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Later that day, at Deika City, we then take a look at Re-Destro's building...we see him in his room, alone, well not he then had Eri with him, as she was still asleep in the couch...suddenly, she began to slowly wake up, as she does, she then sees herself in the room, she began to startle a little, not knowing where she's at, and to notice Re-Destro standing, looking out at his mirror...Re-Destro then noticing her waking up...

Re-Destro: Ah, you're awake.

Re-Destro slowly approaches to her, as Eri began to tremble more fear, until Re-Destro then had a glass of water and pouring some on the cup...and to place it on the table...

Re-Destro: Feel free to drink, you seem thirsty.

Eri didn't know what was going on, but she still felt scared the fact she's not even at her house...nor even with her father....

Eri: ...wh-where's my daddy?!!

Re-Destro: You father...will arrive soon for you, do not worry, just be patient.

Eri: ...Why am I here...?!

Re-Destro: ...I ask the same thing to myself.

Eri: ...Are you...a villain..??!

Re-Destro: ...You can say something like that, yeah.

Eri then gave a soft grin...and then to giggle...

Re-Destro: ...What the hell is so funny??!

Eri: know...daddy doesn't like it when something very bad happens to me...I've seen it all the time....he cares a lot about me, and will do anything to risk his life for me...and daddy's angry, angry at you...he doesn't care who took me away from him, doesn't matter...he'll...Rip...and tear you apart...until you're done, hehe.

Re-Destro then felt...uncomfortable from what Eri was starting to behave...and the way she was got him feel unsafe and yet unsure about her...
Meanwhile, outside of the area at Deika City, near the exit gates and entrance of the city, a whole bunch, and I mean a bunch of villains, over 100 thousand of them, gathered around, as Trumpet gave out the news to them...

Trumpet: Okay! Listen up you all, we have a task to do! And that task is simple! All of you must protect Re-Destro from a specific person that is coming here!

The villains began to feel confident about this task...

Trumpet: Now, this specific person happens to be "dangerous" and yet they call him "the devil" and he also goes by "vigilante slayer", he is none other than (YN) (LN)!! well I call all that BS! He ain't All that! He's only himself, coming over here to take his precious poor daughter! Well that's not gonna happen! As we, the liberation army and under the name of the origin leader, Destro, we shall take (YN) down once and for all!

Suddenly...the villains stood dead silent...and their jaws dropping and yet their faces with full horror, scared...

Trumpet: What's the matter with you all?! Don't tell me hall scared of him?! He's only himself and no one else!

Then, Curious and Genten appear...

Curious: You do realize that they know who (YN) REALLY is...and how he REALLY gets down when it comes to his objective, just by the reaction to their just put them to their death.

Geten: You really think a bunch of them can take down one single person?? Think again...Should have finished him back there at his home when you had the chance, then none of this would have happen.

Trumpet: Are you guys really scared of him too?!? ...Is he really...that dangerous?!

Curious: Oh NOW you're afraid? Please, get a hold of yourself, you brought this mess to us, and now WE gotta take care of your mess, no thanks to you.

Geten: Idiot.

Trumpet began to have fully regret about this...but then again, he won't back down, he'll have to see how it all goes down...then suddenly, at the entrance of the of the villains then someone coming to the city...

Villain: Hey!! Somebody is coming here!

Then, Trumpet, Curious, Geten and all of them turn to the entrance gate...and to see this somebody arriving the city...and yet, it is none other than (YN), who came in car, as he gets out of the vehicle, and to approach and stop......Re-Destro looks down and to see him for Eri, she heard the commotions outside, so she decided to look for herself, and yet, her eyes widen with joy and surprised to see her father has finally come...

Eri: Daddy!!!

(YN) look at the biggest building...and to know Eri is held capture there at the very top floor...

(YN): Don't worry princess, daddy is here now.

And so, Trumpet gave some slow claps...

Trumpet: Well, Well...who would of that you had the guts to come here, really impress.

(YN): ...You. I'll make sure you choke on your own heart.

Trumpet: Haha! Oh keep dreaming! It won't happen, not that I have a bunch of back up here! Now, here's what's gonna happen, "Akuma"....we shall hand over your daughter, if you decide to kneel down for Re-Destro...or you can just get the hell out of the city, cause you're out numbered and no way in hell you'll get your precious daughter!

Curious: You're just making things worst.

Geten: He'll never listen...

(YN) takes a look and to see a whole bunch of villains, nervously getting ready to attack him...

(YN) Mind: Damn, he's right...there is a lot of them...I'm gonna need a bigger gun, now.

Suddenly...(YN) turns around, and to walk out the exit gates...Trumpet then chuckles, and so as the villains...

Trumpet: Hehe! See?? I knew he doesn't have it in him to come at us and take all of us down!

At Re-Destro's room...

Re-Destro: ...Your old man planning something, isn't he.

Eri: Yup!

So then....outside...Trumpet and  all of them heard a loud noise...this noise sounded like...a motor engine...and yet this motor engine started to get louder and louder and getting closer and closer...

Trumpet: ...The hell is that sound??


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