If I was the sorting hat

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I'm sorry guys this entire book isn't all one-shots. I want your guys's opinions, but, in my opinion, this is how I'd sort the Mane 7 (basically just add Sunset Shimmer) into Hogwarts houses.

Rainbow Dash - Gryffindor

Okay, Rainbow is a hard one for me. To me, I could see her in both Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. It's a hard choice because she ultimately has the traits of both a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor. She's loyal, which is one of the key things that makes me want to put her in the Hufflepuff house, but Gryffindors are also loyal. She also does work hard and has a very strong moral compass, as we've seen her prove her loyalty and morals time and time again.

But, then, there's the Gryffindor traits she possesses. She's fearless, which is one of the traits of Gryffindors. They're brave. And very daring. Literally, Rainbow Dash is described as a daring person. A devilish darer. And she does have a lot of nerve and chivalry, which is why I think she would also fit in with the Gryffindors.

As for Ravenclaw, I don't think she'd be there. She is a little bit lazy and definitely doesn't love studying. That's pretty clear. So Ravenclaw is out.

For Slytherin, I could get the ambition portion of it. She is rather determined and clever sometimes, but Slytherins tend to lack loyalty, sometimes doing what they feel is best to benefit their OWN self interests, which doesn't seem like Rainbow Dash. So Slytherin is out.

But then, here's the ultimate tipping point as to why I thought Rainbow Dash would fit in as a  Gryffindor more than a Hufflepuff. While she is really brave and daring, she does explain that even if she loves to win, she loves her friends way more. She's proved multiple times that she values loyalty over her own hearts' desire.

And the main thing about Gryffindors that makes me think Dashie is borderline Hufflepuff is because Gryffindors can also be rather reckless in their bravery. This reminds me of a certain Lightning Dust, who was very reckless in her attempts to be bold -- she had a lot of nerve. Rainbow Dash proves herself to be not like Lightning Dust when she calls her out on this recklessness. But Dashie is rather reckless, impulsive, and does definitely have a hot head.

Hufflepuffs apparently sometimes lack self-esteem. This is probably the most unlike Rainbow Dash ever to the eye, but inside, we know Rainbow Dash is a person of insecurities. She's very attentive to self-image and knows it's important to her to be cool.

Gryffindors are also pretty loyal and passionate, just like Rainbow Dash, and they do get pretty hot-headed and are easily controlled by their emotions, which does sound a lot like her. As JK Rowling says, "The Slyherins decided they'd rather not play, the Ravenclaws -- some play, some don't, but the Hufflepuffs stay to fight."

I think that quote describes Rainbow Dash well, but not completely. She will stay to fight with her friends because she is literally the element of loyalty. Rainbow Dash is loyal and fearless and daring, all of which place her in Gryffindor.

Also, Hufflepuffs tend to be labeled as "pushovers," which is not Rainbow Dash.

This knocks Hufflepuff off the table and makes Rainbow Dash a Gryffindor! (Also, I'm a Gryffindor, so this may be like 1% bias, but I did have a reason ;))

Applejack - Hufflepuff

Now, I know in the previous section with Rainbow Dash, I made it look like Hufflepuffs are all pushovers, but they're not. See, the thing about Applejack is I'm also having trouble deciding between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Let's do the same tactic: process of elimination.

I've immediately eliminated Slytherin because Applejack is honest as an apple. She can't tell a lie, and Slytherins are known for their slick tongues. She can't trick someone, to be frank, and definitely can't lie. So, that's a no for Slytherin.

Ravenclaw just doesn't seem like Applejack. She's definitely not a book person and doesn't seem to like studying much either. So, no to Ravenclaw.

That leaves Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. So, let's start with Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuffs have strong dedication. Applejack is dedicated to her family farm and basically does whatever she can to bring business to her family. She's hard-working, too. And she's kind and extroverted, too.

