13 : Roller coaster going down :

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I felt someone's hand on my chest. It hurt....
it hurts....
it hurts so bad.

My eyes shot open and I immediately tried to get up, I had to find her I have to save Caroline. Ah! I fell back on the bed with a Yelp. " Don't move so much",  said a voice that came from someone near me. I looked at her, she felt oddly familiar.

" Calm down dear don't try to move much ok, there are bruises on your chest, it might take a week for them to fade". She looked kinda in her forties, with a bright toothy smile and wrinkles under her eyes.
I looked around my surroundings and finally recognised the lady. She is the college nurse and I'm right now in the nurse's office. My mind drifted back to her, My Caroline.

" Where's Caroline ", I asked the memory of her beaten up body churning my insides.
The nurse looked confused for a bit and asked "Are u talking about the girl who bought you here, she went back home".
She went back home huh, I hope she was ok I mumbled to myself.

I closed my eyes and tried to rewind everything that happened today. Why the hell is my life a freaking roller, first Caroline then Candice and now Amy!!?

AMY!! , she said something about her, damn what was it. I tried to clam myself and recall what she said about Amy, something bout her being persistent right.
What did that even mean. Does that mean----- no it couldn't be. Candice would never hurt Amy, there's no reason to, but then again she beats me up for no literal reason too.

I could feel my head throbbing, it hurt and I knew it was not because of Candice and her goons bashing me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, God I hope she's ok.

I quickly grabbed my phone and tried to call Amy but, she didn't take her phone. I tried again and again and again but, she never took her phone. I tried messaging, I must have given her almost a thousand messages but she never replied.

That's when Nick crossed my mind. She's with NICK!!, all I had to do was  call him and just ask how Amy is doing. I was getting all frustrated for no reason, i slightly laughed at myself. Slowly my smile faded when I realised I don't have his number .

Why the hell don't i have his number, oh yeah cause I'm a fukcing nobody. God, I'm going crazy which I already am. I kept drilling my mind for a way, comon think thinkkk. All the while the nurse kept looking at me worried that perhaps the damage had affected my brain.

That's when it hit me, I gave the nurse a hurried thank you and left college to Samantha's place. Samantha Gabriel, a socielite and obviously one among the popular clique. Her honey toned hair, tan skin and her atheletic body would grab anyone's attention. But unlike Candice and others Samantha is actually very nice.

Besides Amy she's the only one that has ever spoke to me. I know, sad but true. The thing is Samantha is Amy's neighbour and her friend ( yes I'm not the only friend she got unlike me ofcourse ). She must know about Nick too and her being all popular she must have his number right.

I hurried down the streets and even though my body hurt from the bash I got from Candice, I couldn't care less cause all I wanted is to make sure that Amy, my only friend was alright. I could feel my head going all fuzzy on me. I quickly popped on 2 pills and took a very long deep breath.

It seemed to do the work. I came close to Samantha's house, I could see Amy's house a few blocks away. I rang the bell once ,when no one answered I rang it again.
Dammit! Don't tell me she's not here today, as soon as that thought crept my mind the door swung open. Samantha looked like she was sleeping and kinda pissed at whoever that disturbed her sleep but, I was happy that she was there the least.

I could have almost hugged her then and there but ofcourse, i didn't. Samantha looked straight in the eye almost as if she would burn me alive right there but, when she finally realised it was me, she welcomed me in.

I didn't have any time to waste so I quickly got to the point. I asked her Nick's number and she didn't question me or anything, just gave it to me. I think my sudden request must have startled her. I didn't tell her the reason though and she didn't ask. I didn't want to make her worry.

I quickly dialled Nick and when he told me that he came back weeks ago I just said "We have to meet right NOW come to the park ", and with that I hung up. I'm sure he'll come. He has to ........

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