Sunday, March 3, 2024

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I didn't let that horse throwing me off stomp on my confidence. Today, I rode my horse for the first time in a few weeks because I was waiting on his hooves to be trimmed. They got trimmed on Thursday. So, I get on him and walk around for a bit, then I start lightly kicking him. He doesn't react. I slowly start kicking a bit harder. After what felt like forever, he started trotting. We trotted for forever around these 2 barrels, sort of doing a drill. Then I wanted to see if he would lope, so I kicked him while we were trotting. Y'all- HE LOPED! I'm so happy about this because he listened very nicely today, only bucking twice because, dude, its literally spring, they have a few, beginning-of-spring-bucks! Anyways, I'm super happy about today!

Also, a week or two ago, I tried out the massages y'all recommended to check him for soreness, and he didn't move nor flinch. He was just being sour :p

So yeah, that was my day!! :D

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