2. What the - II

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It is the sequel to my one shot 'WHAT THE' but can be read as stand-alone as well.

Not proofread yet. Ignore the typos.

Happy Reading :)

"Haww what did you say? I tortured you for the nine months I carried Abeer?" She asked in disbelief.

"Any doubts? If yes then go and ask the family."

He was now enjoying this. Some serious conversation between them has led to this interesting one all of a sudden amusing him. No wonder she never let a day go by without making him smile and happy by her antics.

"Oh so now you want a payback?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Exactly!" He pursed his lips.

"Why? Are you pregnant?" She wiggled her eyebrows with her hands on her hips.

He snorted looking away covering his mouth with his hand before composing himself and looking at her seriously.

"Oh we were. Now we have a baby! You practically kept me on toes for months. Now I deserve some respite. Don't I?" He demanded looking at her intensely.

"As if you have given birth to a baby. Oh hello mister do you have any freaking idea about labor pains?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

For a moment Arnav shuddered remembering the time when she was in labor before their little bundle came into this world making them both forget the pain which they, especially she went through for a whole day.

"Now you are trying to send me to guilt trip to change the topic." He shook his head looking knowingly at her.

It was another thing the day of Abeer's delivery was imprinted in his mind and would stay so forever. He could never forget it. Nor could she. It was the most painful and the most happiest day of their life, both.

"What do you want?" She gritted out glaring at him. Biting back a chuckle he thought for a moment before it struck him.

"Not for nine months but for just 7 days you'd do as I say without any complain or argument." He played his card well.

"When do I not listen to you anyway?" She said cheekily making his jaws drop.

Arnav gave her an incredulous look asking her if she was serious really? She bit her cheek averting her eyes. He smirked at the adorable expressions forming on her face for being rendered speechless.

"So do we have a deal or not, Mrs. Raizada?" He asked in his professional tone.

"This is cheating!" She protested pointing her finger at him. She didn't expect him to do what he did next. He raised himself up a bit from the recliner and bit her finger before sitting back as fast as he got up.

"Haww!" Her mouth gaped open at his audacity as in shock she didn't know how to react.

"Are you in or not?" He looked at her challenging rising the fighter Khushi to the fore. She squared her shoulders before looking into his eyes somewhat mad. Somewhat confidently.

"Uff. Okay. Deal!" She huffed.


"Oh what's going on." Akash asked in a whisper taking the place in between his wife and sister eyeing Khushi on the couch across them who was spoon feeding Arnav whilst he was busy typing on the laptop.

"She accepted a challenge of 7 days to do as he says as she thinks that he thinks she troubled him a lot when she was pregnant with Abeer." Anjali whispered with a snort.

"She did?" Akash asked shocked.

"Yeah. Hard to believe but she did. They both still don't leave a chance to make the other bend." Payal said and they chuckled knowing how true that was.

"Yeah even with the baby around they just won't let a moment go by when there isn't something interesting going between them. They are always up to something or the other." Anjali added looking at them affectionately.

"Oh damn right." Akash agreed.

"Coffee!" Arnav asked looking up from his laptop into her eyes.

Khushi raised the spoon in her hand to hit him on his thick head pissed off when he raised his eyebrow making her stop in the middle. She twitched her mouth throwing the spoon in the tray before getting up picking it.

"Right away, swami!" She took a bow before him and inwardly laughed seeing him growl at the name she addressed him with.

Akash, Payal and Anjali burst into chortles seeing the exchange as Khushi left to the kitchen smirking all the way while all Arnav could say was,

"What the-" With gritted teeth.


"Take me out on a date!" He said from the bed while playing with Abeer who was lying on his chest flailing his arms and legs with his small hands clutching his father's fingers which he was trying to bring close to his mouth and failing miserably to do so making Arnav chuckle.

"What the!" She blurted out half smiling at the adorable scene before her and half startled at his new demand.

"That's my phrase, Mrs. Raizada." He replied busily.

Abeer let out a loud chuckle when Arnav softly tickled his side earning a smack from him on his face with his son's fingers wet with his saliva. Arnav laughed warming Khushi all over.

The picture before her was too addicting and intoxicating to look away or show her fake anger over his demands.

"I am your wife if you are forgetting." She said with her hands on her hips.

Abeer let out a happy yelp rolling over Arnav's chest making Khushi's lips quirk up into an affectionate smile.

"Not only that you are also the mother of my cutest, most adorable baby in the world." He said mischievously.

"And you still want me to take you out on a date?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't see what it has anything to do with us being married or with a child." He smirked.

