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(YN) screams in pain and agony as Chisaki emits his quirk against him, disassembling his whole arm as (YN) drops down onto the ground...

(YN): AAAAGH!!! F-FUCK!!!! AAAGH!!!!

Chisaki: Tch, pipe down will ya?

(YN): *grunting* Y-YOU FUCK!!!

Chisaki: You know...I'm surprised little Eri has run up to you, and who would thought you would taken care of her real good...and I'm thankful for you, and now I manage to have you bring her with you with me here, I can finally ease off now.

(YN): Y-You...You son of a bitch!! was...YOU..!! The whole plague mask...those men...boss...and all of that leads to YOU...!!! You're her father!!

Chisaki: Heh, surprise.

(YN): N-NRRRGH!!! You bastard...just what the bell have you even down to her?!? She's never wanting to go back with her father, who happens to be you, and yet she's scared out of her life about you...just what do you even do to that poor girl!?!

Chisaki: ...That is none of your business, (YN). She's my daughter, my property.


Chisaki: Now, I'll just leave you here die, as I go on, and see my Eri.

Chisaki started to walk away as he was about to exit, and (YN) started crawling and trying to go after him...

(YN): Ch-Chiskai!!!!

Chiskai: Hehe, remember that name for your final moments...but, it's Overhaul, so keep that as well in your mind.

And so, Chiskai leaves the room as (YN) was grunting in pain, as he can barely get up, holding onto his lost arm, still bleeding...

(YN): I-I have to...I have to get Eri...!! And s-save her!!!

He then Bursts out from the room and collapses to the floor again...and as he slowly gets up...he then sees a bunch of mask men approaching him...and as he slowly get up...he already was holding something...and he knew that with one arm...he is no good to fight off these mask all he can turn that object he's holding...and turn it into a smoke grenade as he tosses it and the grenade explodes to extend a lot of smoke around them and to not see...after the smoke was clearing off, (YN) has escaped owning the entrance of the door was open and beating his footsteps fading away...

Mask Man #4: He's escaping!

Mask Man #7: Let him go, besides, with one arm he has, and kissing to much blood by the boss...I'm sure he should die die to loss blood any time, we only came here in case he tries to go after the boss...and by the looks of it...he's gone. a room where Chrono has Eri in, as Eri was sitting down in a couch...still kinda scared of (YN)...but yet still misses him at the same time...and then...Overhaul has appeared in the room...

Chrono: How's it went?

Overhaul: I gotta went pretty well.

Chrono: Good.

Eri: Wh-Where's (YN)???

Overhaul: Aww, you miss him already?? I thought you don't wanna be with him.

Eri:'s's just I wanna know...

Overhaul: ...Well, he might not be coming back, now that he has brought you back with me.

Eri: Wh-What....???

Overhaul: Hold on...let me just...

Overhaul then walks over to a he grabs something, puts something onto his mouth...and like if he's putting a mask on...and looks back at Eri...

Overhaul: Ahh, much, what you think, Eri?

As Eri saw him with that mask...she then yet to start to shake in she now knows who he actually is...and what he has been doing to her...

Eri: I-I-It's...YOU..!!

Overhaul: Surprise, it's really good to see you again, and I was so worried about you...but, what is Pete me the most is you leaving me, and that's a bad, bad girl.

Eri started to tremble more in fear, and really got emotional and started to she quickly gets off and try to run away...but Overhaul then stops her...

Overhaul: Not so fast Eri, don't you dare leave again...unless you want me to get my hands dirty, and blame it on you...and don't want me to go and hurt (YN), would ya?

Eri couldn't do anything at all...Overhaul is playing kind games with her...and she tells flr it easily...all she can back away...and walk towards Overhaul...

Overhaul: That's it, good girl. Now, hold still.

Eri: Wh-Wha-

Suddenly, Chrono quickly injects Eri with a Eri started to get wobbly and the vaccine made her to go to sleep as Chron catches her and holds her...

Overhaul:, bring her with is now time to continue my experiment.

Later (YN)'s house...he burst down through his door as he was still in pain from getting his arm formed off by Overhaul...he quickly rushes to his room, spilling a lot of blood on his floor as he makes a mess, grunting in pain as he grabs the aid kit, opens it and grabs rubbing alcohol, opens it and pours all of it in his cut off arm, as the alcohol made it sting a lot and made (YN) scream in pain...

(YN): AAAGH!!! FUCK!!!! FUCK!!!!!

Afterwards, he drops the alcohol to the floor, and drops down onto his knees as it burns a lot and stings as well...afterwards, he quickly grabs a role of bandage from the kit and yet to use one arm to roll the bandage around his cut off arm wound, it took at least 25 rolls and to tie it up last...and yet the blood stopped dripping due to the bandage...

(YN): O-Okay!! Okay!!! N-Now...I-I have to go back...go back and get Eri..!! Sh-She's in trouble..!!

He then thinks about Overhaul...

(YN): N-NRGH!!' Overhaul!!!! Whatever happens to her...I'll kill you..!!! ILL KILL YOU..!!!!! You don't deserve her...!!!!!

Suddenly...with all that lost blood he's started to make him feel weak...and to lose focus and unconscious.....he stayed strong to not fall nor lose unconscious...he started walking down the hall way...and as he ended up the kitchen...he couldn't take it...he felt more weaker...

(YN): N-No...I-I can't ....I-I can't...I-I have!!

(YN) then suddenly loses balance as he falls and hits himself in the head towards the fridge...and collapses to the floor...and then, when hitting his head onto the fridge...the drawing of him and Eri falls to the ground as well, aside to (YN) he slowly reaches for it...and holds it into his hand...and looks at the drawing...

(YN): E-Eri.....

And then...his eyes were shut...and fell unconscious due to loss of too much blood...and not moving at all...laying on the his house...and...
Eri is all alone...and helpless again...


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