Chp.16 The Unpleasent Talk

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A week has passed now...and yet...Eri is now helpless...and doesn't even have anyone to help her...whatever Overhaul is doing to needs to be stop and Eri needs to be save right now...and the only one that can do (YN)...
In the hospital....(YN) was already checked in a room, as medics have taken care of him already...his arm was treated by the medics, gave blood transported to his body due to him kissing too much blood....and he's still I unconscious...and you may be wondering, who and how did he ended up in the hospital if he lost unconscious at home?? Well, thanks to his friends, Officer Naomasa, he hasn't heard of (YN) within a week, and checked up on him as he found him on the floor...and quickly rushes him to the hospital and get him treated...Naomasa was sitting aside with him as (YN) was in the bed, still not awake yet...

Naomasa: ...Just who did this to you?? No way you could have gotten yourself hurt this much.

And that's not all...Naomasa has found something else as well when saving (YN)...he notices at his house after taking him to the hospital...he's found a drawing on the floor...of him and Eri, and yet to see through his phone...his Home Screen of him and the little girl, smiling at the park together...
And what made it more worried for the fact he knows who this girl is...and where she can actually be found...

Naomasa: So this is what you've been doing Huh, taking care of this girl this whole time...(YN) did something that'll close our case...all I have to do, is wait for "him" to come and have a talk about it.

Minutes later...(YN) still hasn't woke up, and Naomasa waiting still...until then, the person he's waited for has arrive and the doctors let him in...this person entered the room as Naomasa stood up and greeted himself to the person...

Naomasa: Ah, I'm glad you've arrive, Mirai Sasaki.

The person he called was none other than a pro hero himself, and owns an agency headquarters, he goes by Sir Nighteye as his pro hero name...

Nighteye: A pleasure to meet you Officer...So, this is the man you've told me about?

Naomasa: Yea, this is him, I've found him in his house, unconscious with a lost arm and lot of loss blood, luckily I've found him and brought him here, and I'm glad he's still alive from all the treatment he's given from these medics.

Nighteye: What a lucky man...and if I'm've told me he's a vigilante as well??

Naomasa: ...Yes.

Nighteye: I see, so he's the one then, who's killed thousands of villains, to serve justice in his hands.

Naomasa: Of course...he was raised of how he became. And also...I think he might be the one to help you out on our, well your case as well.

Nighteye: ...Is that so ??

Naomasa hands over the drawing and the phone to Sir Sir found Jaime of shock to see the picture of Eri and (YN) on the phone...and the drawing of them as well...

Naomasa: Form what I can tell and see...(YN) has cared a lot about this girl while taking care of her and keeping her safe, same goes to the girl, from what I can tell as well...she adores him like a father figure.

Nighteye: ...I see. But...I hate to say this...but I am not gonna wait for him to wake up, we are wasting little time here.

Naomasa: ...I understand...apologies.

Nighteye: Still...thanks for these.

Before Nighteye could leave the room...he then notices (YN) suddenly moving a bit...and yet to quietly grunt...

Nighteye: Or maybe I've spoke too soon. Look.

Naomasa also notices (YN) moving and making quiet grunting noises..

Naomasa: H-Hey! (YN), what's wrong?!

Nighteye calls for medics..

Nighteye: Medic! I need one on this room now!

Suddenly, everything went we are in (YN)'s head he suddenly started to picture everything that has happen with Overhaul, taking Eri away from him, Ripping his arm off, having Eri helpless and all alone with he pictures Eri crying..and seeing her help in need...and hear these voices coming from his head...they sounds...demonic somehow...and these voices were becoming louder and louder...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

While hearing these voices in his head...he then suddenly started to quietly say those words in his kind...

(YN): R-Rip...and...tear....

Naomasa: Wh-What..???! (YN)! What are you saying??!

(YN): R-Rip...and ....Tear...!!

Nighteye: Rip and tear??? What does he mean??

Naomasa: I don't know! (YN)! Come on, speak to us!

(YN): Rip...and...Tear..!!!

And then...when picture Eri helpless and crying...he can see a huge image of Overhaul, surrounding Eri and making her cry more...and that made him snap and opening his eyes wide with full of rage...


(YN) yells with such anger tone as he suddenly fella off from the bed, taking off the wires attach to his arms and body...

Naomasa: (YN), calm down!!!

