1. What the!

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Three of my stories got the first position and I don't know how to thank you guys. Words aren't enough. I wish I could quote the names of all of my followers but that's not possible unfortunately.

I'd have posted new updates if I had completed them but since I haven't yet so here is my way to thank you all by publishing here my most favorite One Shots I wrote till date.

Remember, I wrote them all a while ago and they are unedited. If you find typing errors then kindly ignore.

That's all. So here goes officially my very first OS on wattpad.

All the Raizada family was sitting in the living room busy chatting or to be precise pretending to be oblivious to the fuming and pacing figure in front of them.

They would look at her from time to time trying hard to control their grin that spread every time she would mutter something under her breath and start cursing her husband.

Someone is in huge trouble. They thought snorting.

"Laad Governor! Rakshas! Still at work. I called him to come in the next fifteen minutes and here-" Looking at the clock she pouted with a sheepish look morphing on her face. "Umm-It's...Oh-kay I know five minutes are still left but can't he come early? Humph. Ugh. I m gonna kill him with my bare hands." She gestured through her hands flaring her nostrils.

Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada was cursing and cursing her husband pacing every inch of the living room huffing and puffing.

The reason was simple. Too simple!

She was missing him.


Although it was another thing he left just for two hours which he bargained from her after a lot of pursuing because his presence was genuinely needed at work.

Otherwise, these days he was working from home to take extra care of his wife but.. but it seemed his wife could not get enough of him at all.

So she could only handle one hour. After that she called him and ordered to come back to her right away.

When he politely tried to refuse saying he will be with her in an hour as promised then it turned back on him as she threatened him not so subtly.

"Arnav come home now! I am missing you." She pouted.

"I miss you too baby but try to understand Khushi it's just an hour since I have left. I will be back as soon as I finish this urgent matter. I promise sweetheart."

"NO!" She snapped. "I said come home RIGHT NOW!"

"But Khu..."

"Are you coming or not? Because if you didn't in the next fifteen minutes then I will pack my bags and leave to Laxmi Nagar and you will not be allowed to meet me or my baby. Period." She yelled into the phone causing the family to gape at her.

Poor Chote!

"What the? But Khushi-" He was cut by her sternly.

"You have fifteen minutes Mr.Raizada. One minute above it and I will be gone!"

"What the!" He exclaimed shocked but the phone already went dead.

Now here she was pacing the length of living room after 14 minutes of their phone conversation.

"Only one minute left. If he didn't come then-" Her own monologue was interrupted as they all saw Arnav Singh Raizada running into the house bursting open the front door while looking at his watch frantically to note the time with sweat trickling down his face.

"Phew! I am on time." Sighed a perspiring Arnav reaching Khushi.

All of them including Khushi looked at his condition stumped.

"Arnav why are you sweating?" She was before him cupping his cheeks, wiping his face dry dabbing her veil on his cheeks, forehead.

He exhaled and inhaled to regulate his breathing to normal. Hari Prakash handed him a glass of water drinking which he felt somewhat better as his body cooled down from the long run.

"Erm Khushi actually there was traffic jam so I left the car on the road and ran my way home." He said passing her a reassuring smile.

A loud wail echoed in the hall.

"Khushi sweetheart, why are you crying? See I am on time." His forehead creased with worry whilst he cupped her cheeks.

Another wail followed his question.

"I am not a good wife!" She sniffled rubbing her nose. Arnav raised his eyebrow amused.

"Just because of me you had to run so much to come back for me!" She blew her nose at the corner of her veil hiccuping before crying out loud like a baby.

Everyone stifled their laughter at the haunted look forming on Arnav's face.

Another round of hormonal changes. They thought amused.

Poor ASR!

Sanka Devi mood swings were at peak.

Arnav embraced her not knowing what else to do.

"No Khushi it's okay jaan. I m alright. Calm down. Don't cry. It's not good for the baby."

He stumbled back because he was shoved off the next moment with vengeance.

