E - Entrances & Exits

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E - Entrances & Exits

A really plain, white and boring ceiling was above me. I was confused for a second where I was, because the last thing I remembered was being at Hoseok's doorstep.

Hospital. It suddenly clicked where I could be and my eyes snapped downwards to find a sleeping Jimin on the chair next to me.

I watched him sleep, and smiled; he looked so peaceful and calm. Will he still be happy and peaceful after I go away?

Even as I lay on the bed, I could feel the life leave me. I knew I wasn't going to be alive for much now. I placed my hand on top of Jimin's and shook it. Jimin woke up, rubbing his eyes before opening them. His eyes widened as he saw me awake.

"You're awake! I should call a doc-" he immediately stood up but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"I don't have much time, Chim," I said weakly as I smiled at him lovingly. "I want to tell you something."

"Yeah, of course, but shouldn't I call the do-" he started saying but I shushed him.

"Please, sit down next to me?" I pleaded and he immediately sat down, taking my cold hands into his really warm ones. "How are you?"

"I'm doing... okay, I guess," he said with a weak smile. "Listen, I'm sorry. I felt hurt and betrayed but I shouldn't have ran away like that. I completely overlooked the fact that despite your condition you always looked after me and cared for me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Jimin, I understand why you would do that," I said quietly. "I am sorry too. I should've let you know beforehand, but we were having so much fun, we were so happy that I didn't want to dampen it with my death."

"I don't want you to go," Jimin said suddenly, and I didn't miss the wetness of his eyes. "Why do you have to go? Why did you have to end up getting this disease? It's so, so stupid. I don't want to let you go."

I couldn't help the tears and I didn't even stop them as they blurred my vision.

"Me neither, ChimChim," I said as I tightened my grip on his hands. "You mean so much to me. I wanted to love you so much that it will be enough for all the years you missed out on it."

"Enough? It was more than enough," Jimin smiled widely at me. "This was the best year of my life – ever. I'm so glad you took me in, so happy that you chose me that day at the adoption centre. I was so sure that I would never get any love and then you barged into my life and just, you just blew my life away. You showered me with so much love. I don't even know how to repay you."

"You can repay me by being happy, Chim," I said softly as I stroked his hand. "I may be going now, Jiminie, but I'll be going to a better place. And when I'm not here, I don't want you to be sad. Cry, if you need to, but after you're done crying, stand back up and let yourself go. Do what you want to do, do the things that make you happy."

"‘Thank you’ doesn't even start the gratitude I have for you," saying so, Jimin broke down in my arms.

"What's the date?" I asked him as I stroked his hair and I could feel the warm tears that ran down my cheeks.

"It's the 1st of June," he said, looking up. "No wait, that was yesterday- today's 2nd of June. Why?"

"Ah, have you been practicing for the competition?" I asked him.

"No, how can I?" He looked hurt at the idea. "You matter so much more than the competition and I don't care if I miss it because being with you, it's heaven. I love dancing, but I would rather be in your arms."

"Well, Jiminie, I am not going to be here for long," I said, gulping, "so I enrolled you into the competition. I know you really love dancing; so I tried to make sure that you have that to depend on when I'm gone. I don't think I'll be able to make it to your competition, but I would really love it if you win. And if you don't, well, I'm still going to be there with you, in your heart."

"Don't leave me, please don't leave me," Jimin cried and for the first time, I saw him crying out loud. It broke me too.

"ChimChim," I called out to him brokenly. "I don't want to, I don't want to leave either but I don't have a choice. I tried my b- best to make so m- many happy memories with y- you, so that I could li- live on in your memories, and I just-"

We both melted in each other's arms and I pulled him next to me in my bed and we both cried ourselves to sleep.

The last sight I ever saw in my life was a teary eyed Jimin who was smiling widely at me as he peppered kisses all over my face.


"H- Hey, why- why won't she wake u- up?" Jimin hiccuped amidst tears as he shook her cold body. "Wake up, (y/n), come on, we weren't do- done talk- talking-"

"Jimin...," Jin just covered his mouth with his hand as his tears fell down too, his other hand on Jimin's shoulder. Namjoon shoulder hugged Jin as he cried silently.

Her body laid lifeless on the bed, cold and unmoving. Yet, the smile on her face made it feel like she was just asleep, dreaming about them.

Taehyung and Jungkook were crying in the corner of the room whereas Yoongi was comforting Hoseok outside, because Hoseok said he didn't want the others to see him cry.

"I l- love you, (y/n), I love you," Jimin's face was wet but he didn't care. He just wanted her to wake up, to say the words he never got to say to her. "I'm sorry, I was lying when I said I loved you, I love you now and I'll never stop- just please, please wake up!"

"Jimin, sh- she won't wake up," Jin said heavily trying to stay calm because he had to stay peaceful if he wanted to calm the others. But it was so hard. "She's dead. She's not going to wake up, because she's finally in a place where she'll be happier than ever before."

"I am sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry," Jimin lay his head on her stomach as a fresh batch of tears started flowing down.


Words: 1133

A/n: Last chapter coming next week!

Updated/Published On:
7th February 2020

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