"I don't see why are you insisting?" She argued narrowing her eyes at him.

"I don't know why you are arguing? We are in an agreement, Mrs. Raizada. Today is just your second day and you are losing it already? Want me to remind you how much you whined in your pregnancy that it was my fault we never dated like a normal couple and I never took you out on dinner every other day." He bit back a smile at her eyes widening and he knew why.

"Yeah. Yeah." She scoffed. "And what did you do in actual? You made Hari Prakash ji pack the food for me which we ate in different hotels every time you took me out saying that I can't have outside food in that condition." She glared.

He snickered nuzzling his nose with his son's neck causing him to whine throwing his little arms around.

"I was right." He shrugged patting Abeer's back who was now yawning lying on him, his little dark brown eyes were drooping. Probably he was tired after playing.

"You were controlling." She stated.

"You were adorable even then." He half smiled.

"You are irritating even now!" She huffed.

"Irritating? Love, you used the wrong word. I am sure you wanted to say 'irresistible' because it was you who won't let me out of your sight and wanted to stay in my arms all the time while you were carrying Abeer." He said smugly.

"Blame it on your baby. He wanted to be close to you. Not me." She didn't back off even though her cheeks warmed up as she recalled how much demanding she became in her pregnancy. Those passionate days and nights made her heart flutter and face flush.

"Ahan. Yeah right!" He bit back a smile.

"So where are you taking me? Actually don't tell me. Give me a surprise." He winked at her rubbing Abeer's back who has slept on his chest.

For a moment Khushi was lost seeing the beautiful picture in front of her. Before her were two most important men in her life with peace on their faces until she registered what he said.

"But you hate surprises!" She tried to keep her voice as low as she could careful not to wake their baby.

"For a record you were once in my hating 'list' too. Did that stop you from conquering my heart, mind and soul?" He smirked victoriously.

Oh sometimes she so wants to beat his handsome face for being so cocky!

"You are so.. so.." She couldn't find the exact words to describe him.

"Yours?" He bit back a smile as she glared at him for acting smart before a mischievous smile lit up her face to which his smile dropped knowing that she had a retort that would make her win this argument.

"Yes, yes you are mine. But I don't know to whom I belong!" She shrugged and turning around left the room with victorious smirk on her face whilst his jaws dropped and eyes squinted in possessiveness.

"What the-" His signature phrase finally left his mouth.

Yes, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada did give him a surprise of a lifetime and made him happiest man on earth on their first official date of their relationship. Their last stop was Raizada farmhouse where she has arranged their dinner.

At the end of their quite eventful date he made her scream out the whole night to whom she actually belongs.

"You, Laad Governor. I belong to you!" She cried out as he teased her with his hands, lips and teeth.

"NOW STOP TEASING ME!" She growled ordering him to which he chuckled and obeyed her.


"Sing me a song!" Came his demand the next day out of nowhere.

Her mouth gaped open and she blurted out,

"What the!"

Arnav looked at her amused.

"Sweetheart, don't you think you are using my phrase too much lately? By the way what's so shocking about all of this?"

"But you don't like Hindi songs!" She protested hoping he won't insist.

"Right. And who said I am asking you to sing your favorite songs? I want you to sing me an English number. Which one? That choice is yours!" He smirked smugly while Khushi felt glared at him for he was passing her smug looks.

"Give me some other task. I can't sing." She whined.

"Oh you are accepting defeat huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

She gulped as she remembered what would she has to do if she lost the bet.

"No!" She shrieked. "I will complete it for sure!" She gritted out.

Arnav's smirk widened while she left the room glaring at him.

"Your mother is so cute isn't she?" He whispered to his sleeping boy who was snoring off softly lying in his lap.

"I wonder what song would she chose." He was really curious and excited now because she has to complete this task till midnight today.

Then she sang the song in fluent English making him awed. Not only him but also their family as she sang at their evening snacks time in the living hall while sitting across him.

There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now

And there goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

There goes my hands shaking
And you are the reason
My heart keeps bleeding
I need you now

And if I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
I'd spend every hour, of every day
Keeping you safe

And I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

I don't wanna fight no more
I don't wanna hide no more
I don't wanna cry no more
Come back I need you to hold me
Be a little closer now
Just a little closer now
Come a little closer
I need you to hold me tonight

I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason

She finished winking at him at the end with a smile lightening up her face as to cheer him up as he looked at her teary eyed totally moved and all emotional.

"Bravo, Khushi. You made my unemotional brother a bundle of mess!" Anjali teased rubbing her hand over his biceps as he wiped the corner of his eyes and standing up took one long stride to reach Khushi before engulfing her in a bone crushing hug making everyone awed and joyful seeing their unique bond.

