R - Roar Of The Crowd...

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R - Roar Of The Crowd...

Jimin took deep breaths as he gazed seriously at the stage. It was June 6, the day of the finals.

"Are you sure about this, Jimin?" Hoseok asked worriedly one last time as the boys had all come to cheer Jimin backstage. "You don't have to- Everybody understands-"

"No, I'm going to do it," the determination, the fire in Jimin's eyes was blazing. He was firm, he wanted to do this. He wanted to win this competition. Seokjin and Hoseok shared worried glances.

"Well, good luck buddy, we're here for you," Taehyung said optimistically. Jimin flashed him a thankful smile before returning his gaze to the stage.

"Park Jimin!" A guy from the crew called out for him. "You're up in ten! Please come here!"

Jimin walked over to his position and glanced in the passing mirrors to check whether the clothes were perfect. In his head, he went through all the steps one last time.

He knew the six boys had gone out to their seats now, to watch him perform. He would give them and the whole world a performance. A performance they would never forget. A dance that will never leave their minds. Something that will blow their minds.

And then, he was being ushered onto the stage and Jimin was numb. He couldn't hear the crowd, just the sound of his deep breaths. He lay down on the stage, taking his position.

The music started; the slow, sensual violin notes started playing and Jimin's body moved on it's own, as he moved the heart of every single person who watched him perform.

His pain, his grief, his sadness; it oozed out of his movements. He beautifully bent his body to the music as the speed slowly increased.

His release, his acceptance, his love; it blossomed onto the stage, taking birth as a beautiful flower that entranced all those who watched it bloom.

His regret, his thoughts, his feelings; they danced across the stage, leaving behind a feeling adrift in the air, showing the world that he was missing something, someone, but he had to go on.

He had to go on, because she wanted him to. She wanted him to stop crying, to take his life in his own hands, to create himself. She wanted him to be happy, she wanted him to be loved and cared for.

And he will start it himself. He will create himself, he will love himself and he will care for himself. He will work hard so that the only tears he will ever shed will be those of happiness.

They will be those that reflected her happy, close-eyed smile as she called him for a warm embrace.

The sweat on his body will show how hard he worked, because he will work for that moment, which will reunite him with his beloved one, his beloved (y/n).

The last notes hung in the air as Jimin finally stopped his gentle movements, and the silence that rested was deadly.

Jimin didn't care. He bowed down and left, because his job was done. He had spoken all that he wanted to; and he knew it had reached her.

As soon as he was backstage, the numb feeling left him and he dropped onto the couch as he waited for the results.

When all the performances were done, the six boys rushed backstage to congratulate him but Jimin waved them off. He didn't want their congratulations. He wanted something else.

"And now, the winners!" The MC shouted and the crowd yelled in response, all excited to see the winners.

"In the third place, we have...." It wasn't Jimin. He didn't care who it was. The guy went up and got his medal and prize.

"In the second place, it is... Kim Jongin!" Jimin had to admit, that guy was good. Had he not had only one goal on his mind, he would have been intimidated by this Jongin guy, but he wasn't. Nothing scared him.

"Any guesses who the first place could be? What's that?"

The crowd shouted incoherently, many at the same time but apparently the MC was able to understand because he shouted.

"That's right, the winner of this entire competition is Park Jimin!!"

Namjoon and Hoseok pushed Jimin onto the stage who went to get his award. As he stood in front of the judges who handed it to him, complimenting his performance, he smiled politely.

He faced the crowd and bowed down to them, as they yelled in a deafening sound; but his ears searched for the only sound he cared for.

And in the midst of the roar of the crowd, he heard it. The soft music of her angelic voice.

"Well done, ChimChim. I'm so proud of you. I've never been so happy. I just have one thing left to say;

I loved you, I love you now and I'll love you forever.

And so will you, right?"

And for the first time since her death, Jimin put out a real, genuine smile.


★°~The End~°★•

Words: 848

Please read the Author's Note ahead! It won't take more than 2 minutes, I promise... Also, happy valentine's day! If you're single like me, happy self-loving day! Spend some time with yourself 😄

Updated/Published On:
14th February 2020

Fun Fact #3:
There will be 3 'spin-offs' to my BTS series, which are again, not related to each other or any of the 7 books. They will include 3 BTS Ships, instead of more xreaders.

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