O - Over Coffee

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O - Over Coffee

"Chim?" I said quietly as I browsed through my cupboard looking for a nice sweater that will help me because it was really cold and mid of January was not a time to wear light, summery clothes.

"Hm?" His voice sounded from behind me. He was currently dressing up for his dance class with Hoseok since it was a Saturday.

"Hey, I'm, um, I'm thinking of getting some coffee on the way," I said as I finally decided on a power blue one paired with black jeans. "Will you come along?"

"Of course!" His bright reply made me smile as I shut the doors.

"You done?" I asked him, without turning around.

"Yeah, you can turn around now," he said and I turned around before dropping my clothes on the bed. He smiled at me. He wore a black hoodie and dark grey jeans and still managed to look soft and cute. "I'll go out so you can change. Want me to grab anything?"

"Yeah, please get my purse and the house keys," I requested before closing the doors after him. As soon as I finished dressing up, we left after locking up the house.

I couldn't find some time to talk about the dance competitions to him freely, so I decided to do it over some coffee. I parked my car in the mall's parking lot and we took the elevator to the first floor, where my favourite café was.

I slid into the wooden chair and watched nervously as Jimin slid into the one opposite me. I tried to think of ways to introduce the topic to him, but I felt blank.

What if he doesn't like it?
What if he says no?
How can I just leave him alone?

"...ey, (y/n)? (Y/n)!" Jimin's voice brought me out of my thoughts. He was looking at me worriedly along with the waitress.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" She asked kindly. "Do you need some water?"

"Hm," I nodded and picked up the glass kept in front of me before sipping it. "Thank you for your concern. Um, I would like your special mocha and four chocolate chip muffins, please?"

"Of course," she said with a cheerful smile after seeing that I was okay. "So one latte for sir and one mocha for ma'am along with four chocolate chip muffins? Coming right up!"

She left to prepare our orders and I decided that I have to be confident and firm in what I say. Jimin gave me a weird look but the worry in his eyes was ever present.

"Are you not feeling well?" He asked.

"I'm okay, I was just thinking," I assured him. Silence ensued between us, but it was comfortable and not awkward. Our order came and I decided to finally break the silence as I sipped on my mocha. "So, Jimin, I don't think it's any secret that you love dancing. And that you're extremely good at it."

"W- Well," Jimin blushed at my words, "I won't say extremely good-"

"Oh, shut up," I advised him, "if you are not good then what does that make the ones who can't dance at all, like me? You're good, don't even deny it."

"O- Okay," Jimin's cheeks were a cute crimson now. I smiled at the sight as he grabbed himself a muffin and nibbled lightly on it.

"So, I was thinking..." I trailed off to catch his attention. He gave me a curious look and I continued, "See, Hoseok thinks that you are really good. Like, the kind of good that you need to recognised for it."

"Recognised?" Jimin's face etched into an undeniable frown and I was scared. He had to say yes. Please, please don't say no.

"A- And well, I think you should, y'know, take part in competitions," I suggested, my voice growing weak and timid at the end. "If you take part in competitions, you will get a chance to learn even more from your opponents. It will be an opportunity to showcase what you can do; to understand where you can improve."

"Competitions?" Jimin now looked baffled instead of frowning like earlier. "But, why?"

"I want to see you grow," I said softly, nursing the nearly empty coffee cup in my hand. "You really love dancing, Jimin. I want you to bloom in the field you like, because you're a flower that is just a bud right now. These things help to open up. Some competitions come along with money as prizes and well, frankly, I wouldn't mind a bit of financial help from your side."

Jimin cocked an eyebrow, but I could see that he was interested in what I was saying. I sighed, not even lying anymore.

"I'm thinking of dropping one of my part-time jobs because I rarely have time for you and I would really like to spend time with you," I explained. Jimin's eyes lit up at the mention of spending time with me and I kept in the soft smile that was threatening to appear on my face. "So, would you like to?"

"I- I would love to spend time with you," Jimin said honestly. I sensed a ‘but’ coming up. "And I would like to help you out as well. But, I don't want to be known. I don't want someone to take me away from you."

"Oh, ChimChim," I cupped both of his cheeks. "Nobody's taking you away from me. I won't let anyone take you away. We'll always be together. Don't worry, because I'll support you through this."

"Then, I am ready," Jimin's small smile turned wide when I grinned at him.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I said to him as I picked up the remaining two muffins and packed them into a small box I had got. "Let's go and tell Hoseok. Miss!"

I called the waitress and paid the bill before we both rushed to Hoseok's shop. I couldn't help but glance at Jimin's excited yet nervous face. I chuckled darkly in my head as sadness and bitterness took over me.

Nobody's taking you away from me, Chim.
Nobody except me.


Words: 1027

Update/Published On:
10th January 2020

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