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the overlooked

ALEX, STILES, AND Scott walked closer to Derek and Jennifer slowly, stopping when they were a fair distance away from them.

"So..." Jennifer started, glaring at the three teens. "They told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?" She glanced at Derek innocently, the teens not believing her act.

"We told him you were the one killing people." Scott spoke up.

"Oh that's right." Jennifer started, continuing with her innocent act. "Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do that on my lunch hour, that way I can get back to teaching high school english for the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense."

Stiles, Alex and Scott all frowned at the response, Alex narrowing her eyes at the Druid in disguise.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked, his voice shaky, a few silent tears slipping from his eyes. Alex gently interlaced her fingers with Stiles', the boy gently squeezing Alex's hand in return.

"How should I know?" Jennifer lied. She turned to Derek. "Derek, tell me you don't believe this."

Derek glanced at the three teens. "Do you know what happened to Stiles' father?" He directed the question to Jennifer.

"No." Jennifer lied once again, shaking her head.

"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia." Alex spoke angrily, her death glare on Jennifer not faltering.

"Lydia Martin?" Jennifer frowned, the lies rolling off her tongue. "I don't know anything about that."

"What do you know?" Derek interrupted.

"I know that these kids, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story." Jennifer replied almost convincingly. She turned to face the teens again. "And one they can't prove, by the way."

"You're wrong about that." Alex smirked as Scott held up a jar of mistletoe.

"What is that?" Jennifer asked with a frown.

"My boss told me it's a poison and a cure." Scott replied, opening the jar. "Which means you can use it, and it can be used against you."

"Mistletoe." Jennifer sneered as Scott held onto the jar tightly and threw the substance on Jennifer.

Derek, Alex, Stiles, and Scott watched as Jennifer thrashed around, her true Druid face showing briefly as she screamed.

Derek's eyes widened as Jennifer's face shifted back to her human one. She tried to run, however, Derek grabbed her by the throat, preventing her from doing so.

"Derek, wait, wait!" Jennifer gasped. "You need me."

"What are you?" Derek sneered as his grip tightened on her neck.

"The only person who can save your sister." Jennifer replied between gasps. "Call Peter. Call him!"

"Derek, what are you doing?!" Scott exclaimed as Derek's grip on Jennifer's jaw tightened.

"Her life- it's in my hands." Jennifer gasped. She grunted in pain as Derek lifted her up by the jaw.

"Stop. Derek, stop!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Stilinski. You'll never find him." Jennifer glanced at Stiles as she gasped for air again.

Stiles frowned, Alex squeezing his hand tightly.

"Derek." Scott warned, however, the older werewolf didn't release his grip on Jennifer. "Derek!"

Derek finally released Jennifer, the Druid collapsing on the ground and releasing heaving breaths. She stopped, turning to face Derek. "That's right. You need me." She faced the teens. "All of you."


"I don't know, something feels wrong about this." Stiles frowned as he drove behind Derek's car.

Alex glanced at him from the passengers seat, Scott frowning in the back.

"You know, we proved it to Derek, but she still had this look like it didn't matter." Stiles continued, referring to Jennifer. "Like it was all still going according to plan." He turned to face Alex, then glanced at Scott.

"You guys saw it, didn't you?" Stiles asked.

Alex and Scott didn't say anything as they shared a glance.


Alex, Stiles, and Scott ran out of the Jeep and followed Derek and Jennifer into the hospital.

"What's that?" Scott asked with a frown.

"Well, you guys have claws, I have a bat." Stiles responded, holding a wooden bat at his side.

Alex couldn't help but chuckle at Stiles' efforts.

The trio walked into the hospital and followed Derek and Jennifer, Derek's arm tightly gripping Jennifers to make sure she didn't escape.

"Scott! Scott!" Melissa exclaimed, catching Scott's attention. The group stopped at the sound of Melissa's voice. "What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating."

"We're here for Cora." Scott responded.

"What, all of you?" Melissa frowned then glanced at Stiles. "Why does Stiles have my bat?"

Both Alex and Stiles glanced at the bat in Stiles' hand.

"Mom, just trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Right now." Scott warned.

"The building is supposed to be clear in thirty minutes, we've got two ambulances that are coming back, one is in ten minutes, the other is in twenty." Melissa informed the group. "Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage."

"Got it." Scott nodded.

"Okay." Melissa breathed as the group walked away.


Alex and Scott glared at Jennifer, both their arms crossed over their chests.

Stiles glared at Jennifer too, holding the bat tightly in his hands and trying to look threatening, however, that failed.

"You don't have to keep a leash on me Derek, I'm here to help." Jennifer spoke as she glanced at Derek.

