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Trumpet: ...The hell is that noise???

That loud noise happen to become louder and louder, and yet getting closer and closer too...this noise was more of a motor engine, and it's a loud one and a big one! And then...
(YN) came rushing down to the gates again, as he was riding a ATV and yet he has a machine gun attached it on front as he had it auto fire as the machine gun began shooting multiple rapid bullets, and began shooting down some of the villains, some villains scattered around and some manage to ru charging at (YN), but yet we're being shot down by him...

Trumpet: What the hell!!?!?

Curious: Now you see what we mean!

Geten: You've doomed us all, Trumpet!

Curious and Geten flew away and get to their positions, and leaving Trumpet alone with all the villains he has with him, and yet are being easily killed by (YN)....(YN) then began to do a huge donut with the ATV and shooting more villains down...Trumpet began to slowly to feel frighten, knowing that he isn't just messing with no ordinary "fucking nobody"...he is messing with the vigilante, pissed off vigilante...and then, (YN) began to drive the ATV straight towards a groups of villains charging at him, (YN) pulls out a sticky bomb he has in his pocket and to set it off and attach it to the he does, he then slowly stands on the ATV while driving it...and then to leap out from it and let the ATV drive straight towards the villains, and yet the bomb causing a huge explosion as it got close to the villains, exploding them as well...Trumpet took cover from the explosion...and after he does, he takes a peak and to see fire surrounded...and then...what he saw terrified him the most...he saw (YN) walking out from the fire, with such menacing pissed off look on his face, glaring at Trumpet...

Trumpet: Th-Those eyes...are like...the devil himself!!!

(YN) kept on walking towards Trumpet, as he clenched both his hands, ready to lay them on Trumpet and just end him for good for what he did. Trumpet began to back away, and ran as the villains covered for him and started rushing at (YN)...he then picks up a rock on the ground, and concentrating it to use his quirk and turn that rock into a huge thick blade, afterwards, he then rushes at the villains and began swinging his blade towards them, cutting and slicing them up, chopping their heads, jabbing through their guts and ripping and slicing their guts out, afterwards, he then sees more of them rushing from he turns that blade into another weapon, as he does, Tim his weapon he made added more adjustment to the weapon and added more bullets in them...he began shooting his weapon and yet flaming bullets started shooting out, the villains got shot with those flaming bullets, and as they get hit by them, those flaming bullets explode their insides and major pain too, (YN) kept on shooting more of the flaming bullets to the villains, and more of them kept on exploding from those flaming bullets on their insides...
Afterwards, almost half of the villains were killed by (YN)...and yet, the others alive saw what he has done...(YN) grins at them, as they all tremble in fear, and yet to began fleeing away...

(YN): Oh I won't let you Motherfucker get away, not on my watch!!!

And so,  (YN) then holds the weapon he's using, and yet to concentrate hard on it, using his quirk to turn the previous weapon into one huge weapon he has in his mind...he concentrates more and more...and as he finishes it, the weapon he turn was big, and yet has used it before...he aims the weapon towards the villains running away...

(YN): Drop dead!!! BFG...9000!!!!!!

He then shot the BFG 9000 as it then blasted a huge beam, going straight to the villains, and killing then all with one huge single shot...and not just that, he also was destroying all the buildings as well...
Afterwards, buildings began to collapse and a bunch of dead bloody villain bodies were all over the place...afterwards, he then changes the BFG 9000 back to an ordinary weapon, and then continues to cause chaos and get Eri back...
Meanwhile, Trumpet was still on the run...he then stopped for a bit and then tried calling Skeptic through the walkie talkie...

Trumpet: Skeptic! Are you there?! Come in! Nows the time to use your quirk against him now!

...No replies...dead silent...

Trumpet: Skeptic!?! Do you hear me!? Skeptic!!

We then take a look at Skeptic...who yet we see his body on the floor....and yet his both arms and legs were chopped off, blood all over him...who he yet was already killed by (YN) before arriving at the city....

Trumpet: Skeptic!!! Damn it all!!!

Back with (YN), He rushes down the streets and to make his way to Re-Destro's buidking and to get Eri back...but as he does, he then sees couple of villains charging at he rushes at them to take them down before going for Eri....but as he does, and yet to get close to then...their bodies began to light up, and yet....
Their bodies suddenly exploded, a huge explosion, so big it caused (YN) to sent flying crashing through a building, as it did, it did some damage to his Body, he stood up and to exit the building...and yet to see more of them charging at they got close to him, (YN) then avoids them as the villain then self exploded again, as (YN) jumps and to then sent flying from that explosion and again crashing through a building, and adding more damage to his body...