ArShi relation was something which was only getting stronger day by day and their love only seemed to be rising manifold every other second. And for that Arnav and Khushi were equally responsible for keeping their love alive even after five years of their marriage.

Now their bundle of joy, Abeer has made it stronger and unbreakable. It was another thing, they never leave a chance to tease the hell out of each other but at the end of the day they were a couple madly and irreversibly in love with each other to the point of infinity.

"Happy now?" She whispered rubbing his back as he refused to let her go out of his arms.

"Very!" He whispered back.

"Can I say something?" She bit the inside of her cheek after staying quiet for several moments.

"Sure," He tightened his hold around her nuzzling his nose against her hairs.

"I need to use the washroom," She murmured giggling.

"What the?" He pulled back abruptly. Khushi laughed.

"What?" She chuckled seeing him giving her a mock angry stare.

"Romantic moments bigadne k tareeke aaj bhi dhoond hi leti ho tum, Khushi Kumari Gupta,

(You still find ways to spoil our romantic moments huh, don't you Khushi Kumari Gupta)"

"Singh Raizada!" She smiled wide and tip toeing kissed his cheeks before scurrying off leaving an overwhelmed Arnav behind.


"Handle the AR for one day without me." Came his demand the next day.

"Haww!" She exclaimed whilst her mouth gaped open.

Arnav pursed his lips to stop himself from chuckling at her adorable expressions.

"Oh hello Mr. ASR. If you are forgetting then I have my own business to run, too."

"I know, sweetheart. I am therefore asking you to switch our roles for a day." He said solemnly picking up Abeer from his cot who started flailing his arms and legs coming to his father's arms making his parents smile and kiss him affectionately.

"You will go to AR while I will manage your catering business from home like you do. I will get to spend the whole day with my baby then." He grinned rubbing his cheek to Abeer who let out a happy yelp as if agreeing with him.

Khushi smirked. Does he know he was willingly jumping into the pit himself?

"Sure, Laad Governor!" She gritted out pretending to be pissed. Working along with taking care of a nine months old baby wasn't a cup of cake at all. Handling AR won't be difficult as compared to that. She knew. Or so she thought. So she agreed.

They had a meeting for an hour in their room telling each other today's work assignments, meetings and deals before Khushi departed kissing her husband and her son.

"Let's have fun together today, son." Arnav winked at Abeer holding him up with his one hand whilst Abeer clapped excitedly as if he understood everything.

Arnav chuckled seeing his adorable antics. But soon he realized that he has dug his own grave.

While managing his baby's daily routine, he was continuously on phone while checking 'Khushi's dabba service' workers who work from the spacious hall assigned to them at the back of the Shantivan which Arnav has himself got built for he knew how much independence and working herself meant to his wife. It was another thing, managing a fashion house or a catering service were too different things altogether. He understood it with his heart.

There Khushi was having tough time in AR as well. Not that she hasn't worked there before but at that time she was working under supervision and managing AR as a secretary and a boss were two different things.

Thankfully Aman was there or she was afraid she would have messed up her husband's hard work in her inexperience. Handling a catering service and a fashion house were different things altogether. She understood it by heart as well.

Even though as a parent Arnav was amazing but single handedly taking care of a naughty child like Abeer was one hell of a task.

Upon that his phone was constantly ringing as Khushi's manager kept calling him regarding one thing or the other that at the end of the day he felt a pounding headache making his ears buzz that he had to take painkiller to pass the rest of the day.

In midst Arnav and Khushi stayed in contact but neither of them asked the other for help and managed to complete their roles without a mishap making them both sigh in relief at the end.

At night when Khushi came home all tired a heartwarming sight made all of her tiredness go away.

Abeer was sleeping on Arnav's chest while Arnav was lying snoring softly in the middle of the bed with blanket covering till the shoulders of her son while Arnav's hands were holding their baby securely even in sleep. There and then she truly felt what Arnav must have coming home after a tiring day at work.

She tiptoed in the room careful not to wake them up and entered the washroom to freshen up after taking her clothes. Hearing the shuffling in the room Arnav's eyes shot open. He was too accustomed to her scent lingering in the air.

"She is home!" He whispered and carefully sitting up holding his baby climbed down the bed before placing Abeer in the crib. Kissing his forehead he dimmed the lights and headed to the washroom and as usual she didn't lock the door making him smile.

"Hey!" He grabbed her through her waist and twirled her around taking her by surprise as she was busy shuffling through her things in the cabinet when he caught her off guard.

