M - Mall Moments

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M - Mall Memories

"ChimChim!" I whined loudly. The poor hybrid rushed out of my room as quick as he could, looking at me in alarm.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking me up and down for any injuries. I smiled at his cute gesture.

It was a few days after the adoption and Jimin had started settling in. Atleast, he seemed more comfortable than before. I guess, giving him his favourite food and all helped.

"I wanna go to the mall," I said, pouting. He raised an eyebrow. "Not for clothes. No, you see, my friend Hoseok works there and I want to meet him. I thought of introducing you two while we are at it."

"Oh," Jimin took a gulp. "Another friend? And his name is Hoseok, you say?"

"Hm," I smiled. "Don't worry, he's the last one. And his hybrid of course, Yoongi. Though you don't have to worry about Yoongi's smell on me. He's one cold cat, sticking only to Hoseok. They are the opposite poles, the 'opposites-attract' couple of the group. Will you pleeeaase come?"

I stretched the please, giving him a (hopefully) cute and hopeful look. Jimin sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Okay," he said. I shouted in glee before running around to prepare for my bath and to get ready for the mall.


"So Hoseok owns a instrument shop in the mall," I explained to Jimin as I was driving there. Jimin, who was sitting next to me, listened attentively. "You see, Yoongi can play the piano, so he is always there to attract the customers with his beautiful playing. Hoseok can play all the instruments they have, but he prefers dancing."

"Dancing?" Jimin repeated. I nodded. "Like, moving your body is weird ways to music?"

"What? No!" I almost laughed at his description. "How do I explain to you? You know what, ask Hoseok. He will show you happily. He will make you understand what dancing truly is."

"Okay," Jimin looked confused but kept quiet as he thought over what I just said. I found his confused and thoughtful face very adorable but resorted to expressing it with a smile only.

When we reached the mall, I parked the car in the basement before we took the elevator to the second floor where their shop was situated.

When we stepped out, I noticed Jimin looking at the shops in awe. It was only his second time after all. I just shook my head at his antics before dragging him to the shop titled 'Melody 'N Beats.'

I pushed open the glass door and turned around because Jimin was standing outside staring at the guitars that were kept for display but were on the other side of the glass.

"Chim?" I called out. Jimin looked at me before rushing inside. The blast of the air conditioner could be felt. It was just the middle of June, so summer had started. "Now let's find Hoseok..."

As I looked around for the familiar ball of sunshine, the shop was filled with the soft music played by a piano. Jimin got distracted by it and started following the sound that I knew was being produced by Yoongi. I followed Jimin to the corner where Yoongi was playing and stood beside him as he continued to watch the man play the piano in awe.

Yoongi's eyes shifted to my face and he stopped playing. He passed me a gummy smile as he stood up from his seat and engulfed me in a hug that surprised me.

"Wha-? Yoongles, are you okay?" I asked him worriedly, as I pulled away and looked him up and down. "Are you feeling sick? Or did you somehow get drunk early in the morning?"

"I heard from Hoseok," Yoongi's soft eyes confirmed my doubt. I waved my hand and smiled, before hugging him.

"Jimin doesn't know," I whispered as quietly as I could. "Please..."

"Who's Jimin?" Yoongi's face scrunched up in confusion as he stepped back. I raised an eyebrow and pointed at my hybrid who was touching the piano. The excitement on his face reminded me of a child at Christmas. "Oh. Okay then. Do you want me to call Hoseok? He's in the back- Woah, brat, careful! You might break it."

Jimin had pressed on one key too hard but the moment Yoongi spoke he jumped back and silence crashed again. Yoongi, who was wearing a black beanie, white shirt and black slacks, just narrowed his eyes at the shorter, nervous male.

"A dog?" He said, in a tone that suggested that what I did was scandalous. I couldn't help the amusement creeping on my face. "How could you do this, kid?"

Yoongi's words were directed to me, accusing me of treachery playfully. I gave him a light slap on the forearm and jerked my head towards the back door.

"Call Hoseok," I said to him, shaking my head as I went to sit where Yoongi had previously sat. Yoongi went inside and I placed my fingers on the long, slender, black and white keys. Remembering a few lessons by Yoongi, I moved my fingers across them, playing the soft, familiar melody as I hummed to it.

Multiple claps brought me back to my senses and I stopped playing as I stood up quickly. Hoseok and Yoongi stood a bit far away, grinning simultaneously. Jimin had a soft smile too and he was clapping along with my two friends. I blushed as I came off the stage and Jimin followed me down.

"Still remember my lessons, huh?" Yoongi smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"That was beautiful, (y/n)," Hoseok flashed me his thousand watt smile. "And it's been so long! Why didn't you come to meet me sooner?"

"I thought you would," I said with a fake pout. "But oppa, you never came... Did I bother you that much?"

"Ah, no, no, my precious little sister," Hoseok wrapped me up in his arms. "You could never bother me."

"Ah, excuse me?"


Words: 1006

Updated/Published On:
22nd November 2019

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