As for bravery, she sure is brave. Both she and Rainbow Dash have competitions about who is more daring or brave all the time, so if they can compete in bravery, she's definitely brave, but I still feel she fits Hufflepuff more.

So, all in all, Applejack is a Hufflepuff.

Fluttershy - Ravenclaw

For her, I was between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. She could fit into both of those houses, but it ultimately came down to one trait. But, again, let's do process of elimination.

Immediate out on Gryffindor. We know Fluttershy is very scared of almost everything and is not daring at all. That's one of the biggest differences she has with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. So, no to Gryffindor.

Immediate out on Slytherin. She doesn't do well with sly talk either. We've seen her try and fail before and she just isn't cut out for being a cunning, ambitious Slytherin. So, no to Slytherin.

So, I originally placed her in Hufflepuff, which would make sense, but I also placed Pinkie Pie in Hufflepuff, and they're absolutely not alike.

While Fluttershy fits Hufflepuff's insecurities and often underestimating herself, she also fits the kindness portion. She's known for being super kind and her element is kindness.

However, Hufflepuffs are also known to be extroverted, typically. From the show, we also know Fluttershy is the shyest of all, and probably even more introverted than Twilight. When it comes to loyalty, our dear Fluttershy will try, oh try her hardest, but she did have a sense of abandoning her friends.

Not in the bad way. But in Dragonshy, she doesn't want to go. Or in Dragon Quest, she doesn't go see the dragons. She does have the tendency to back out and run away, and while she eventually pulls through in the end, a true Hufflepuff's first instinct is to stay loyal to their friends. So I pull her out of Hufflepuff.

The reason why I put her in Ravenclaw is because they're often the most introverted. While Ravenclaws are often pretty smart, it's shown in a short that Fluttershy is actually really good at math. And she's also quite wise sometimes with her advice. The only part that doesn't really fit is the tendency to back-stab others in order to get what she wants academically. But not all Ravenclaws have to be like that, so I'm letting it slide.

Ultimately, the choice between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff came from the fact that Fluttershy is an introvert and Hufflepuffs are generally super extroverted, which is why she wouldn't fit. While Hufflepuffs throw parties, I'm sure she'd be much more comfortable in the Ravenclaw wing, curled up in her bed, reading a book in the quiet.

So, therefore, I placed Fluttershy in Ravenclaw.

Sunset Shimmer - Slytherin

Listen, I was struggling between Ravenclaw and Slytherin here. Because she can fit both. Again, let's do the process of elimination.

Immediate no to Hufflepuff. I love Sunset, but when it comes to Hufflepuffs, I feel she won't belong there. She's not the most extroverted person I've seen on camera. In the first movie, in fact, she just doesn't know how to make friends, and often didn't stand up for herself in Rainbow Rocks. She also wasn't a loyal student to Celestia at first. So, it's a no for Hufflepuff.

Also a no to Gryffindor. Sunset may be brave and that's great, but I just can't see her in Gryffindor. She's not one to do things for nobility at first and bravery isn't her main thing. So, no for Gryffindor.

For Ravenclaw, I could see her. From what we know, she was Celestia's pupil before, and is crazy smart (even knowing more than Twilight in the first movie). We know that she's academically talented and is willing to stab others in the back to get what she wants academically. And she was rather eccentric.

However, what makes me press the Slytherin button is that while she's a Ravenclaw sometimes, we've gotta remember: she's good at being cunning. She's ambitious. She's competitive. She literally fooled the principals into thinking Twilight trashed the gym, she broke an entire friendship apart, and made an entire school bow down to her just in a year (freshman year). That takes some serious smooth-talking.

And even as a good person, after she's been reformed, she still possesses the traits of a Slytherin. She tricks others to giving them her hand so she can sneak through their memories. She's cunning and pretty good at coming up with tactics to get what she wants.

While she's reformed and I don't want to add anymore bad juju to the Slytherin house, she definitely fits in with a Slytherin, though she could easily also be a Ravenclaw.