"Hi!" She giggled touching her forehead to his.

"I missed you!" He declared putting her down but not letting her out of his arms. She raised herself on her toes and kissed his right cheek just below his eye. He swallowed hard feeling emotional suddenly. There and then he felt what Khushi must have when he came home after work.

"How was your day?" Both asked in unison before bursting into giggles.

"Shh! Abi is sleeping." Arnav placed a finger on his lips. "He is a handful literally. What I didn't have to do to put him to sleep. Oh you have no idea." He shook his head.

"I know it very well." She said knowingly winking at him.

He smiled wide.

"I lost my temper thrice today. I salute your patience, lady." He pecked her lips genuinely amazed and grateful for handling it all everyday with such ease. Khushi smiled in response.

"Now I know why you became ASR to handle AR. I mean it's one hell of a job, darling!" She shook her head shuddering remembering her day at AR.

He chuckled pulling her closer embraced her resting his chin over her head.

"I guess our own roles suit us." He whispered as he marveled that how perfectly fit she still is in his arms.

"Agreed!" She whispered back nuzzling her face to his chest feeling at home.

"I love you!" He tightened his hold on her.

"Okay," She pursed her lips breaking his dazed state in a split second.

"What the?" He pulled back totally upset.

"What okay huh? What 'okay', woman?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

She chortled.

"You are teasing me now huh?" He yanked her closer and showered her face with kisses making her bewildered.

"Okay. Okay. Stop it. I can't breathe. Oh Arnav!" She felt her heart buzzing in her ears as he didn't stop there only.

"I love you. I love you Laad Governor!" She exclaimed overwhelmed as he never has set any boundary to show his love.

His love was infinite and sometimes beyond extreme that she often wondered how was she still sane experiencing such level of emotions from her crazy husband?

"Now we are talking!" He whispered against her lips.

"Who do you love more? Me or Abeer?" He asked suddenly.

She stilled in his arms which even he felt.

"I am not going to answer that!" She said sternly before pushing him away.

"What the!" He couldn't help but say,

And he also knew he has pissed her off big time.


The next day she refused to communicate with him almost half a day from the morning till the time he came back from AR. She didn't pick up his calls either nor replied to his texts making him frustrated.

"So you have decided you are not going to talk to me huh?" He asked her after dinner having had enough.

She didn't reply.

"Don't forget we still have the deal on. You can't say no to it just because you are angry at me." He reminded her now feeling hurt.

'I won't.' She wrote on a paper and shoved it in his hand before leaving the room. Reading which he smirked.

"Okay, fine! I know how to pacify you." He whispered to himself so when she came back to the room at the time they go to bed he was all ready to win her over.

"I have already put Abeer to sleep," He said lying on his side of the bed. She whirled around to face him quirking her eyebrows up.

"I am considerate Khushi." He told her knowingly. "Because I know you have to fulfill your task of today." He added.

Khushi gave him a long look and after kissing her sleeping son went to the washroom to change into night suit before coming back in the room laid down on her side of the bed turning her back to him.

Arnav couldn't help but smile at her cuteness as he has seen her pout before lying down. He knew she herself doesn't like being angry at him.

He slipped his arm around her and dragged her closer until she was lying in the middle of the bed with him hovering over her.

She gasped as he covered her lips with his. She resisted at first but soon she gave in and then they lost count of the times they kissed until they pulled back to breathe out harshly.

"You are not going to sleep being this mad at me, sweetheart. I won't let you." He whispered against her lips. She scrunched her face making him smile.

"Khushi, please?" He genuinely looked so sad that she couldn't stay silent anymore.

"You dared to ask me whom I love more. Either you or Abeer?" She slapped his chest angrily.

"Oh I know the answer even if you don't say it." He said knowingly.

"What is that?" She gritted out.

"I am not going to answer that!" He mimicked her. Her jaws dropped open before she swatted his arms and chest until she was exhausted while he continued to chuckle keeping her pinned under him.

"Now that we are good, I think it's time for you to complete the task of today and mind you, you have to do it the whole night."

"What?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"It's not what you are thinking, dirty mind!" He playfully touched his head to hers. She chuckled.

"Then?" She asked now really curious.

"You often sleep on the top of me. Don't you?" He cupped the side of her head. She nodded smiling wide brightening up his spirit.

"Tonight, let me sleep like this." He whispered like a child before leaning down and placing his head on her chest wrapping his arms around her waist making her dumbfounded at his sudden demand.

"Arnav, what the? You-"

"It's what I want for today." He reminded her.