"You want me to stop crying because of the baby? You don't care about me at all? You don't love me anymore?" She accused and there she went crying again.

"What the?" He gaped at her dumbfounded.

"Don't 'What the' me Arnav. Accept that you don't love me anymore. You just care about your child!" She wailed out loud before scrunching her nose.

In severe dilemma Arnav whose mouth was opening and closing like a fish looked at his family for help.

Anjali shrugged her shoulders. Nani quickly started drinking her tea averting her eyes. Akash and Payal started looking around anywhere but at him. Manorama and Manohar served themselves more snacks in their plates.

He shook his head and turned to his pregnant wife who by now has started hiccuping.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself he gulped once before opening his mouth.

"Khushi sweetheart. I love you. Infact I love you both equally. Please stop crying."

"No! No! No! You don't love me. If you did then you wouldn't have left me today!" She cried out.

"I didn't leave you, you idiot. I just went to do my work!" He burst out before closing his eyes when tears fell like water falls on her cheeks. One look at his family who were now not not only looking at him but glaring at him too for losing his cool and he knew he has went overboard.

"See! See! Did you see how you snap at your wife who is carrying another Laad Governor inside of her? It seriously indicates you don't feel the same way about me anymore!" She wasn't KKGSR for nothing. She knew how to make him realize his mistake.

He took her in his arms mindful of her protruded belly and pecked on her forehead leisurely.

"It was a very important matter for which I had to go to office. I was supposed to be there for two hours but right after one you ordered me to come back and look I am here in front of you. Doesn't it indicate that I love you?" He tried to pacify her in the best way possible.

Their family looked at them awed before they chuckled when Khushi pushed him away in anger not buying anything.

"No you came back running because I threatened you that I will leave with your baby. You were just thinking about your child that if I left I will take him with me too. You don't love me anymore!" She was stuck to the same thing and won't let it go.

"What the!" Nothing else could escape his mouth except for it.

He was trying hard not to lose his calm but all thanks to his pregnant, cute and overly emotional, all the time swinging in between moods 'wife, he was finding it difficult to contain his anger.

So he choose a middle ground in order to close the matter altogether. He surrendered.

"Okay. Fine. It's my fault I left you. It's my fault I made you feel that my feelings have changed for you. It's my fault you are pregnant with another Laad Governor and certainly it's my fault that you had to spend an entire hour and fifteen minutes without me. I accept and I apologize Mrs. Raizada. I am sorry, baby." At the end of it his face showed genuine guilt. He knew it were only her hormones messing with her.

"Aise kaise hum aap ko maaf kar dein? (How can I forgive you just like that?)" She rubbed her red nose.

He gritted his teeth feeling like shouting despite himself but one look at her adorable, red, puffy but still beautiful face his irritation turned into adoration. He sighed in defeat.

"All right. Tell me what should I do to get your forgiveness?" No sooner than he asked she wiped her face clean and looked at him mischievously before a smirk appeared on her lips.

Early traces of tears were gone as if they never existed making the family's jaws drop while Arnav waited with bated breath wondering what was exactly going on in that crazy head of his pregnant wife?

"Go down to your knees and apologize to me by holding your ears!" Demanded Khushi with her hands on her hips.

"What the!" Not only him but his whole family shouted.

When he saw her raising her eyebrow he nodded much to everyone astonishment which later turned into amusement when he went down to his knees and holding his ears looked up locking his gaze with hers.

"I am sorry." He made a failed attempt to make a puppy dog face or at least pout.

Khushi grinned now satisfied and pulling him up pulled his cheeks much to his irritation.

"You are so cute Arnav!" She kissed his cheeks before wrapping her arms around his back while Arnav sighed in relief and hugged her back whilst a smile formed on his lips when he heard her say.

"I love, too. Both of my Laad Governors!"


Kindly do VOTE and COMMENT if it brought a smile on your face :)

Upcoming One Shot: Broken Pieces

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