Chapter 11

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A couple weeks passed. Fluttershy was sitting in her front yard stroking Angel Bunny when Rainbow Dash came to talk to her.

Rainbow: Um, Flutters? Can I talk to you for a few minutes?

Fluttershy: Sure, Dashie. What's on your mind?

Rainbow Dash sat sat down next Fluttershy, she rested her head on her shoulder.

Rainbow: It's about what happened to me.

Fluttershy: What is it?

Rainbow: ...Did I really, y'know, die...?

Fluttershy: No, you were in a deep sleep.

Rainbow: But how? That day you were singing to me, the last thing I remember is that I felt sleepy. Then I...blacked out.

Fluttershy was hesitant to tell Rainbow Dash the truth, but she couldn't lie to her best friend.

Fluttershy: Truth is, was Equestrian magic.

Rainbow: Equestrian magic? Who did it?

Fluttershy: It was Nightmare Moon.

Rainbow: Nightmare who?

Fluttershy: Sunset said she's a villain Princess Twilight and her friends faced back in Equestria. She was really Princess Luna, just in a powerful form.

Rainbow: Vice-Principal Luna is a princess?

Fluttershy giggled.

Fluttershy: No, Pinkie thought the same thing.

Rainbow: ...How long was I asleep for?

Fluttershy: I think it was two and a half days.

Rainbow: Oh. Then, what happened?

Fluttershy: Um...she stole your spirit.

Rainbow: *Gasp!* So I was practically dead?

Fluttershy: No, if we lost your spirit, you'd be fully dead.

Rainbow: Why would she target me? I feel like I'm always the victim. First, the amulet turned me evil and I almost destroyed our world, then, my spirit's stolen.

Fluttershy: I think she wanted to send our world into an eternal slumber, she just targeted you first.

Rainbow: But why?

Fluttershy: I dunno.

Rainbow: Then what?

Fluttershy: Well, you see Dashie, whenever I sang, my hair turned black.

Rainbow: Oh, that explains why a strand of your hair was black. What else?

Fluttershy: Nightmare Moon was planning to use me to send us all to sleep. Luckily, I was able to use the Magic of Friendship to save us all, I used my voice against Nightmare Moon and she was vanquished...*sigh* Dashie, I was so worried we'd lose you. I thought we'd never see you again.

Rainbow Dash began to tear up.

Fluttershy: *Gasp!* Dashie, please don't cry! C'mere.

She hugged Rainbow Dash, who cried in her dress.

Fluttershy: I hate to see you like this, Dashie.

Rainbow: Don't say that, Fluttershy! *sniff* *sob*

Fluttershy: It's okay, Dashie. Shh...Please stop crying.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help herself, she had to let it all out. It was scary that Equestrian magic almost took her away from her friends. Fluttershy let Rainbow Dash cry until she calmed down.

Rainbow: *sniff* I'm sorry...

Fluttershy: Don't be, Dashie, you needed a good cry.

Rainbow Dash stayed with Fluttershy for a while, she fell asleep on her lap. 

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