E - Entrusted Secrets

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E - Entrusted Secrets

"Oh, yeah, ChimChim, this is Jung Hoseok my friend," I introduced them when I realised that they didn't really know each other. "And Hoseok-oppa, this is Park Jimin, my new hybrid!"

Jimin gave a small nod to Hoseok. Hoseok gave him a large hug and Jimin looked shocked at that. Hoseok stepped back, his wide smile making Jimin smile nervously as well.

"Ah, Hoseok-oppa, you should show him your dance," I said. "Jimin doesn't know what dance is."

Hoseok's shocked face morphed into horror. He grabbed Jimin by the shoulders.

"Come with me, child, and I'll introduce you to the beautiful world of dancing!" He announced before pulling Jimin inside. Jimin shot me a 'help me' look but I just giggled. The two disappeared inside.

"Wait, who'll look after the shop?" I asked. Yoongi shrugged before going behind the counter. I joined him and sat on the other cushioned seat. "You are, I guess."

"Not like anyone will come," he said, facing me. "This is slow time for the shop. So, let's talk."

"About what?" I asked him with a confused smile. Yoongi's eyes flickered to the door where Hoseok and Jimin went before they came back to me. They held sadness.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. "It's not your fault."

"No, not for that," he mustered up a smile but the pain was ever-present. "I always acted so cold and bratty to you... Well, to everyone, but you have always been sweet and kind and now I just, I don't want you to go."

His cheeks were dusted a dark pink, his ears red as he stared at his lap. I smiled. Yoongi was not one to be vocal about his feelings, but atleast my death was making him express.

"Yoongi, I always knew," I said to him, squeezing his hand. "Even when you didn't say, I knew that we matter to you. You don't have to say it if it's hard. I know you might act cold, but you are warm inside. You are just a big softie."

"I'm not!" He said, pouting. I couldn't resist it and immediately my hands ran to his cheeks to pull them lightly. He lightly slapped my hands away and I couldn't help but giggle. "You're younger than me! Stop coddling me as if I am the younger one here."

"I can't help it," I pouted. "You're just so cute."

"I'm not," he said stubbornly. His eyes softened once again and this time, he took my hand, wrapping it into his own, cold ones. "Isn't there any way...?"

"Unfortunately, no, Yoongles," I said. I squeezed his left hand and he squeezed my right hand with his right one that was on top of it. "Listen, I want one favour of you and Hoseok."

"What is it?" Yoongi's ears perked up as he sat up straight. "Anything. I'll do whatever you need."

"Jimin... Doesn't know," I said very softly, because I knew hybrids had better hearing and Jimin might be able to hear it. "He shouldn't know of this. Atleast not now."

"We won't tell him," Yoongi promised. "But can you tell me why?"

"You see, he's, he's not really trusting me," I tried to explain to the pale cat. "At first, he refused to accept that I won't punish him. He won't do that now, but he's still skeptical about me. He flinches when I touch him and I can see his doubt and hesitation."

Yoongi heard me rant but didn't say anything upon it, waiting for me to finish. I was grateful for that because I wanted to speak this out with someone, and I knew Yoongi wouldn't tell this to anyone.

"Till he learns to trust me, I can't tell him this, this information," I said weakly. "I'm really worried as to how he will respond, but that's a worry for another time. Yoongi, please don't tell this to anyone. I'm sure Jin-oppa would suggest that I should give Jimin back, but I don't want to do that. He'll take his own time, but I know for sure that one day he will-"

"Shh!" Yoongi hissed suddenly and I stopped immediately. I heard the creak of a door and footsteps followed it. I turned around with a casual smile, to see a sweaty Hoseok and blank Jimin.

But I didn't miss the excited gleam in his eyes. I smiled at that.

"How did it go?" I asked the two boys.

"That was just, amazing!" Jimin gushed, breaking into the widest smile I had ever seen on his smile. His eyes had turned into crescent moons and I wanted to just "aw" at the adorable sight. "He was so cool. I didn't know dance was so, so amazing. It was exhilarating. It was breathtaking. It was beautiful."

Jimin looked like a child at christmas and I grinned at the sight. I was happy that he finally was letting his feelings get the best of him.

"We can arrange for you to practice dancing at our house," I proposed. "I can even arrange for dance classes. I'm sure Hoseokie-oppa won't mind teaching you."

"Ah, I would love to, but only on weekends," Hoseok warned us, wiping his sweat with a napkin. I could see Yoongi's eyes turn into cat slits from the corner of my eye but stifled in my laughs with just a smile. "Is that okay?"

"Of course, hyung!" Jimin squeaked excitedly, jumping up and down. I laughed at the sight and so did Hoseok. Yoongi didn't find it as funny, apparently, because he hissed at him.

"Yoongi, be nice," Hoseok 'scolded' him, but the three of us knew that he was just teasing the older hybrid.

"Ah, I gotta go," I said, standing up and going next to Jimin. "I have some work to do, and I need to drop Jimin home before that, so I have to take my leave."

"Oh, of course," Hoseok flashed a bright smile. "Come again soon."

"I'll come this weekend with Chim," I promised. "Bye Yoongles, please remember what I said."

Yoongi nodded and I knew he won't speak of what I said ever again until I said he could.

Yoongi could always be entrusted with secrets, and I was thankful for that.


Words: 1060

Updated/Published On:
29th November 2019

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