Chapter Ten (M)

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Mature content towards the end (M) 

Mature chapters will have an M, feel free to skip if it's not your thing, it will get graphic later on! 


After finishing the second glass Rey switched to water for a bit, feeling lightheaded as she wasn't used to alcohol. Listening to Maz and Poe swapping stories was entertaining and the company was lifting her spirits. The bar steadily filled up, as most people suddenly had a lot more free time than usual. It finally seemed like they could relax and the new supplies of alcohol were going down very well. There was a lull in the conversation so Rey took the opportunity to speak to Finn. 

"Did you speak to Rose?" she asked him. 

"Yeah, I did the night before last. Actually she was really great about it. And luckily she still wants to be my friend, I thought she might not want to talk to me anymore." 

"That's good. I'm glad it's sorted out," Rey smiled at him. 

"How about you?" Finn asked her. 

"I miss him. More than I can tell you." She could feel Maz's eyes on her but the wine had loosened her tongue. "I just want Ben back." 

Maz turned to her. "How far would you be prepared to go child?" she asked, searching Rey's face. 

"Honestly I would do anything to have him back. We were a Dyad."

Maz raised her eye glasses and looked at her in sympathy. "A rare thing," she said quietly. "My advice to you is to seek the Heart of the Galaxy." She lifted her glass and drained it, nodded to Rey and the others and climbed down from the stool. 

"What's the Heart of the Galaxy?" asked Finn. 

"Not what, but where is what you should be asking. And I have not been. May the Force be with you" Maz smiled and walked towards the door. 

"Mean anything to you?" Finn asked Rey. 

"No, never heard of it. I could try the texts I guess, although they weren't very helpful on where to get a crystal. She said 'where' though, so it's a place I assume. I wonder if Beaumont knows what she means?" 

They both lapsed into silence for a moment and listened to Chewie and Poe arguing about light-speed skipping. Chewie was still annoyed with Poe, even if he was an exceptional pilot. 

"I need Luke really, although there's no guarantee that he will know what she means either. Maz has been around a long time, maybe she knows stuff he doesn't?" Rey was thinking out loud. 

"Well I don't think we can do anything about it tonight so how 'bout another drink?" Finn suggested. 

Poe tuned back in to their conversation hearing 'another drink', "Definitely, more drinks!"


It was a fun evening in the end and Rey was really glad that she hadn't gone to her room straight away. She wasn't that used to socialising as it had basically been Jakkuu and then War. Her time on Ach-To wasn't exactly a party, it had been pretty basic and most of the rest of the time was on the Falcon or random bases. A few glasses of wine had relaxed her and she had been less fussed about people staring at her. Maybe if they saw her doing 'normal' things like meeting friends it would all seem a bit less mysterious. She really ought to start working with Finn too. She wanted to follow the advice Maz had given her but currently had no idea where to start so there was no point leaving just yet. 

She changed into night clothes and lay down on her bunk. Was there a chance that she could have Ben back? Maz seemed to imply that she could. What if Kylo Ren came back instead? If there was a way how could she be sure of who exactly she was bringing back? If she called to him through the bond would he return? Frustrated by the lack of answers she rubbed her eyes, trying to think about something else. If Finn was to be her first student she would have to decide what to teach him. 

One thing she was sure of was that she was going to change the rules. The strict Jedi rules were no match for the raw emotion of the Dark side and as long as Force users denied their emotions they would fail, she was sure of it. The power she had felt when she used lightning was immense and she could easily see how someone could be turned, particularly if they felt powerless to begin with. Ben had seen himself as insignificant as a child, parents often absent, and then had been sent away when they began to get scared for him. But her love had bought him back. Her faith in him, that he could change and be a better person had played a major part in his turn back to the light, she was sure of it. Something that she had heard on Exegol had stuck with her: 'In the heart of a Jedi lies their true strength'. What if it meant their actual heart rather than the centre of themselves? 

She turned over and tried to get comfortable, clearing her mind before she slept. But she kept coming back to the question of who might return to her. Ben or Kylo? 

She was back on the Supremacy. Kylo Ren was standing on the other side of the room with his back to her. Her clothes felt different and when she looked down she could see a black silk dress with splits up the sides, and a flowing cloak lined with dark red. A new, double-ended saber hung from a belt around her hips and her nails were painted dark, blood red. Kylo had taken his helmet off and she could see his dark hair against the back of his neck. He turned and walked towards her, and she threw back her head, shaking her long, loose hair over her shoulders. 

"You are so beautiful," Kylo said to her, "and mine." 

"Have you ever considered that you might be mine?" she answered back. " I seem to remember that last night I had you begging to be. . . "

"Did you like being in control?" he asked her. 

"Very much," she replied . She ran a hand down his chest and over the bulge in his trousers. Kylo growled at her touch as she caressed him.  'Stop' he told her through their bond. 'Why?' asked Rey back, not stopping her hand movements. 

"Because I have a meeting, unless of course you want all the Generals to see me bending you over this table . . . " He kissed her neck gently and spun her around, placing his leather gloved hand over her throat. "It might be fun." He gradually pressed closer into her back and bent her forward, grinding his hips against her slightly. He placed a foot between hers and nudged her legs open. She gasped at the pressure, she could clearly feel the outline of his rigid cock pressing against her. 

"Perhaps later" she said, giving him a gentle Force push so that she could free herself. She turned to face him stood on tip toes to give him a light kiss on the cheek. She walked away towards the door making sure to swing her hips and without looking back once. 

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