E - Entirely Yours

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E - Entirely Yours

"Uh, Ji- Jimin?" I squeaked out, my face completely crimson from his words and the intimacy between us. Suddenly, my voice seemed to snap him out of his trance and he backed away immediately, eyes wide.

"I- I- I'm," Jimin stuttered, trying to explain his behaviour. I, on the other hand, slumped down because the whole ordeal had made my knees weak. "I'm sorry... Please don't punish me! Please! I promise I will never do this again, not even on mistake! Please don't-"

"Jimin," I squeezed out breathlessly. "Please don't speak for a moment."

He shut up immediately and backed away to the couch. A minute later (when my knees had found my bones again) I stood up, kinda wobbly and walked over to him, before slumping next to him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. I gave him a weak smile, my heart was running fast.

"Jiminie, can you please bring me some water?" I said. He nodded immediately and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle on the table to give to me. I drank it and took deep breaths to calm myself down. "Thank you for the water. Jimin, sit down."

Jimin sat next to me quietly, his head hung low. I raised my hand to place it on his shoulder but he misinterpreted it and flinched.

"Jimin, I'm not going to punish you," I said kindly, using the hand I had raised to make him look up at me. "Never. I swear. What you did... It just shocked me, but it's okay. I took you in keeping in mind that some things that I am not used to will happen. So please don't worry about it. Now, are you really sorry or did you apologise in fear of me hitting you?"

"Both," he admitted. I smiled at him, and leaned in to wrap him up in a hug. He wasn't cold but he wasn't warm either. On the other hand, I was really warm and just wanted to share this warmth with him.

"Jiminie," I whispered in his ear. "Just be yourself. Do what you want. I'm sorry about Tae's smell clinging off me. I have never had a hybrid before so Tae pretty much always jumps on me. I don't know what you do at this point to make me smell like myself, but I give you the permission to do it."

He hesitated for a second before he shyly wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled me again, but this time, it was soft and cute, not hot and possessive. He continued to rub himself on me for a few minutes and by the end of it, I was a blushing mess. I cleared my throat as Jimin finally stepped away, looking cheerful and satisfied with his work.

"All okay now?" I asked him with a weak smile. He beamed with a smile. "Alright then... Are you okay with sleeping in my bed? Or do you prefer your own?"

"N- My own," he said hesitantly. I smiled and stood up, walking to my bedroom with Jimin on my tail.

"Are you okay with a mattress?" I asked as I pulled out the mattress. He nodded from the door and I immediately placed it on the floor, pulling up a softer cloth over it. I placed a pillow and a blanket and fluffed the pillow before smiling at the over-all look. It looked comfortable atleast. "So? Is this okay?"

He looked amazed by it and honestly, I didn't know why. I hadn't done anything big, like give him a king sized bed but that's what his expression said.

"Thank you," he said clearly, a smile very much evident on his face. For the first time that night, the smile that bubbled up on my face was because I was really warm and happy inside. I jumped on my own bed and watched Jimin plop down on his own. He seemed happy on it as he laid his head down on the pillow.

"ChimChim," I said cutely. His eyes snapped to me at the nickname. "Can I call you ChimChim?"

"Y- Yeah," the adorable blush on his chubby cheeks made me soft completely.

"ChimChim, we are going shopping tomorrow," I declared. He blinked at me, confused.

"Why?" He asked. I bit the inside on my cheek. He didn't know?

"You have very few clothes," I reminded him. "Only like, what, three pairs? You need more clothes. Then we need to grocery shop anyway, buy food that we both like. And of course, medicines are a must. I don't want anything happening to you."

"Oh..." He looked taken aback. I shot him a questioning look.

"Was there anything you wanted? We can get that too," I said. He shook his head quickly. "Okay then."

He looked shaken but didn't say anything as he laid down on his pillow again and suddenly I remembered one last thing I had to tell him.

"Oh, and Jimin?" He looked at me again. I gave him a bright smile. "Don't worry. I'm completely, and entirely yours."

His eyes shone at that and he grinned before sending me a wink. I grinned back before falling on my pillow too.

"Goodnight," he said quietly, but I still heard it.

"Goodnight, ChimChim," I said back, without looking at him. I turned off the lights whose buttons were by my bedside. A curtain of darkness fell in the room and I stared at the ceiling because I was wide awake, recalling the events of that day.

Remembering the intense look on Jimin's face from before made me blush. I don't know why, but I just felt... embarassed and happy about it.

But why? I decided that I was looking too much into it and pushed it to the back of my mind for the time being. I imagined how tomorrow would go and faced to my right side to see a fast asleep Jimin.

Seeing him like that made me smile and slowly, I felt sleep consume me.


Words: 1006

Updated Published On:
15th November 2019

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