The Visit Part 2

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Author's note: Yeah it's been a while since the last chapter but I've been busy with getting ready for college, which is ridiculous because I start in fall and it's only June. Anyways I've been pretty stressed from that, but the good news is, I've been playing Breath of the Wild more, so I have more story ideas! This chapter is more or less another filler, but look forward to seeing better and more original content in the future. You might wanna keep updated, BlackRoseSith!

Zora's Domain.

Mipha followed alongside her father, the king, as they moved to greet the outsiders arriving at Zora's Domain, per request of the King of Hyrule. As they approached, she could see they were mostly dressed in the traditional armor of the royal knights she had seen in paintings and murals. She could see that many of them were on the younger side, in their teenage Hylian years. There was at least one adult, who led at the front, clad in darker armor, with a shield on his back that was almost a metallic black color.

The one who caught her eye, however, was a very young Hylian boy, who looked no older than four. He was dressed in a green tunic, with a silly looking green cap on his head. He had a small steel sword strapped to his back, alongside a flimsy wooden shield. He had a bright smile on his face that matched his golden-blonde hair. 

He seemed almost out of place; a four year old boy, amongst these much older and possibly more accomplished knights? It was strange, to say the least.

The man leading in the front stepped forward, and knelt respectfully in front of King Dorephan. "Greetings, King Dorephan." He spoke. "I am Pike of the Hylian Royal Guard. I come by-"

"The request of King Rhoam." Dorephan cut him off. "Yes, I am aware."

Pike blinked in confusion. "Yes, that is correct."

"Very well then." The Zora king continued.

Sometime later, Mipha once again encountered the young boy in the green tunic. To her surprise, he was sparring with another knight in the town square, who was arguably much older and also twice his size. But the boy used his size to his advantage, ducking and dodging his attacker's swings left and right. Despite this, he still had a considerable amount of bruises on his arms, which Mipha winced at upon seeing.

Suddenly, the boy parried a swing from his opponent, and with a swift movement of his sword, the weapon was thrust from his enemy's hand. His opponent knelt down as the boy pointed the sword at his throat.
"I yield." said the now unarmed man.
The Boy sheathed his sword, and the man stood up to retrieve his, before heading back to the Zora palace.

The young boy sighed, sitting down next to the fountain, seeing Mipha, who approached him.
"You're very good with a sword, hmm?" she asked him.
He nodded gleefully. "Yep! I've even bested some of the adults!"
"It must have come at some cost, though." Mipha said, gesturing to the cuts and bruises on his arm.
The boy looked down, rubbing his arm. "It's not that big a deal..."
"Yes, it is." she said, sitting down next to him. "Here, let me help."

She placed her hands on his arm, and closed her eyes, concentrating. Gradually, her hands began to glow a blue color, moving them across the boy's arm.

"So, what's your name?" she asked him.
"Link." he answered. "My name is Link."
"That's a curious name." she said, giggling slightly.
"It was given to me by my mother." he said, his tone becoming somber. "She died when I was very young."
"Oh, dear, I'm sorry." Mipha apologized.
"It's ok." he said. "You didn't know."

Mipha's hands left Link's arm, and he looked down to see that his wounds had been magically healed- seemingly by Mipha's hands. "How'd you do that?" he asked, looking up at her with big, curious eyes.
She laughed. "It's fairly simple healing magic. Have you never seen it before?"
"No, I haven't." he replied. "But it's REALLY COOL!"

Mipha laughed again. He's adorable. She thought.

I know, I know, another short chapter. I swear, they'll get better and longer soon! Stay tuned!

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