Chapter 10

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Even friends fight for each other, the girls had to fight to restore Rainbow Dash. 

Nightmare: Come and get it, girls. Soon, your world will be in an eternal slumber!

Nightmare Moon tried using her magic to send the girls to sleep, without using Fluttershy, but they fought back and the spell had no effect on them.

Twilight: As long as we fight back, your magic has no effect on us!

Nightmare: Very persevering, I see.

However, the worst was yet to come, Rainbow Dash's spirit began to vanish!

All: *Gasp!*

Fluttershy: Oh no!

Pinkie: I KNEW the worst was yet to come! I knew it!!!

Nightmare: Once your friend's spirit vanishes all together, you'll never see her again!

Pinkie: Oh yeah? Take this!!!

Pinkie tossed a pack of sprinkles at Nightmare Moon, that was a stupid move. Nothing happened. (This is why you have to think before you act.)

Sunset: Pinkie! How's that supposed to help?

Nightmare: You think little cake toppings will stop me? It'll take more than that!

Fluttershy suddenly realized something, Nightmare Moon had been using her singing voice against her, what if she used it to fight back?

Twilight: Fluttershy, don't just stand there, help!

They needed to act fast, Rainbow Dash's spirit was vanishing! If they didn't hurry, Rainbow Dash would be gone!

Fluttershy: Girls, I think I need to do this alone!

Sunset: Alone? Fluttershy, how do you-

Fluttershy: This is MY fight! I got us into this mess, and I can get us out!

Ignoring her friends, Fluttershy took a step forward.

Nightmare: Who do we have here? Ah, yes. The little pushover I used on your friend.

Suddenly, Fluttershy began transforming. She began to glow and she was lifted off the ground. Was she ponying up? Hold on, it was more than that, Fluttershy had reached her Daydream form! She was now Daydream Fluttershy!

All: Whoa!

Pinkie: How does she do it?

Nightmare: Please, how could you possibly defeat me?

Fluttershy: Nightmare Moon, your magic may be strong, but it's no stronger than the Magic of Friendship!

Fluttershy held a strong note, it took a while for the other girls to realize what Fluttershy was doing.

Sunset: What's she doing?

Rarity: I think she's using her voice against Nightmare Moon!

Pinkie: Yay! Go Fluttershy!

Fluttershy sang higher and higher, the more she sang, the stronger her voice became! Finally, the music became too much for Nightmare Moon to take.

Nightmare: Ugh! Just stop! STOP!!!!

Pinkie: Don't stop, Fluttershy! Keep going, you got this!

Fluttershy continued to sing.

Nightmare: NO!!!!

Finally, her voice vanquished Nightmare Moon, she dropped Rainbow Dash's spirit, Twilight swiftly caught it. All the dark magic in Fluttershy ceased to exist, her hair turned pink again. She turned back to normal and fainted.

Applejack: Fluttershy! You alright?

Pinkie helped Fluttershy up.

Fluttershy: I'm okay, girls...Are we too late?

Twilight: I don't think so.

The girls knelt down around Rainbow Dash, they safely guided her spirit into her lifeless body. Rainbow Dash's eyes fluttered open. She was very weak.

Rainbow: Where...Where am I...?

Pinkie: Yay! She's back!

Rainbow: Back from...where, Pinkie? What happened...?

Fluttershy: Long story, Dashie.

Pinkie: You died and came back to life!

Pinkie accidentally scared Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow: *Gasp!* Creepy...

Applejack helped Rainbow Dash to her feet. She could barely stand up.

Twilight: Don't listen to her, Rainbow Dash. The important thing is that you're okay.

Applejack: We'll tell ya everything later.

Rainbow: O-Okay...If you...say so...

Everyone gathered into a group hug, Rainbow Dash was back safe and sound!

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