Jennifer glanced between the teens behind her, feeling their glares.

The elevator door opened, the five stepping out and beginning to make their way to Cora's room, Derek pulling Jennifer by the arm.

They stopped by Cora's room, frowning at the black substance that was probably thrown up on the floor by the bed.

There was a trail of black ooze coming from the room.

"Derek." Alex spoke with a frown as she continued to follow the trail with her eyes. The rest of the group followed her gaze.

Peter slid through the double doors, his back sliding against the floor. He groaned as he stopped just a step away from Derek and Jennifer. "We got a problem. Big problem." He gestured with his head to Aiden and Ethan in their joined alpha form. The werewolf roared loudly.

Derek growled as he turned into his werewolf form. He ran to the alpha, beginning to punch and kick at it, however, the bigger werewolf was stronger, beginning to punch Derek.

Alex growled as she turned into her werewolf form, running to Ethan and Aiden.

Alex ran up to the creature, punching its face multiple times. She lifted her fist, about to land another punch, however, the alpha gripped her fist tightly, beginning to squeeze.

Alex growled loudly, about to punch him with her other hand, however, before she could, the alpha punched her stomach roughly, sending the girl flying into the wall. Alex coughed as she slid down it, holding her stomach.

Scott growled as he ran up to the alpha in his werewolf form, beginning to fight the creature.

Stiles noticed Cora lying on the floor behind Ethan and Aiden. "Help me." He spoke to Peter, gesturing to Cora.

Ethan and Aiden, in their joined werewolf form, pinned Scott against the wall, beginning to choke him.

Alex growled loudly from her place as she stood up. Stiles and Peter ran to Cora, Stiles grabbing Alex's hand on the way, preventing her from fighting the twins in their joined form.

"Ethan, Aiden, stop!" Scott tried. "You don't know what you're doing!"

"All we want is her!" Ethan and Aiden growled.

Derek glanced at the spot where Jennifer was, the Druid already in the closing elevator.


"Don't stop, don't stop!" Derek yelled as him, Stiles, Alex, Scott, and Peter ran into a room, Stiles stopping briefly as he glanced at his bat.

"Stiles!" Alex exclaimed.

Ethan and Aiden walked into the room, growling, Stiles hitting them over the head with the wooden bat, the bat breaking instantly.

Ethan and Aiden growled at Stiles, the boy running back to the group in fear.

Alex, Derek, and Scott growled as they were all in their werewolf forms.

Scott growled as he jumped up and tore one of the lights off its hinges, smashing it across the alphas head.


Peter, Stiles, Alex, Scott, and Derek ran into an empty room, Peter holding Cora over his shoulder. He gently placed her on a table.

"Where's the big guy?" Peter questioned, referring to Ethan and Aiden in their conjoined werewolf form.

"He's close." Derek responded.

"What about Ms Blake?" Stiles questioned.

Scott shook his head.

"What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone?" Stiles frowned, beginning to panic. "Scott, are you kidding me?!"

"Quiet!" Derek whisper shouted.

"Me be quiet?" Stiles asked, walking up to Derek angrily. "Me? Are you telling me what to now? When your psychotic, mass murdering ex girlfriend, the second one you've dated by the way, has got my dad somewhere, tied up and waiting to be ritually sacrificed."

"Stiles, they're still out there." Alex interrupted quietly, referring to the alphas.

"And they want her, right?" Stiles replied, turning to Alex. "Which means now we don't have her either. So my dad and Cora are both dead!" He exclaimed, glancing at Derek.

"Not yet." Scott added as he walked over to Peter, who was checking on Cora. "Is she really dying?"

"She's definitely not getting any better." Peter responded.

"There has to be something we can do, we have to help her." Scott replied.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Jennifer. Everyone's gazes fell on her. "You can't. Only I can. I can save her, and tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is." Alex glanced at Stiles, only to find him glaring at Jennifer.

"But there's a pack of alphas in this hospital that want me dead." Jennifer continued. "So I'll help you. But only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then."

Derek lunged for her, however, Scott stopped him. "Derek, wait!"

"She was trying to get out." Derek glared at the Druid.

"I was trying to keep from getting killed." Jennifer responded. "You can't blame me for that."

"I say let Derek kill her, Scott." Alex added, crossing her arms.

Jennifer glared at Alex.

"If you wanna show you're one of the good guys, then heal her." Stiles spoke, gesturing to Cora.

"Not until I'm safe." Jennifer shook her head.

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion." Peter spoke up. "Let's torture her."

"Sounds good to me." Derek tried to run at Jennifer like he did before, however, Scott stopped him once again.

