her things would have been different. He would have been alive. She killed him. She should have died instead.

I opened my bag to take out my documents when I saw the disk. Wondering what it was I removed it from the cover and inserted it into the laptop. It looked like someone's wedding when it started to play but it was very dead compared to usual weddings. When I saw the bride it shocked me. I started skipping scenes and it brought tears to my eyes. I judged an innocent girl. My father must have tricked her into this marriage. How can her parents get her married? I think this is was Fatima bi tried telling me all these months but I didn't want to hear anything holding her responsible for everything. How stupid can I be

Removing the disk from the laptop I hid it in my pocket as know should know about it. I have to destroy it. Grabbing my phone I called Ibrahim as rushed out of my office to my car.  

"Hello," he answered.

"Ibrahim where is she? Where is  Afreen?" I asked in a worried  tone.

"She left home," he answered.

"Go and look for her now," I said as I started the car and drove like a mad man looking around for her. I cannot believe my father. How could he? That child. She is so young.

As I drove I saw Ibrahim with some men. He was holding someone by the collar.

Parking my car I rushed but only saw clothes and a bag.

"What happen?" I asked.

"This is Afreen's bag.  They tried to rob her he said making my blood boil. I called the police they should be here he said and not long after We heard the siren noise.

"Ibrahim go with them. I'll look for her. Which way did she go?: I shouted as I grabbed one of them by the collar. They pointed in the direction she went in making me push him and rush to the car. I hope she is okay. If anything happens to her I will never forgive myself.

I drove and noticed a park. Maybe she is there I thought as parked the car and started looking around. I  when I saw a girl sitting near the lake. As I approached her I saw her face. It was Afreen.

"Afreen, I called making her jump as she heard my voice. I noticed she was crying and she was in a bad shape.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat in front of her.

She looked scared. Her lip was bleeding and her left cheek had a handprint on it. Then I noticed she isn't in her hijab and her dress is torn.

Taking off my jacket I placed it over her shoulders. She was trembling. I saw her hand was cut bleeding.

I took out my handkerchief to stop the bleeding and went to touch her hand but she pulled back.

"Afreen. Don't be scared I just want to stop the bleeding. I won't hurt you," I said trying to gain her trust. She hesitantly bright her hand forward as I wrapped it.

"What happen?" I asked.

"I I left the house as you didn't want me there. As I was walking three men corned me. I told them I have nothing to give but they grabbed the bag from me. He he pulled my hijab and pulled my dupatta to see if there was any jewelry on me. They were searching the bag so I ran away I left my belongings because I didn't want to get hurt. I have nowhere to go now. She cried

Afreen shhhh don't cry I said as I sat next to her holding her in a comforting way. I'm here now. Nothing will happen shhhh.

"I'm scared. I have no one. What am I going to do where am I going to go," she sobbed as she hid her face in her hands crying on my chest

"You do. You coming back home with me," I said making her look at me shocked.

"But you said that....

"I never knew it was you. Let's go back home then we can talk, I said as I helped her stand with me.

She looked so scared as she was walking with me.

"I'm here okay. Relax. I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me," I said as I opened the car and helping her sit down.

She cried most of the way. I felt so bad for what I did. No person should go through that. It is terrible The drive home was quiet. As we drove in Fathima bi, Hira and Idaya ran out impatiently waiting for Afreen.

I stopped the car at door getting down while Idaya helped Afreen out of the car. She was taken inside. Not long after Ibrahim walked in. 

Fathima bi was consoling Afreen while Hira cleaned her wounds.

"Bhaijaan. What happen that you called all of sudden?" asked Ibrahim.

"Remember this morning before I left I was given some stuff from dad's room. I played the disk at work and saw Afreen and dad, but it wasn't just any video it was everything he did to her, how he tortured her like an animal, how he used to treat and manhandled her. Words can't describe how painful it was to see her in that state. I don't have the heart to think how she felt when he was doing it to her. Her screams could be heard which too painful," I said as a tear escaped my eyes.

I went and sat in front of her.

"Afreen what my father did was totally wrong and it was more wrong of me to judge a book by its cover. I should have met you first. I'm sorry," I said.

"It is okay. I totally understand," she said in a sore voice.

"Afreen. I don't know what you were planning on doing or where you were going but you will be staying here with us. You are our responsibility now. I won't hear anything else. I won't even listen to your protest," I said in a stern tone leaving no room for arguments.

"Jezakallah," she said.

"Ameen," I responded

Afreen pov.

"What must I call you?" I asked hesitantly looking at my fingers.

"Ighsaan," He said as he woke up placing his hand on my head then left

I went to my room to have a shower then went out to help Ammi in the kitchen.

"What you making Ammi?" I asked.