"Oh yeah. I wondered why you didn't trouble me the whole day but no, you don't let a chance go by to tease me do you?" She said in mock anger.

"Shut up Khushi!" He yawned.

He nuzzled his face to her chest like she often did to him making her feel goosebumps erupting on her skin.

"How will I be able to sleep if you'd stay like this?" She stuttered feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"Don't worry. You will fall asleep more peacefully than ever. Trust me." And he was right she did the whole freaking night!


"So Mr. Hubby, what do I have to do today?" She asked him teasingly while buttoning up his shirt in the morning.

He smirked making her heart flutter.

"It's up to you, today. You will think of something and make me the happiest man alive on earth. Something, umm, something someone hasn't done or said to me till date." He elaborated.

"Aren't you becoming too demanding, Mr. Raizada?" She whispered close to his lips.

"Any problems, Mrs. Raizada?" He whispered back nuzzling his nose with hers.

"Nope!" She smiled pecking his lips. He though pulled her in for a real kiss making her curl her toes.

"Surprise me, baby!" He said huskily.

"You bet I will." She replied touching her head to his chest hugging him tightly. Stealing one more kiss he left for work not knowing how this day would change his life forever.

"What's happening to me? Why I am missing them more than ever today?" He whispered to himself while working in his office. It's has just been three hours he has come to AR after meeting Khushi and Abeer but his heart was feeling restless as if yearning to be with them.

"I am being ridiculous!" He said to himself. But for his peace of mind he called Khushi. She didn't pick up. He tried several times then but no answer. He stood up from his seat worriedly then. He tried dialing his family members, home landline but no response.

"What the?" He gritted out and grabbing his coat dashed out of his cabin to leave for home when he heard it standing on the top of the stairs making his feet glued to the ground and eyes prick with overwhelming emotions.


His world stopped right there and then. His head whipped to the direction of the sound and as soon as it landed on his wife and son he was already sprinting down the stairs to his family. His lives.

Khushi smiled teary eyed as he kissed their foreheads after hugging them turning everyone awestruck there as it was the first time 9 months old little Raizada came to AR and it was also the first time they saw the softness gathering in ASR eyes right in front of their eyes.

"What did you say buddy? Come again?" Arnav asked frantically cupping his cheeks.

"Ba-ba." He giggled right after saying it.

Arnav picked him in his arms smiling wide while Khushi couldn't be happier. She witnessed the father-son special moment bleary eyed.

"I didn't want you to miss this moment. I brought him here as soon as he said his first word and he has been doing so for the last one hour."

Arnav showered his face with kisses before throwing him up in the air and catching him back making the office fill with his son's laughter before he hugged him close to himself. Abeer held his collars in his small fists resting his head on his shoulder.

Everyone smiled at the heartwarming moment between the not-so-arrogant looking boss of theirs and his family. ASR didn't look like the shrewd boss they were used to encounter. Obviously he has mellowed down ever since his marriage but today he seemed someone altogether different. They didn't know he could be this soft and gentle to anyone. Anyone. He seemed to be totally in awe of his baby or vice versa.

"So how was the surprise?" Khushi whispered as he hugged her to his side holding Abeer on his other arm.

"To the point." He touched his head lightly to hers overwhelmed. "You literally made me the happiest man alive on earth. I heard and felt something I never did before. All thanks to you!" He kissed her cheek. She smiled touching her head to his arm.

"Everyone, today for the first time my son called me Baba. It's a big day for me. I'm announcing an official AR holiday today. Go and spend time with your families." He announced earning gasps of surprises from everyone as he never skipped work neither he let anyone. No matter what.

"What are you waiting for? Go and enjoy as I would." His hold tightened around his Khushi and son whilst he brought them to his office where Khushi gathered his things before they reached the parking lot in a daze until they heard it making them both stop dead in their tracks.

"At'da! (What the!)" Abeer squealed giggling.

Khushi and Arnav looked at each for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.


"You won't get angry on me today. For or on anything. No matter how furious you are."

Khushi gritted her teeth as his teasing smirk made an appearance, already pissing her off in the morning.

"Why? Are you pissed, sweetheart?" He made the face that would always drive her mad at him to which she pursed her lips before faking a smile clenching her jaws.

"No, swami!" Her smile then turned a genuine teasing one while he frowned hearing his infamous name from her mouth.

"Khushi, don't." He pointed a finger at her warning her.

"Why? Are you angry swami ji?" She crossed her arms over her chest and blinked her eyes innocently at him.