Suddenly, the P.A. system went off, capturing everyone's attention. Melissa's nervous voice spoke. "Um, can I have your attention. Mr Deucalion—excuse me, just Deucalion—requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes."

"He's not going to hurt her." Jennifer spoke once the P.A. system turned off.

"Shut up." Alex responded.

"He won't." Jennifer added.

"Stop getting on my nerves." Alex mumbled as she glared at Jennifer.

"Scott, you know why." Jennifer ignored the girl. "Tell them it's true."

"What does she mean?" Derek asked Scott.

"You're not the only one he wants in his pack." Jennifer spoke for Scott. "Deucalion doesn't just want an alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks."

"A true alpha." Peter mumbled.

"What's that?" Stiles asked as Alex crossed her arms.

"The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another." Peter responded, Alex frowning. "One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott."

"It doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here." Scott referred to Jennifer.

"Wait, what about your mom?" Alex frowned.

"My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in twenty minutes, and I don't think we've been here that long. So if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here." Scott explained.

"The twins aren't just gonna let us just walk out." Peter responded.

"I'll distract them." Scott replied.

"You mean fight them." Derek frowned.

"Whatever I have to do." Scott nodded.

"I'll help you." Derek replied.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek." Jennifer interrupted.

"For the love of-" Alex sighed in annoyance.

"I'll do it. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage." Peter spoke, cutting the girl off.

"An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?" Stiles frowned.

"Something better than a baseball bat." Peter answered.

Alex then glanced at Stiles. "I'll go with you."

"No, Lex, help them." Stiles shook his head.

Alex frowned. "What? But-"

"They need all the help they can get from the looks of it. I'll be fine, okay?" Stiles cut her off. "Plus, you're a werewolf. What's the point of being one if you're not gonna use your powers?"

Alex sighed. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Not really, to be honest." Stiles answered truthfully. "But if it'll make you feel better, then yes."

Alex sighed, then turned to face Scott. "I'll help."


"Hey, wait, what about these?" Stiles held up a defibrillator as the group continued to look through shelves, trying to find any sort of advantage for Peter.

"Do you know how to use those?" Derek asked.

"Well, no..." Stiles replied.

"Put them down." Derek spoke, Stiles placing the defibrillator down.

"Hey, almighty evil Druid, wanna actually help or...?" Alex sarcastically spoke as she continued to look through bags, glaring at Jennifer, who was standing by the door.

Scott pulled out a needle. "Epinephrine?"

"That's only gonna make him stronger." Derek replied.

"How strong?" Peter narrowed his eyes as he thought about using it.


Peter pulled out the epinephrine needle as him, Scott and Alex walked out in the hallway in their werewolf forms, finding Ethan and Aiden down the end of the corridor.

"Alright boys." Peter started. "Let's rumble."

Ethan and Aiden then turned into their joined werewolf form, shifting quickly and growling.

Peter roared as Scott and Alex growled, the three running towards the twins.

The three began to fight the alpha, Stiles, Derek, and Jennifer looking for a way out.

Alex growled loudly as the alpha flung Scott to the wall. The twins in their joined form tried to punch Alex, however, she ducked from the oncoming attack, kicking the bigger werewolf in the stomach roughly, the alpha growling.

"See how it feels boys?" Alex growled as the alpha stood up again.

Before it could attack the three again, Alex, Peter, and Scott ran around the corner, the distraction successfully working.


Stiles heard footsteps outside the ambulance van. His heart beat began to slowly rise as he became slightly panicked. He took the closest object he could find that could do damage, and held it tightly. Scissors.

The closer the footsteps sounded, the more panicked Stiles became. As the person's head appeared at the window, Stiles jumped in surprise, yelling a little.

Alex widened her eyes, motioning for him to shut up.

Stiles slumped in his seat as he calmed down at the sight of Alex. He then opened the doors for the girl to enter, Alex quickly going in and locking the doors behind her. She sat next to Stiles and frowned at the scissors.

"Scissors. Really?" Alex raised her eyebrows.

"Wh- yeah, I figured it could do some major eye damage." Stiles replied as he glanced between Alex and the scissors he was holding. He then put them back where he found them.

"Is she any better?" Alex asked, changing the subject as she glanced at Cora's unconscious body.

"I don't know." Stiles sighed as he turned to face Cora.

"Why does she look like she's not breathing? Stiles, I don't think she's breathing." Alex frowned.

"What?" Stiles mirrored the girl's frown as he glanced at Cora. Stiles lowered his head down to Cora's body slightly, checking if she was breathing or not.

"You're not breathing." Stiles widened his eyes. "Oh no."