"Can I help ammi?"

"Sure you can spice it for me,"

"Okay, Ammi,"

I started spicing it while Ammi was frying the potatoes and onions.

I was enjoying myself because I had company and it is nice being around with Ammi.

Within 2 hours everything was done and the Biryani was steaming.

I started feeling a little tired and weak all of sudden.

"Ammi. I'm going to rest for a while," I said going to the room.

I went straight to bed and fell asleep immediately as I was tired.

Around 2 pm Ammi woke me up. I freshened up and went to help Ammi.

Everyone was present in the hall making me a little scared so I help set the table and was going back room when Idaya and Ibrahim stood in front of me with a small on their face making me confused. They kept looking at me and behind me making me turn around and that is when I noticed Ighsaan was leaning on the table with his arms crossed on his chest and he had a raised eyebrow as he stared at me.

Next moment Ibrahim and Idaya held my arms pulling me to the table as Hira pulled a chair making me sit down.

Ammi filled my plate up with food making me look at her with wide eyes.

"Ammi how will I eat so much?" I asked as I looked at my plate full of Biryani. 

"Well only if you start eating you will find out," Ibrahim said making me gulp down my saliva.

Everyone sat down and dished out as I waited for them..

We all started eating and everyone was silently eating making me wonder if they enjoying the food.

"Fatima bi. This is delicious. I really am enjoying it. Please pack this for college tomorrow," Ibrahim said.

"But bhaijaan. You always say you will buy in the canteen," Idaya says

"Yes, but this is extra delicious," he said as he took the second helping.

"Sure Ibrahim. Afreen made the Biryani today. I just helped her a little. Every time I tried to do something she stopped me," Ammi said making me smile.

"So sweet. It really came out nice Afreen. Maybe you should teach Hira and Idaya how to cook," Ibrahim said earning a hit on the head by Ammi making us all laugh.

"So Afreen. Did you study anything?" Ighsaan asked

"Jee I did. I got my certificate in Art and Creativity. I topped my college. I shared my achievement with them.

"Ma Sha Allah. Would you like to work," he asked shocking me.

"Will I be allowed to?" I asked with hope.

"Yes, you can. Why can't you? At the moment I'm full with staff but I do have a friend. He did tell me he is looking for a temporary worker from next month as his PA is going on maternity leave but it will be better than nothing," Igshaan said.

"Sure. I would love to. Jezakallah I said with happiness.

"Okay I'll speak to him and get back to you," he said as he finished his food and leaving the table.

The rest of the day went by with small talks with everyone and helping Hira out with work. At night we Ammi was reading her book and relaxing while I helped Hira set her cupboard. When we heard a knock on the door and saw Idaya and Ebrahim enter.

"Are you'll busy?" Idaya asked.

"Not really," Hira replied.

"Fatima bi. Can we play monopoly with Hira and Afreen?" asked Idaya.

" Jee, you can," Ammi replied.

"Can you'll play? I'll just sit and watch," I said.

"No. come play it will be fun," said Ibrahim.

"No please I don't want to play," I pleaded.

"Aapi. Why?" asked Hira. It's fun.

"I can't play," I said scared they will laugh at me but they looked shocked.

"We can teach you. It is never too late to learn anything," Ibrahim said grabbing my hand and pulling me to sit down at the table.
Ibrahim explained the rules of the game while Hira and Idaya set the game.

It was fun playing. Ibrahim and Hira argue and fight while playing but it was fun. We only went to bed around eleven.

The next morning.

I woke up with a slap on my face making me open my eyes seeing that Hira was making faces in her sleep. Shaking my head I got out of bed covering her and went in the bathroom washing my face then had a shower.

I wore a white Anarkali dress then tied my hair in a bun and pinned the scarf on my left shoulder.

I grabbed the back and just draped it loosely on my head.

I went out to the kitchen to help Ammi. We made tea coffee pancakes toast eggs and sausages.

"Afreen what happen to your cheek?"  Ammi asked as we were setting the table.

"Oh, nothing Ammi. I think Hira was having a funny dream because she slapped me while she was asleep," I said with a small giggle.

"We need to tie her up when she sleeps. Sometimes she kicks me as well," Ammi said.

"It's okay ammi. She never mean it. I'll get her for it," I said with a small smile.

While having breakfast the doorbell rang making one of the other servants open the door.

Afreen beti. There is someone here to see you making me wonder who because no one knows I stay here.

I stood up and walked to the living room and I was surprised to see who was sitting there.



Early update. No update tomorrow.

So how was this chapter?

Ighsaan finally saw his fathers true colors and is taking Afreen's responsibilities.

Who is came to see her and calling her gudiya?

Any guesses.

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