Overall, I choose Slytherin for her.

Twilight Sparkle - Ravenclaw

Do I even need to explain this? This was by far the easiest choice I ever made. But, still, let's go over it, hm?

Hufflepuff? OUT. She's a great friend, don't get me wrong, but it's just not her cup of tea, in my opinion. She's abandoned her friends before when she didn't know much about friendship, and everything she does in the beginning is for herself and her personal studies. Not loyal. So no to Hufflepuff.

Slytherin? She can't really smooth-talk, if you know what I mean. She's awkward and nerdy and doesn't really have a lot of friends, from what I can see. So, no to Slytherin.

Gryffindor? Twilight is pretty scared of things. Like, during the Spring Breakdown special, she's very unwilling to get onboard and search for Rainbow Dash in the forest because of all the things she's scared of. So, no to Gryffindor.

That leaves Ravenclaw. There's not really a true explanation that I need to say. All I can say is that she's a bookworm, obsessed with learning, and basically all the stereotypes of a Ravenclaw. When it comes to stabbing others in the back, however, that's more the majority of Crystal Prep girls. Twilight is an introvert, much like Fluttershy, which is why I put them together in the same house.

So, our Twilight is a Ravenclaw.

Pinkie Pie - Hufflepuff

This one is kinda easy. And it's nice that I originally paired her up in a house with Dashie (Hufflepuff, but then, I thought about it some more and Dashie became a Gryffindor) because they're one of the best duos I know -- also, I definitely need to see pranks at Hogwarts. Process of elimination...

Slytherin doesn't really fit Pinkie. I can't see her lying or trying to fool others to get what she wants. So, no to Slytherin.

Ravenclaw also doesn't fit Pinkie. She's not a bookworm, she definitely likes partying more than studying, and she's most definitely not in introvert. So, no to Ravenclaw.

Gryffindor doesn't suit Pinkie either. She has pride, of course, but she isn't one of the most daring people ever. And she's for sure not reckless. So, no to Gryffindor.

That, again, leaves one house: Hufflepuff. She does fit this house perfectly. While I originally placed Dashie in here for loyalty (which actually didn't overpower her ego and bravery), I place Pinkie in here for her extrovertedness, friendliness, and overall excitement. Hufflepuff is one of the most friendly houses, which is why Pinkie fits this house so well.

Our Pinkie Pie's a Hufflepuff!

Rarity - Slytherin

Why ever would I put the beautiful Rarity in Slytherin? Because Slytherin is cool. All the houses are cool! But, let's go with process of elimination. It wasn't really hard for this, if I'm honest.

Gryffindor? She doesn't really do things that get her hair dirty or her nails chipped, so I say no to Gryfffindor.

Hufflepuff? Rarity is a great friend and loves splurging on her friends, but I don't feel she has quite the same energy. She's not an extrovert, not an introvert, in my opinion. She has a sense of carrying herself that doesn't fit the Hufflepuff style. So, not a Hufflepuff.

Ravenclaw? Have you seen Rarity prioritize academics at all? Also, she wouldn't stab others in the back to get what she wants.

So, that leaves Slytherin. I could definitely see her here. She does have a way of using her beauty to get what she wants. She has the diamond dogs carry her everywhere and is quite cunning when she speaks to Spike, obviously knowing he has a crush on her. She knows how to get what she wants, just like Sunset.

Rarity also has an incredible sense of self-image. She values looking posh and perfect. Though, she can be a bit carried away by her sense of style, as we've seen in Inspiration Manifestation. So, it's important that her friends keep her in-check.

Therefore, Rarity is a Slytherin!



Gryffindor - Rainbow Dash (sorry RD ur on ur own here)

Slythern - Rarity and Sunset Shimmer

Ravenclaw - Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy

Hufflepuff - Applejack and Pinkie Pie


Let me know your opinions, especially on the ones where I struggled a bit between two houses! I'd love to get your opinions! <3

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