"Oh god." Alex blew out a breath.

"No, no, no, no, why are you not breathing, come on!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Stiles, do something." Alex spoke worriedly.

"Okay, okay, I can do this." Stiles blew out a breath, reassuring himself. "Tilt the head, fingers on the chin, clear the throat. Great, I see nothing. Okay, alright, so, uh..."

"Stiles, today would be nice!" Alex exclaimed panically.

"I'm trying!" Stiles replied, then went back to face Cora. "Just pinch the nose and blow."

Stiles then lowered his head to Cora's and pressed his lips against hers, blowing into her mouth to try to get her to wake up. He lowered his head down to her chest to see if she was breathing. She wasn't.

"Oh, come on, Cora." Stiles whispered as he repeated the action. "Come on, Cora."

He repeated the action a few more times. "Come on, Cora, breathe."

Suddenly, Cora gasped, Stiles pulling away. Cora began to cough a few times as she regained breath.

Stiles slumped back in his seat, blowing out a breath of relief.

"You know, the next time I put my lips to your mouth, you better be awake." Stiles sighed, Alex frowning and looking away.


"You just hold on a little longer, okay?" Stiles spoke to Cora, despite her condition.

"Yeah, if anyone's gonna get us out of this, it's Scott." Alex added.

"You know, I actually used to be the one with the plan." Stiles spoke quietly. "Or at least a plan B."

Alex frowned, glancing at Stiles.

"Now, I don't know. Now I'm thinking maybe you were right." Stiles sighed, referring to Cora. "Maybe- maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we do is show up and find the bodies."

He glanced at the ground, teary eyed. "I don't wanna find my fathers body." Stiles wiped away a tear, releasing a short breath.

Alex glanced at him with sympathy. "We'll find him, Sti. Alive."

Stiles glanced at Alex, his gaze flickering between her eyes.

Suddenly, a loud banging was heard outside. Alex and Stiles frowned at the noise. The banging was replaced with growling.

The two looked outside the van only to find the shadow of Ethan and Aiden in their joined werewolf form walking around.

Stiles blew out a breath.

"Should I go back out there?" Alex whispered.

Stiles shook his head immediately.


Stiles and Alex suddenly heard footsteps approaching the van. Scott appeared with Peter. "Stiles, Alex, open the door."

Stiles opened the door quickly.

"Help me get him in." Scott spoke as Peter was too weak to get in himself. The injection had already affected him.

"Where's Derek and Jennifer?" Alex frowned as Peter sat next to her.

"I have to go back for them and my mom." Scott replied.

"Okay, two problems." Stiles started. "Kali's got the keys to this thing, and we just saw the twins, like, thirty seconds ago."

"Stay here." Scott spoke, Alex beginning to stand up. "Alex, you stay too, okay?"

Alex frowned.

"Just stay. Please." Scott sighed. "I don't want you getting hurt, alright?"

Usually, Alex would protest and try to help him, no matter the consequences. She was stubborn that way.

However, the girl knew Scott already had too much on his plate and too many people to be worried about.

Alex blew out a breath as she sat back down. "Okay."


Chris Argent's car pulled up next to the ambulance van, Isaac and Chris getting out. Stiles, Alex, and Peter began to wheel Cora's body out.

Chris took Cora's body carefully as the group went to the car.

Stiles stopped, looking at the parent or guardian note at the end of a sheet of paper stuck to the back of the van.

"Stiles, lets go!" Isaac exclaimed.

"Sti, come on." Alex frowned.

Stiles suddenly ran off, Alex frowning but immediately following.

"Stiles! Alex!" Isaac yelled after the two.


"Scott! Scott, wait!" Stiles exclaimed as him and Alex ran up to where Scott previously was.

"Scott!" Alex yelled.

The two stopped by the elevator, only to find Derek laid on the ground, unconscious.

They ran to the roof, still looking for Scott, when they found him standing there, facing Deucalion.

"Scott." Alex spoke as her and Stiles walked closer to their best friend, then stopping.

"Scott, don't do this, don't go with him." Stiles added, frowning.

"I don't know what else to do." Scott replied sadly, only turning his head slightly, not facing Stiles and Alex fully.

"No, Scott, there's gotta be something else." Alex replied, feeling tears prick her eyes.

"We always- we always have a plan B." Stiles added, tears stinging his own eyes.

Scott slowly turned to face the two sadly as he shook his head. "Not this time." He began to walk closer to Deucalion.

"Scott." Stiles stopped him.

"I'm gonna find your dad." Scott replied, turning to face the two again. "I promise."

"Scott!" Alex exclaimed as Scott continued to walk to Deucalion, not stopping this time.

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