Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Rey's possessions dropped to the floor with a clatter, but neither of them heard, totally wrapped up in each other. Ben stayed on top of Rey for a moment, enjoying the closeness. He supported his weight with his arms, not wanting to crush the breath out of her. 

"Rey, I love you." He rested his head against her forehead, feeling the bond swirling and pulling at them.

Rey smiled at him. "I love you too."

Ben gave her a wide smile, crinkling the corners of his eyes.

"That's the smile." Rey beamed at him. "That's the smile from Exegol."

"Well you had just kissed me. I was pretty happy." Ben reluctantly withdrew and laid down next to Rey, putting his arms around her. She rested her head on his shoulder feeling happy and peaceful in the afterglow of her first time. 

"Are you ok?" he asked her gently. 

"Of course I am. I'm more than ok, that was great," Rey grinned at him. "Can I ask you something though?" she said tentatively.

Ben looked at her, a slight wariness in his expression. "I guess . . . " he replied uncertainly. The way she said it had a hint of discomfort behind it that worried him.

"Were you holding back?"

"I'm a big guy, I didn't want to hurt you."

"I noticed."

Ben smiled at the veiled compliment.

"That's not really what I meant. I don't just mean physically, I mean you. You know I love you as you are right?" 

"I honestly can't believe it's true but yes. I can feel it." He turned his head and kissed her. 

"And you know you can be yourself?" 

"I know." 

Rey lapsed into silence. Ben wasn't really picking up on what she meant. She had expected him to be, well, more . . . something. Not that it wasn't amazing but it was like he was stopping himself from letting go. Perhaps now was not the time to push it so she changed the subject. 

"Would you like to train tomorrow?" she asked him. 

"I would, although I don't have a saber anymore." Ben looked sad for a moment. "It was the right decision to get rid of it but I miss having it."

"I think the timing might have been a little off," Rey commented. 

"What do you mean?" Ben said, frowning. 

"You chucked it into the sea just before coming to help me with the biggest fight of our lives. It probably would have been useful."

Ben gave a wry smile. "I guess so. But I just couldn't keep using it with all the horrible things it represented. I could have healed the crystal I suppose, but not before coming to Exegol."

Rey looked at him in surprise. "That's possible?"

"Definitely. It takes time though"

"Wow, I didn't know." Even with her training Rey was still learning new things about the Force all the time. She could not imagine being without her saber now and always had it with her. "Why don't you use your mother's for now? Till you can build a new one," Rey said. 

"I think the grip is going to be a bit small for me but sure, why not." 

They snuggled together, each feeling the other's contentment at being together through the bond. 

Rey eventually raised her head to look at him. "I'm sorry about Poe," she said. 

Ben sighed and his face fell. "I knew that the resistance weren't exactly going to welcome me with open arms. I remember him from Jakkuu, I can understand why he hates me." He was staring at the ceiling. "How long have you known about the Academy?" he asked her. 

"Ages. There hasn't really been a good moment to mention it."

"No I guess not. I'm glad you know. As Kylo it didn't bother me that people thought it was all me but now it's a bit different." He didn't really know what to say. He was very aware of all the awful things he was responsible for, it seemed ridiculous to focus on only one but it was an episode that particularly bothered him. Rey stroked his cheek trying to soothe him. 

"Want to relocate? I'm not sure I can sleep on this." Ben indicated his feet and calves which were hanging off the end of the bed. 

"I suppose so. Although I could stay in your arms forever." Rey snuggled into Ben's neck, breathing him in. 

"You can come right back I promise, just perhaps on the floor."

Rey grinned at him and helped make a pile of blankets and cushions on the floor. 


A knock at the door woke Ben and Rey. Rey struggled out of the nest of blankets yawning and grabbed a robe to cover herself. 

When she opened the door Finn was on the other side holding a tray of breakfast for them. 

"I figured you might like some privacy," he muttered, handing her the tray. 

"Finn, thank you so much, I really appreciate this. How's Poe this morning?" Rey asked anxiously. 

"Not great. He's pretty pissed."

"Will he keep Ben's secret?" 

Finn blew out a breath. "I hope so. I'm not completely sure." 

"What about if I try and talk to him?" Rey asked. 

"I would wait a bit to be honest," Finn replied. His eyes darted to Ben behind her, sitting up topless with a blanket round his waist. "I'll leave you to it." He nodded to Ben without smiling and turned to leave. 

"Thank you for breakfast" Rey called after him. 

She turned back to Ben looking disappointed, carrying the tray. "At least he's still speaking to us," she said sadly. 

She sat down next to Ben and he put his arm around her shoulder. "Let's see what he bought us." Finn had picked up a variety of pastries, some juice, fruit and cheese. 

They sat together in their blankets, eating and talking. Just the simple act of sharing food and being at ease with each other was still so new and they both appreciated it immensely. 

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