F - Future Plans

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F - Future Plans

I wiped my hands on the napkin as I popped my head out of the kitchen and looked over all the boys. I saw Jimin sitting on the couch with his eyes closed and looking at peace. A warm smile drew up on my face.

I waved to Hoseok-oppa who finally looked up and saw me. He nodded at my gesture and stood up, before coming to the kitchen. Taehyung hopped away to Jungkook and the two started chatting together.

Once Hoseok was inside, I closed the door and went to stand next to Seokjin. The two boys gave me confused and concerned looks.

"What did you want to talk about?" Jin asked. "Everything okay?"

"I- yeah," I forced up a smile, but I dropped it quickly enough and sighed. "Actually, I'm fine. But I'm worried for Jimin. Jimin... He doesn't know about my disease. He doesn't know about my inevitable death."

Jin's breath hitched and Hoseok just shot me a disapproving look. I ignored their reactions. They had to come to terms with the fact that I was going to die.

"But what I wanted to ask you was... Who would take care of Chim?" I said desperately. "After my death, what will happen to him? We need to discuss that."

"Yeah, we can't just give him back," Jin frowned. Hoseok nodded before piping up.

"I can take him in, if you want," Hoseok's words made me face him hopefully.

"Are you sure?" I asked him hesitantly. "Another hybrid to take care of might be a bit hard on you... Plus Yoongi and Jimin are not really on the bestest of terms..."

My voice trailed off towards the end as I sounded out my doubts. Hoseok waved his hand and gave me his usual bright and hopeful smile.

"Jimin can work and earn if I feel too burdened," he said offhandedly. "Of course, if you don't mind. And Yoongi and him just need to get to know each other. I have a feeling that they haven't really tried that."

"Yeah, no, they haven't," I agreed with him. "And sure, but where can a hybrid work?"

"Well, he's crazy good at dancing," Hoseok pointed out. "If he participates in some dance competitions that have monetary prizes, that could work..."

"That's a good idea!" I clapped. I could hear sizzling behind me and knew that Seokjin had started cooking once again. "I will ask him as soon as possible, so if he gets used to it now, he won't have trouble later..."

"Sure," Hoseok agreed with the idea. His smile dropped as he looked over me worried again. "But... You have to tell him. Soon. Or else, it will be really harsh on him."

"I know," I pressed my lips together tightly, trying to think of a soft way to ease it onto him. I leaned against the kitchen counter as I thought about it but Seokjin's shout made me jump.

"We're done!" He said happily, clapping his hands. "Call the others, I'll start setting the table. Hoseok-ah, help me set the table. You, go and call the hungry wolves."

"Of course," I grinned proudly as I walked out of the kitchen, to the 'hungry wolves'. I cleared my throat to catch their attention. "Dinner is ready-"

A combined but harmonious yelp sounded as the two hybrids NamJin adopted ran towards where I came from - the kitchen. I ducked and watched them disappear through the doors with wide eyes.

Namjoon laughed as he passed me a smile; I returned it with a sympathetic one. He jerked his thumb towards the sleeping dog hybrid, and my eyes softened.

"I'll wake up Yoongi," he offered. I winced at the thought, but I didn't have to worry.

"Don't worry, I'm up," Yoongi said in a low, husky voice as he stood up and yawned. "Wake up your sleeping beauty."

With that, he went to the kitchen followed by Namjoon, with whom I shared a silent laugh because it was ironic who was talking about whom. When it was just Jimin and I in the room, I walked over to the couch.

"ChimChim?" I said as I gently poked his cheeks. They were so chubby and soft and cute! I giggled as I poked them over and over again, forgetting for a second that Jimin was asleep. His eyes opened slowly as he fidgeted in his sitting position. He blinked twice before his eyes widened; I realised too late that my face was really near his. I backed off with a sheepish smile. "Dinner's ready! Everyone's waiting for us. We can go after we have eaten if you want to sleep really badly."

Jimin didn't reply as he stood up, his eyes still wide. I smiled and walked to the kitchen, feeling him following me.

Christmas dinner was warm. It was homely. It was fun because I was with my family, with the people I loved. And even if it was my last Christmas, it was beautiful.

The smile on my face didn't leave for the whole night.


As December ended, the snow covered roads and trees shed a white light everywhere. It was a pretty sight and I loved playing around with the snow when I went to work.

"(Y/n)-ah," Jae-hee, my coworker, smiled at me. "You look really happy... Did you finally get a boyfriend?"

"Wha- no!" I laughed at her guess. "No, I don't have time for boyfriends or anything of that sort. I'm just... I love winter. And everything's going pretty well for now, so..."

"Ah," Jae-hee didn't look much convinced but she went to serve the next customer with a fresh smile on her face.

I didn't have a boyfriend, but I had Jimin, who made me very happy. I smiled at thoughts of him. He was being really close and clingy to me, but I loved it because I felt like he finally loved and trusted me.

And that meant the world to me.


Words: 1003

Updated/Published On:
3rd January 2020

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