Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Rey headed out of her room to find Finn, leaving Ben with the Jedi texts. Ben had been amazed to find that she had a whole set of ancient texts in her room and was very keen to read them. He thought the fact that she had basically stolen them from Luke was hilarious. 

"You? The good girl, the Light sider, stole books from the Force Tree and Luke Skywalker?!" He had laughed for several minutes. 

"What makes you think I'm a good girl?" Rey teased him, eyebrows raised.

"Oh you're not? Want to show me?" Ben asked suggestively. 

"I would love to but I need to find Finn. Later though," and she gave him a deep and lingering kiss that left Ben breathless. 

"I'll look forward to it." 

Rey headed across the launch pads to the Comms room knowing that Finn would probably be there. Unfortunately probably so would Poe and she still wanted to punch him for nearly hurting Ben. She wasn't happy about the fact that the shot had grazed Finn either. She was going to have to try very hard to keep her temper. 

When she reached their joint, messy desk she found both Finn and Poe discussing a message that had come in from one of their field scouts. With individuals rather than one big organisation to look out for the scouts had become increasingly important, letting them know what was happening on the ground. 

Finn looked up when he heard her footsteps, Poe kept his head down and ignored her which suited Rey fine.

"We've just had an interesting message, about you,"  Finn told her. 

Rey frowned, sure this wasn't going to be good news. 

"Ever heard of someone called Dakodar?" 

Rey shook her head, "No, I don't think so. Who is he? Or she?"

"We were hoping you might know. According to Shim Mesoriaam this is who has offered the bounty on you but none of us have come across the name before."

"Where's Shim stationed at the moment?" Rey asked. 


"Well that doesn't help much. Everyone goes through Coruscant at some point. A name is a start I guess."

"It's all been quiet here. Any trouble while you were away?" Finn asked her. 

"There was actually, a cloaked ship started following us after we left the Wellspring of Life and took a few shots. The Falcon's scanners picked up the magnetic signature luckily. Good pilot, whoever they were, but Ben managed to shoot out their weapons systems and then we jumped to lightspeed. You think that was a part of this?" Rey asked. 

"Probably. Who else would be interested?" Finn queried. "I've got to say, I think it's time to retire the Falcon." 

Rey's face fell. "But I love that ship," she said sadly. 

"I know but it's so distinctive. If you had a new ship you could blend in a bit more. It would be safer." 

Rey let out a short, incredulous laugh. "Hah! Where am I going to get the credits for new ship?"

"I don't know, we'll figure something out, but please will you think about it? Whoever this Dakodar is we need to address it. Do you really want to live with a target on your back?" 

"Of course I don't." She put her head down. "I'll think about it. Want to train today?"

Finn looked uncomfortable. "Thanks, but no, I'm pretty busy. . . " He gestured vaguely to the room full of people. It was not a good excuse and they both knew it. 

Rey felt a flare of anger. Even Finn who she had thought might understand was being off with her. Although it might have had more to do with Poe, who through this whole exchange had acted like she wasn't there. She glared at the top of his head, wondering if she could make him feel her eyes boring into him. When he didn't react she let out a huff of annoyed breath and turned on her heel to leave. 

"Maybe tomorrow?" Finn called after her but she either didn't hear or chose to ignore him and he got no reply.  


Rey and Ben went out into the forest that afternoon to train together. They were both a little nervous despite obviously having fought each other before. 

"What do you want to start with?" Ben asked. 

"Erm, sparring I guess?"

"Ok." Ben ignited Leia's saber and twirled in in his hand, getting a feel for it. 

"I'll go in single mode, give you a chance," Rey said, smiling as she felt it respond to her.

Ben raised his eyebrows at her taunt. "Style?" he asked grinning. 

"Form II." 

He put his arms out and then beckoned her forward with one hand. 

Rey struck forward and their blades met. They clashed blades, blue against yellow, twirled, spun, each trying to get the upper hand. They were evenly matched but Rey had the slight advantage with her own saber and within five minutes had her blade poised at Ben's neck. 

"Concede?" she asked him. 

Ben nodded his head slightly. Rey deactivated her saber and moved back, allowing him to move. They faced each other once more, circling. 

Their sabers met again, both trying to outmanoeuvre the other. Ben was much stronger but Rey was more agile. She ducked and spun behind him winning again and forcing him to concede. 

"Ok, I need a new saber," said Ben, chuckling. 

Rey frowned and then brightened. "Hey, I've just had an idea. I picked up Dark Rey's saber on the Force planet. If we are a dyad then perhaps what would work for me will also work for you? You could use the crystals to construct a new one."

"Hhmm, there's an idea," Ben was clearly thinking hard about whether it would work. "I don't know if it would be quite the same, but it's worth a go. Can I try yours?" 

"Of course." Rey handed her saber over and Ben gave it a few twirls with his wrist, getting a feel for the blade and crystal. He started moving through some practice cadences, trying it for balance and responsiveness. 

"It might work you know," he said, the crystal feeling nearly as attuned to him as his own had. There was an edge of light to it that was pure Rey, a sense of her that lingered in the saber. He turned and looked at her, admiring the way the sunlight picked up glints in her hair. 

Rey caught him looking at her. "What?" she asked. 

"You're beautiful," Ben told her, smiling as he walked towards her. As he reached her he put his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. Rey melted into his arms and closed her eyes.

She reached out into the Force, feeling calm and at peace. After a few seconds her eyes  shot open again. "Ben, does the Force feel different to you?" she asked. 

He looked down at her. "Different how?" 

"The webs are closer together." 

"What webs?" Ben was looking confused. 

"When I see the Force it looks like two webs going in all directions. There's a gold one which is the Light side, and a dark grey web that is the Dark side. Normally they are separate but some parts are entwined now."  

"Show me."

Rey took his hand and shut her eyes. She concentrated and showed him the two webs. Once they both opened their eyes again. "Did we do this?" Rey asked him. 

"I don't follow."

"Well we were . . .  you know . . .  together, and the Force has changed a bit. Maybe this is what Serenity meant by balancing the Force, joining the two webs together." 

"You think the Force wants us to get it on?" Ben looked incredulous and then started laughing. "Well who am I to deny the will of the Force," he chuckled and pulled Rey towards him and into his arms. 

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