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Let me first tell you, I'm a Moonbli shipper, so this one might be really horrible. I'm sorry if it is, but on with the rating! :)

       Moon and Winter make a great couple! Their personalities are like, the opposite of each other's. Moon, is sweet, shy, caring, and brave. She seems to like Winter a lot. After Winter accused her of setting the explosion in the history cave, Moon still cared about him, and even wondered if he was okay or not. In addition to that, in Winter Turning she said something like, "we'll miss you" or "see you soon" when Winter and Hailstorm were going to the Ice Kingdom. Then, when Winter was "dying", she was crying so hard that she could make a river with her tears. Sure, Qibli and maybe Turtle were crying too, but not as hard. Winter, well, he didn't show his affection for Moon through action, but it's shown in many of his thoughts and words. When he thought he was dying, he said, "Moon, tell Moon-" most likely meaning to say, "Tell Moon I love her," or something close to that. Aww, so sweet. It's like every time before someone dies, they tell their loved one that they love him/her. I practically melted at that part. It's just so cute and romantic. Ahh . . . . . .  Anyways, back to business! I love WInter's personality. It's a bit like mine. On the outside, he's grumpy, fierce, and protective, but he has a soft side, where he's more sympathetic and caring. When Winter was two years old, he was supposed to kill a polar bear, but when he saw that it had cubs, he let it go because he knew it was just wrong leaving two cubs alone in the freezing cold with no mother. This moved him in the sixth circle. Poor Winter, I feel sorry for him that time.

      Plus, I hate to admit this, but there are more Winterwatcher fans than Moonbli fans, so Mrs. Sutherland will probably make Winterwatcher canon. :(  I'll try not to be bitter, but I can't help it. Overall, this ship deserves an 87 out of 100. I'll be nice and not say anything mean. 

Author's note: From now on, I'll be reviewing these ships with other book characters, not just WoF. What do you think about this idea?

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