"You-" He took a step towards her before realizing he was falling into her trap and stopped to exhale. Instead of making her angry he has successfully failed at his very first attempt to make her accept defeat whilst she smirked seeing his reaction.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Raizada. There are still many hours left for this dare to complete. I will make sure you lose this deal!" He challenged her before leaving for office but not before giving her a morning kiss like always forgetting everything else for those moments.

Breathless, Khushi gazed at his retreating back with her heart pounding in her chest.

"Laad Governor!" She muttered walking back into the house.

She received his call when she was preparing food for Abeer.

"Kiss me!" He demanded on phone.

"What the?" She exclaimed earning attention of Payal, Anjali and the workers in the kitchen. Passing them a reassuring smile she turned off the heat on the stove and came out of the kitchen.

"What are you saying?" She tried hard not to scream at him.

"Why? Are you angry?" He asked sweetly.

Khushi could only grit her teeth at his audacity.

"No. I am not." She replied with as much sweetness.

"So what are you waiting for? Give me a kiss." He was enjoying this. She could feel it.

"We kissed just an hour ago, Mr. Raizada!" She reminded him 'politely'.

"So what?" He had an answer to everything.

Khushi punched in the air in front imaging it as his face.

"Okay. But how can we kiss on phone?"

"Let's call this a virtual kiss. Like this. Muah!" He literally told her that Khushi who was feeling pissed couldn't help but chuckle hitting her palm on her head.

"Arnav, you are too much!" She laughed.

"I know. Now give me many kisses." She could hear him smirking.

"Muah. Muah. Muah. Muah. Muah!" Khushi giggled as she fulfilled his demand and turned around after cutting the call, only to find Anjali, Payal and Manorama standing behind chortling making her turn all red.

"Jiji. Di. Mami ji!" She whined before running into the kitchen to make Abeer's food before he wakes up and takes all of the house down with his cries.

"You are so dead. Let these 7 days pass then you will see what I will do to you!" She muttered under her breath while feeding Abeer who blabbered incoherent words midst ranting 'Baba' umpteenth times a day.

"Han. Han. Baba ka chamcha. Maa toh teri soteli hai na,

(Oh right Baba's yes-man! As if your mother is a step-one!)"

Khushi pouted while wiping his mouth to which he clapped his hands and kissed her cheek making her smile.

"Theek hai. Theek hai. Ab apne pita ki tarah maska mat laga humein. Janti hoon tu humse bhi utna hi pyaar karta hai. Par Maa toh bol k dikha?

(Okay, fine. Don't butter me up like your father. I know you love me as much. But let me hear you call 'Maa' at least?)"

She said earnestly to which he gave her a toothy grin showing his front two teeth making her smile and forget everything else.

She showered his face with kisses and the baby Abeer didn't protest. Instead he returned her kisses while chuckling and yelping in excitement. Khushi couldn't help but laugh as well before hugging him closer until she heard him whisper against her bosom.


Khushi squealed in excitement pulling him back just enough to look at his face. He was smiling making her heart flutter with unadulterated love.

"What did you say?" She rasped.

He grinned before resting his head back on her chest.

"Maa!" He said out loud this time that Khushi stood up and jumping in excitement started her mad dance with Abeer giggling in her arms.

She was so happy that her eyes poured down little drops without her knowledge. Seeing which little Abeer's smile vanished whilst he wiped her cheeks with his small hands making Khushi stop and look at him with question. Just that she realized he was frowning looking at her tears which she was subconsciously shedding.

"No, Maa is not sad. Maa is happy!" She grabbed his left arm and danced along with him twirling around the room. Abeer's laughter filled the air as he was loving it too. Seeing Khushi smile and laugh were his favorite most things in the whole world like his father.

"Let's tell your father." Khushi excitedly reached for her phone but instead of calling him she opened whatsapp and looked at her son mischievously.

"He has teased me a lot these days. Let's return the favor."

Abeer clapped as if he understood everything.

"Now say it again!" She turned on the recording and asked him to which Abeer opened his mouth.

"Maaa. Babaa. Bi(Abi)" He said into the phone. Khushi grinned.

"That's even better, my son. Well done!" She kissed his cheek and sent the recording.

No sooner than that she received his call. She didn't pick it up smiling wide. He called again. Then again. Again. Abi was enjoying it too. He clapped his hands. At his tenth call she received it smirking. She made Abeer sit on the bed and held the phone to his ear.

"Khushi, what the? Why weren't you picking up my calls. You-" Arnav started off furiously before all of his rage puffed into air as he heard.

"Babaa!" He squealed. Arnav smiled feeling his heart doubling in size.