(YN): Sh-Shit!! Why the hell are they self exploding?!

Curious: Well Well...~

(YN) then notices Curious approaches to him with villains with her...

(YN): Tch, you!

Curious: Careful now hun, get close to them and everything will go boom~

(YN) Mind: She did something to them...more like if she place a bomb to those fuckers...maybe that's her quirk! Gotta be careful then! Of fuck it, careful is not on my list!

(YN) then goes charging at the villains, but this time he creates a weapon from his hand, a shotgun as he then began shooting them down, and curious just watching the vigilante slayer shooting done the villains, and yet to be exploded by them as well, she was enjoying it, she never knew she can be able to take the advantage against the Akuma himself....afterwards, (YN) has dealt a lot of damage from those explosions...he can barely move, he drops down to his knees and Curious slowly approaching to him, and to get on her knees...

Curious: What happen dear~? I've never seen you drop down like this, aren't you suppose to be the most dangerous person~?? Or was it...a lie??

(YN): ....

Curious Mind: He's not responding...!D-Did I do it?! Did I really manage to-

But then suddenly...(YN) quickly grabs Curious's hair, and to pull her to him and to land his mouth to first Curious blushes knowing (YN)'s lips and her connected, landing a kiss...but turns out that she feels something inside...her tongue was being his teeth, Curious tried to pull out, but (YN)'s teeth kept tight between her tongue....and then...(YN) forcefully pulls her tongue...and to rip it off with it as Curious screamed in pain the fact her tongue got bitten and pulled out by (YN)'s teeth...

Curious: Y-YOU BAHARD!!!!

(YN): Hehe! What's wrong??! Cat got your tongue?!

Curious: AARGH!!! YOU'll PAAAAY!!!

Curious runs at (YN) so she can use her quirk against him to self explode him...(YN) quickly grabs her jaw, and to then brutally rip it off from her as she again screamed more pain, and then, (YN) clenches his robotic hand, and to throw a straight punch to her chest, and for it to appear behind her too, and to see him grabbing her spine out, as he then slowly pulls his arm out, and pulling her spin too, he pulls it out and Curious body drops to the ground and (YN) dropping her spine to the ground as he killed her for good...
Afterwards, he coughed blood from those explosions he had to deal with...

(YN): C-Can't stop now! daughter...Eri!! Hold on pumpkin...! Papa's ...coming...!

(YN) then makes his move, and he can still walk, yet he had several injuries with him, but that doesn't bother him at all, he kept going to go save Eri...
As he walks down the street...suddenly...he then felt the air being...cold for some reason....and then...he looks around and to see ice quickly spreading to him towards, he quickly leaps away from it...

(YN): Nrgh! What the-

Geten: Not so fast, Slayer.

(YN) then sees Geten arriving as he was standing on ice on mid air, and some ice floating around him...

Geten: Well now, never knew I see the slayer Jaime of be in a terrible situation like this.

(YN): Tch, great, another one..

Geten: As far as I see...Curious is no longer sad. But that doesn't stop me from giving grief to her, you shall go forward to Re-Destro.

(YN): Tch, don't get in...

(YN) then turns around and to do something with his hands...and then he quickly turns and  he had turn an object into a weapon, a grenade launcher...

(YN): MY WAY!!!!

he began shooting serval grenades at Geten, Geten uses his ice to control and make it a shield around him, the grenades were so explosive that it manage to break down the ice shield around Geten...suddenly, Geten began to lose balance and he began to fall off from the air...(YN) rushes and to catch him and grabbing him by the neck with his robotic arm...Geten was being choked to death by (YN), he tried fighting back, using his quirk, he can manipulate the ice he controls and turn them into weapons...he then turn some of the ice into sharp knives and to dash behind (YN)...soon the ice knives stabbed (YN) behind his back and some from his side....he then began to cough more blood out...but that still won't stop him at all, he then grips onto Geten's neck more, choking him more too as he then places both thumbs onto his eyes, and to brutally dare use them inside and popping them as Geten screamed in pain and (YN) to brake his whole neck afterwards....killing him...and then, the ice Geten control suddenly turn into nothing but water and spilling everywhere....
Afterwards, (YN) notices the knives he got stabbed merked too, but yet left bunch of holes in his body...but still doesn't bother him at all...he can still walk, even he lost a bunch of blood...he then goes on and yet is close to Re-Destro's resident...

(YN): Almost...there...!

As he walks and was close to arrive....suddenly.
Trumpet appeared out of nowhere, with an axe on his hand, ready to swing it at (YN)...

Trumpet: You're dead!!!


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