(YN): N-Nrrrgh!!!!

(YN) with out of nowhere, he uses his other arm, and using his brute strength to lift the bed and to toss it out of the window and to punch towards the floor and panting...

Naomasa: (YN), what is-

(YN): RIP AND TEAR OVERHAUL APART!!! Until it is done!!!!!'

Nighteye then knew what (YN) said...when he mention the name "Overhaul" he knew that this man (YN), knows what he will and will always do to Eri, his own daughter...
Suddenly, a few medics rush in the room and pinning (YN) down as (YN) still fueled with rage, he shakes them off, tossing them to the wall with one arm, until one medic manage to stop him by vaccinating him to make him go to sleep, and before he even does, (YN) kicks the medic down to the ground and was still going crazy...until the liquid from the vaccine was causing him to fall asleep and dizzy...and so it did...
Minutes afterwards...(YN) suddenly was waking he then open his eyes slowly...and to notice Naomasa...

Naomasa: Hey, you're awake...again.

(YN) gets up as he looks around...

(YN): ...

Naomasa: You're in the hospital, I've found you on the floor at your were really risk on being dead, luckily I manage to get to you and bring you here as fast as possible...and well...if you don't kinda-

(YN): Yea, I know...look, I don't have time to be here, I have to go and get Eri-

Naomasa: Don't worry, cause we already got the help we need to get her back.

(YN): Wh-What? The hell you're talking about??

Naomasa: Nighteye.

Sir Nighteye then approach to (YN) as (YN) notices...

(YN): ...

Nighteye: Hello (YN), the names Sir Nighteye...Naomasa has told me much about you...and about the little girl, Eri as well.

(YN): Wh-What?! You know her?!? Where is she?!? Tell me!!

Nighteye: Easy there...that's what I'm about to tell have to know about Kai Chisaki, leader of the Shie Hassaikai.

(YN): Shie...Hassakai..???

Nighteye: *nods* If you wanna know...then you should pay attention to everything I tell, let's begin...

Sir Nighteye started explaining (YN) about the Shie Hassakai group, led by Kai Chisaki, Overhaul...
after 10 minutes of telling everything to (YN)...

Nighteye: ...And that's how it happen, now you know...everything.

By the looks of it, (YN)'s expression doesn't look very good at face was giving off a shocked and very upset he then gets off from the bed...walks over to the wall...and started to think about the whole conversation Nighteye was given...and what he said everything about Overhaul and what he has been doing to Eri...made him sick to the stomach...and angry at the same he growls...and to punch a hole on the wall...and to take it out and turns to Nighteye and Naomasa...

(YN): That heartless fucker!!! What person can do that to a innocent child like Eri?!? Just who the hell he think he is, treating her like some kind of object?!?

Nighteye: Trust me...I'm frustrated as you are  too (YN), hearing this about the poor girl...

Naomasa: Hearing this makes me sick to my stomach.

(YN): Nrrgh!!! This can't continue, not at all!! That bastard must be put down once and for all!! Just thinking about it...make me wanna fucking rip his fucking guts out!!!

Nighteye: Don't worry...knowing that my agency headquarters has now, we know where to find her and save her.

(YN): Really?!?

Nighteye: Yes...but before going...(YN), I must ask you this...are you willing to join me on this mission, and get Eri back??? I know you won't say no to that...

(YN) then stares to imagine the great moments he had with Eri...the smiling, the laughing, and the bonding they had's like...a father and daughter moment they always have when it comes with fun and winding he replies...

(YN): You know damn well I'll be able to do anything for Eri, I've always taken care of that sweet child, and I cannot let a cruel bastard like Chiskai ruin every inch of her!

Nighteye: I'll take that as a yes...good. Now, before that...there's a meeting later on that's gonna happen in the afternoon, a group of pro heroes will be there to help us, and some UA High school students as well.

(YN): Teenagers??? Why??

Nighteye: I gather some, due of their incredible skills, agility, and amazing power they hold. Don't worry, if anything happens to them...we'll take full responsibility.

(YN): ...Alright.

Nighteye: Good, now that everything is settle, we should get going then.

Naomasa: Right, but...(YN), are you sure you wanna do this?? I only have one arm??

Nighteye: Don't worry...I'll take care of it.


