14. Bon voyage .

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I hurried to the park he wasn't there yet so I decided to wait for him. This park brought back a lot memories that I thought I had buried deep within. I looked around at the slides, the swing and the see-saw, that was my favorite.

Me and my sister loved playing in that see-saw, she would always ask me to take her to the park to play specifically in the see-saw. I felt my chest tightening as the memories slowly flooded in.

A slight tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I turned around to see Nick, Finally I thought to myself.
"Where's Amy Nick ?" I asked him in the most serious way my depressed self could muster up in that moment.

He looked kinda suprised by my sudden outburst and replied
" Wo calm down there, what do you mean where's Amy I thought she came back ".

" You THOUGHT she came back !! What the hell, didn't you guys went to your parents house together ".
" Yeah we did go together but, a day after we reached, her father called asking her to come back so, she went and I stayed there for a few days ".

I looked at his face for any slight chance of him lying to me, not that he had any reason to but, he looked straight back into my eyes with complete confidence that it actually made me blush slightly. I quickly brushed that thought out of head, no we have to find Amy first.

Amy clearly hasn't come back home, if she had she would have called me or even messaged me but, she didn't.
" Where do you think Amy is ", I asked Nick with a slight desperation in my tone.

He scratched his head thinking hard and his face just lit up like lightning , " oh I know, she sent me a msg yesterday, nothing serious just the usual stuff ". I was a bit confused,
" And what exactly am i supposed to do with that piece information".

" I have a friend whose really good at hacking ". He looked at my face excitedly but, I was still confused as hell so I meekly replied, " So, what exactly are we gonna do again ".
Nick just face palmed and said," we're going to hack Amy's phone and find the location when she sent me those msgs".

"Ohhhhhh, now I get it ", I replied.
" So where's this friend of yours ".
" He lives next me so, let's go ". And with that
We both hurried out to his "friends " house and suprisingly it was a few blocks from my apartment.

We went to his doorstep, Nick proceeded to go near the door and he started banging. Like literal banging, doesn't he know that your supposed to use the bell or even just knock. I was too shook to say anything, happily his friend arrived before I recovered from the shock and actually did say anything.
I recognised him from his messy Balck hair, rather thin body and those grey monochrome eyes. Though I didn't know his name, he's Nick's buddy or so I thought cause I always saw him with Nick.

Buddy, the guy exclaimed and they both exchanged hugs while I just awkwardly stood there. He then acknowledged my presence by looking at me questioningly.
Nick got the cue and introduced me to him , " This is Rose, Max and Rose this is Max.
Max turned to me and gave me a full on grinning, "hey". I returned it with a rather monotonous hello. Why can't I just function normally like all human beings and give a good bright hello, oh yeah I'm broken, I forgot that.

" So max I need your help with something here".
Said Nick breaking my chain of thoughts way too many times this day.
we both entered his house and went straight to his room.

" So what's the catch ", Max asked once we were in and the doors were closed.
Nick gave me a quick glance and I nodded. Within a few min Nick narrated the whole thing to Max.
Max started furiously typing in his keyboard facing his computer. They both exchanged few words with each other, something to do with coding and stuff, things I never understood. After a while he stopped and looked at us with wide gleam, " I got your girl Nick ".

"Damn, thanks man, your the best ", said Nick while giving his buddy a man hug.
We took a closer look at the map. Nick's face lit up in recognition, " This place I know it, I know this place it's close to my parents house ".
" Great let's go there then ". We're finally gonna find her I thought happily to myself.

" But are you sure ,I mean it would take a day ", Nick asked me with a questioning look.
I closed my eyes and after taking a long breath opened them and looked at him sharply, " I want to find her Nick".
That was enough to convince him.
" So where exactly is your parents house ".
" Oh it's at new Jersey ".

" Whaatttt!!! That's like 4 miles from here !!".
But I have to get Amy. Amy's what matters right now , I have to make sure she's alright, afterall
She's my only friend.
" Distance doesn't matter I'm going to find her , let's go ".

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