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As we left off, a few group of Re-Destro's subordinate villains arrive at (YN)'s residence, and yet to surround his of them went to the front, some went to the back and some climbing on the roof, four of them at the roof got close to the window, yet one of them use their quirk to create a hole on the wall, they quietly went in a room, and to sneak around and find (YN)....they split up, one of them walk down a hallway...and yet, (YN) out of nowhere appeared behind the villain, covering his mouth and to open his mouth wide, braking its jaw open and then twisting, braking his neck around afterwards and dropping the body to the ground...then, one of them in the house heard the noise and go where it came from, as they go look for what that sound was, (YN) again appeared and swinging a brutal punch to the villain, and then a Headbutt with it as he then wraps his arms around that villain and to give him a vicious bear hug, and to end up braking his back and spitting blood out from his mouth...afterwards, he drops Hm the body to the ground, and yet the other two try to find him...they plan to stick together just in case...they arrive at the hallway and to find the two dead bodies, they were startled and yet scared the fact the way they were killed...suddenly, (YN) again appeared out of nowhere and to drop one of the villains down as the other try attacking, but (YN) swings a brutal knee towards his gut and then a punch behind his head dropping the villain down, the other try getting up, but (YN) grabs him behind his head and grabs the other one as he then holds onto them, and then to slamming them each other's faces several times until their faces were bloody mess and barley to see their bloody skin and yet dead, (YN) slams they heads to the ground, and to hear more in his house...he walks down the hallway, and to hide behind the wall and see some of them entering his home...he then grabs a vase and to concentrate it and turn it into a handgun....then, one of them was approaching closer, as (YN) then swings a back punch as some of the villains notice, they had weapons on their hands and began shooting at (YN)...but (YN) uses the villain's body that he punched as a human shield and to charge at the other villains and dropping them all he does two of them got up and try attacking (YN), (YN) rushes them as he brutally clothesline them, dropping them down to the ground, he then picks one of them up by the neck, lifting him and then slamming him to the ground face first brutal as his whole face splattered everywhere,  the other one got up and try attacking (YN) from behind, but (YN) quickly turns and to block that punch with his hand and catch that punch, and then to bend the villain's hand, braking it, and then grabbing him by the throat, and to grab his his neck tight, squeezing it and then to forcefully and brutally rip his neck and esophagus out...afterwards, the other two got up and try shooting him, but (YN) began running and avoided being shot, the two villain started chasing after him to the they did and arrive in the room, (YN) appears and to charge at them and to spear both of them down to the ground, he picks one up, grabbing his gun and to shoot inside his mouth, exploding his brains out, the other try shooting him, but (YN) quickly kicks the villains's hand, dropping the gun as he then stomps on the villains face, braking his nose and bleeding, (YN) then grabs his face, then lifts him up and to then place both hands onto both side of the villains face and began squeezing the villains face as his eyeballs began to pop out and (YN) then squash his face into pieces and blood splattering everywhere...
Afterwards, he then notices more of them coming at the back of his house....he the back of the house, a few of them entered the house...then, they notice (YN) arriving and to see him all bloody and messy, they were scared at first, but he needed to be taken down and will do it for Re-Destro, so one of them with a metal bat with barb wires around it rush and try attacking (YN) with it, (YN) suddenly catches the barb wire bat with his bear hand, he felt the spikes from the barb wire, out the pain didn't bother him, he snatched the bat away from that villain, and to brutally hit him above his head, as he busted the villain's head wide open, and then to jab the barb wire bat in his mouth and dropping him he rushes to the other he does, he turns an object he grabbed into a shotgun as he then began blasting it towards the villains, one's face splattered, the other's guts was exploded and the last one head got splattered into pieces.....afterwards....he then realize it was the last of them.....or was it???
He heard some notices coming from the kitchen....and to walk over he arrive, he sees nothing,  it knows someone was hear, he looks he does...we then see two last villains hiding behind the sofa from him, and yet sweating nervously and try to come up how to kill (YN)...but it was too late...suddenly, (YN)'s hand appeared, and to grab one of the villain's face, lifting him up and to drop him to the floor, and then to stomp his head behind to the ground and his head splattered everywhere....then, the last villain appeared and try attacking (YN) from behind, but (YN) quickly jabs his robotic hand straight to his mouth, and the to forcefully rip the top half part of his whole head apart and blood spilling everywhere...

And so, that is legit the last of them...his Josie was a bloody mess from killing them...
.then suddenly...he heard knocking on the door...and to see see several lights flashy out at his house, red and blue...which means the police he walks and opens the door and to see three officers in his door...

Officer #1: Evening (YN).

(YN): Evening boys...noise complaint?

Officer #3: Yup.

They notice the mess (YN) has in, and him covered up in blood...

Officer #2: Working?

(YN): Yea, just sorting some stuff out first.

Officer #3: Ah, understandable, we'll let you be then, night (YN).

(YN): Night fellas.

And so the officers left and to being some backup later on to clean up the dead bodies in his they do, (YN) then rolls his shoulders, cracking his knuckles, and leave the door unlock for them to come back for the bodies and cleaning his house up....and then to go and save his daughter and get her back....


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