Later on that day...during the night, at (YN)'s house, Naomasa pus up informer of it as (YN) gets off from his car and yet to carry a suitcase and wearing some fresh clothes after being release from the hospital and then heading to Sir Nighteye's agency and coming back home to get ready...

(YN): Thanks for the ride Naomasa.

Naomasa: No problem. See you over at the agency tomorrow then...tomorrow is the day.

(YN): Right, see ya.

Naomasa then drives off as (YN) then walks over to his home...he then opens his door..and comes inside to see his house cleaned up, Naomasa had some cleaners at his work to clean up his home once he was taken to the hospital...he then walks over to his room...and places the suitcase on his bed...the suitcase he brought was given by Sir Nighteye at his agency...and as he slowly opens it and unlocks the little locks...he then sees what's inside...and what's inside was a full robotic mechanical solid metal arm...he remembers what Sir Nighteye told him about it...

"This robotic hand is made by one of my agency technicians, it's well made, and very flexible as well...once you put it on, you'll feel a bit of stings once it's attach to your skin to your cut off'll then stay there once it's full attach..and you'll have fully control over it and being your own very arm...take this...and make sure you're able to use it well for tomorrow's mission."

He then grabs the robotic arm...and to slowly place it to his chopped off arm...and as he did...he then sees several wires rising up and attaching to his the worded went fully in his arm as they started to sting sting him as he holds off the pain....after some seconds later...the pain was over...until the robotic hand suddenly glows...and yet...he manages to move the hand, and fingers...and the whole he know has fully control over it...after having a new set of arm now...all he can think saving Eri...that's his new mission now...he then grabs the drawing from his pocket...and holds it onto his chest..

(YN): ...Don't worry Eri...I'm coming for you.

Before I's what Nighteye really told (YN) about Overhaul....Shie Hassakai is a small but organized group of criminals, led by Kai Chisaki, Overhaul...and yet what their organization do is create bullets, bullets that can shoot to heroes, and destroy quirks for good...and that's not all...the bullets the group make are contain by human blood and cells...a quirk that can destroy a quirk...and how does Overhaul make it work??? .....By mutilating Eri's body and turning them into bullets, destroying her body just to create weapons to destroy other peoples sick! And especially hurting a precious little angel like Eri!!! And that's what triggers (YN) the most...and that's why he'll join Sir Nighteye, and some other pro heroes and students from UA to go to the mission and save Eri!!!


The next the afternoon at Sir Nighteye's agency headquarters, some pro heroes (Aizawa, Rock Lock, Sir Nighteye, Bubble Girl, FatGum and more) and students from UA (Izuku, Ochaco, Kirashima, Tsuyu, Mirio, Nejire and Amajiki) were all gearing up and ready to head on to their mission...

Mirio: Ready, Midoriya?

Izuki: Yea, I am! *Dont worry Eri...we'll go and save you for sure!*

Mirio: Good. *And I'll make sure...I'll protect you and save you!"

Mirio, Izuku and the rest have heard everything about Shie Hasssakai, Overhaul and Eri at the meeting...they were terrified, frustrated, and disappointed from what they heard at the meeting, and will make sure to save that innocent girl!

Kirashima: Alright! Looks like everyone is ready! We got this Amajiki!

Amajiki: ...Y-Yeah, we do...!

Ochaco: We'll do our best!

Tsuyu: Yeah, Ribbit!

Nejire: Let's go and save that innocent child!

All of the pro heroes and UA students were all geared up and almost ready to go...until Sir Nighteye then was finishing up from a call...and says

Nighteye: ...Before we go...we have to wait for somebody else.

FatGum: What??? Sir, You do realize that we don't have time to waste, right??

Nighteye: Yes I know, but we must wait for this person to come...he's crucial for this mission as well...and he's know too much as well about this mission.

Kirashima: Woah seriously?? Someone important??

Izuku: *Someone crucial and yet knows a lot about this more than us.???? Who could it be???*

Nighteye: And before you meet this person...I have to tell you that he's very different from us, but he's useful to this mission as well, don't worry...he'll be here any minute.

Rock Lock: Tch, now who in the hell could this "crucial" person be anyways???

Nighteye: ...If I were you all...I should be nice to him, and be respectful to him as well, cause he is a very dangerous, dangerous man.

Everyone were now concern and confused about this "crucial" person that will be joining on this mission...
Who could it be???


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