"Baba ki jaan!" Arnav cooed at him. "Love you!"

"Wuv oo (love you)" Abeer said.

Arnav chuckled while Khushi laughed.

"Maa!" He yelled next. Arnav smiled bleary eyed. He knew what it meant to his wife.

"Your Maa must be too happy." He said while Abeer raised his lashes to his smiling mother as if he understood it.

"Maa, Baba," Abeer said in baby voice extending the phone to Khushi. Smiling Khushi took it from him and held it to her ear while Abeer crawled to her lap and hugged her waist resting his head under her chin whilst Khushi's arm on its own accord wrapped around him.

"Congratulations, my love." Arnav said smiling ear to ear.

"To you too, my life." She replied softly. For several minutes they stayed quiet reveling in the special moment before Arnav broke the silence by saying.

"Don't forget our deal is still on!"

Khushi's jaws dropped open whilst she let out, "What the?" making Arnav chortle.

"Getting angry already?" He probed her.

"No. Not at all." She answered through gritted teeth. Arnav could imagine her face doing that. She cut the call and pulled Abeer back to look at him frowning.

"Your father is too much!" She complained. Abeer's lips twitched up from the right side making her raise her eyebrows.

"Don't tell me you have inherited your father's half smile, quirky remarks and smugness?" She pouted. Abeer clapped his hands smiling wide that Khushi couldn't help but kiss his chubby cheeks.

"I guess I am asking a really stupid question. After all you are an ASR too." She said nodding her head knowingly. Abeer just snuggled up closer to her holding her shirt tight in his small hands. Khushi smiled.

"It's time for our walk. Let's go!" She stood up holding her hand up to which Abi pumped his little fist to her palm like she has taught him.

Arnav came home early that day and the first thing he did was tell his son how proud he was of him before showering him with kisses, tickling him, making him fill the house with his laughter.

As far as Khushi was concerned he resorted to teasing the hell out of her doing the things that drive her hell of a mad that at the end of the day she was so pissed but due to the deal she couldn't even show her anger but when the clock struck midnight Arnav jumped down the bed with a 'What the!' as Khushi chased him around like an angry, frustrated lioness, yelling 'You, Laad Governor. Just let me get my hands on you!' whilst he ran to the poolside.


"7 days are over." Khushi said smugly the next day. "I won the deal!" She climbed down the stairs with him.

"Oh, so?" He walked ahead smirking.

"So, it's time to complete your end of the deal. I won, you lost." She caught up to him.

"Oh really?" He sat on the couch in the living room.

"Yes, really?" She sat besides him.

"What deal? I don't remember making one with you." He plainly refused. Her jaws dropped.

"Arnav!" She warned him.

"What? I definitely don't remember. Were you hallucinating, woman?" Arnav looked at her quite 'seriously'. Khushi swatted his arm.

"You Rakshas, how could you forget the way you teased the hell out of me for a whole week?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," He shrugged.

Family was watching them amused while having their evening tea and snacks now quite used to their daily banters.

"I will kill you, Arnav!" She shrieked from behind as he got up and turned. Everyone flinched. Arnav was in huge trouble.

"Fine!" He turned back and leaned to her face. "Kill me but you are not going anywhere for a whole freaking month!" He patted her cheek.

She slapped his hand and stood up to stand facing him.

"But you promised if I completed my end of the deal you'd let me go to my friend's wedding in Manali!" She exclaimed.

"Who the devil is who is letting you go?" He placed his hands in his pockets quirking his eyebrow.

"Arnav!" She groaned.

"Do you even know how far Manali is from Delhi? No way!" He shuddered.

"Laad Governor, you're backing off your words!"

"I don't care. When I can't go with you, I won't be sending you alone at all." He told his verdict. Family was like watching tennis match as their heads turned to and fro listening their fight as they started to feel dizzy.

"I won't be alone. Abeer will be with me. Even Bua ji, Amma, Babu ji are going!" She was now getting furious. He was being unreasonable.

"I won't be there!" He made his point.

"Because you have your business meetings in London for which you will have to stay there for a month!" She reminded him.

"Yes, and you are coming with me!" He pointed to himself earning a smack from her on his chest.

"What the?" Khushi was now breathing harshly feeling like breaking something.

"I won't be sending you alone and I can't be without you two for a whole month!" He was being stubborn. But she was no less behind.

"If I didn't go to Manali I won't be going to London with you, either." She announced and stomping her feet ran upstairs leaving a gaping family behind with an equally pissed Arnav.

Whole point of the deal they had for a week was this,

Arnav had a business deal to work for in London for a month, while at the same time,

Khushi had her childhood friend, Kriti's wedding in Manali for which she has been invited to come before the wedding.

When Khushi got to know about his deal in London, she decided to go to Manali for the same time he would be out of country. She would stay busy and won't miss him much but he had his own plans. He wanted to take them with him.

She raised her eyes as she saw him enter their room and close the door behind. She charged to him.

"You never took me to places where you have work to do saying that you won't be able to give me time. Even before Abeer was born. Now what changed?" She reasoned.

"That was because they were business trips of a day or two. Now, it's for freaking 30 days, dammit." He wasn't relenting.

"When we have a difference of opinion, we make a deal to sort it out. We did. I won that deal. So you can't back out now!" She reminded him. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Arnav, please?" She held his hands and made him look at her. "We would stay in contact through calls, WhatsApp, skype. I know why you are doing this because you'd miss me, miss us, you'd be hell worried as well but it's not like we are going away forever. I promise these days would pass and the moment I'd be done with the wedding you'd find us in front of you."

She knew he can be over-protective at times so during those, this times she has to handle the situation cautiously.

His frown deepened. He looked into her eyes trying to understand her but a moment later he slipped his hands out of her as if he has made up his mind.

"No means no!" He declared and stormed out leaving a flabbergasted Khushi behind.

"What the!" She growled.

"Stubborn head!" She muttered furiously.

"Pack your bags. We would be leaving the day after tomorrow for London," He told her the next morning before leaving for office.

Khushi narrowed her eyes at him from the bed while he was busy combing his hairs standing in front of the dressing table watching her angry face from the mirror.

"You are not playing fair!" She thumped her fist on her sides in frustration.

"Everything is fair in love and war!" He said royally taking a bow turning to her.

"I will never talk to you!" She warned him.

"We will see about that," He reached her and pressed a lingering kiss on her head making her close her eyes. He sighed and sat besides her seeing her sad.

"Khushi, listen. If I didn't have this deal to work on I'd have taken you to Manali myself but only if I were there with you. I am not sending you without me anywhere ever again. I have had my lesson."

Khushi opened her eyes to look into the chocolate brown pools of love full of concern for her.

"But Arnav," She cupped his cheeks. He turned his face to kiss her palm. "That happened once only and it was not your fault. Amma, Babu ji and Bua ji would be with me there. Not only that Kritika's whole family would be, too. Please let go of your inhibitions. It would only suffocate you more." She said worriedly.

"I can't." He whispered holding her hands still cupping his face. Khushi sighed and slipped her arms around his neck and moving to his lap hugged him close.

"You are impossible!" She whispered closing her eyes resting her head on his erratically beating heart.

"I know." He pecked her head wrapping his arms tightly around her for finally getting to her.

He left for the office satisfied that she has relented. Or so he thought because when he came back he found his room, his home deprived of not only the presence of his wife and son but also their belongings.

'Hey, Laad Governor, Abi's Baba!

By the time you'd reach home we would already be in Manali. Don't worry I took your private plane. Although it took a lot of threatening and requesting to make your Friday man agree to send us away without informing you but when I told him that I'd leave some other way anyway he relented knowing that he would have to face your wrath if he didn't guarantee our safety. Poor man. Deserves a promotion for putting up with hot headed couple like us.

Don't you worry much. I'd give you even a minute detail about us and I have started already. You will receive a text every other hour to tell you that we are safe. Yeah, We will miss you, too. Now please, don't sulk much. I have packed your bags and all the necessary files for your business deal. Make sure to double check before you leave. Okay, bye, love you loads. Muah!

Your Sanka Devi,

P.S. I love you more than jalebis!

P.P.S. Don't be mad at me for long,'

"Oh Khushi!" He whispered folding the letter in between his joined hands before touching it to his forehead until his phone pinged.

He quickly checked the message thinking it to be from Khushi but when he read it he stood up shocked letting out a loud,

"What the!"

Because it was the message from Aman saying that their clients from London has decided to come to AR, Delhi so he won't have to go out of the country anymore. More so, he wanted to inform it to him personally this morning itself but being busy at the construction site he forgot to inform him so.

"Aman Mathur, you are so dead!"


Song: Calum Scott & Leona Lewis - You Are The Reason (Such a beautiful song. My all time favorite!)

This was such a lovely experience to write. I had a smile on my face throughout writing this one shot. I hope you loved it as much.

Kindly don't forget to leave your precious VOTES and COMMENTS. I'd be eagerly waiting :)

Stay safe and healthy!


(Pics/gifs/song from google/YouTube)

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