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Mirio: Sir, who is this person that can important to this mission??

Nighteye: ....This person is useful for this mission, and by far he knows more about this as well.

Rock Lock: Hmph, so important that he might just show off on this mission, does he knows this mission is not a joke?

Nighteye: ...As of matter of fact, he is, and he's no joke at all...this man is very dangerous, and yet can be really harmful when it comes with villains too.

Izuku: What???

Kirashima: Harmful and dangerous towards Villains?? Just who the heck is this guy??

FatGum: Well, is he even coming already??

Nighteye: ...He should be here any minute now, let us wait patiently for him.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of headquarters building, Bubble Girl, a pro hero and Sir Nighteye's sidekick...was waiting for (YN), and to see a taxi pull over, and knew it might be (YN)...and so, (YN) exits the taxi and pats the cash...

Driver: Thank you sir...but this is too much, don't you think??

(YN): ...Keep the change.

Driver: O-Okay. *Thank goodness he's got out...he's really a scary looking dude.*

As the driver drives off, (YN) walks to the entrance and to see Bubble Girl...

Bubble Girl: Ah, you made it just in time.

(YN): ...

Bubble Girl: A-And I see the robotic prosthetic hand Sir Nighteye gave you fits you nice. How did it feel..???

(YN): ...Just take me to him already, I got no time to waste.

Bubble Girl: R-Right!

Bubble Girl was nervously shaking, knowing (YN) of how menacing, scary, and dangerous he's looking right now. And so, Bubble Girl and (YN) walk in the building as Bubble Girl leads him to Sir Nighteye and the team...they walk down the hallway as they reach to a door that automatically they enter, they arrive to a huge room where a bunch of agency workers and pro heroes are working...and as some pro heroes started walking, they notice (YN) walking with Bubble Girl...and they pass him by and look at him...they suddenly started to fear him, but the looks of his walk, his aura, and he seems really dangerous to be close with, so all they can do, is get away from him, and be afraid of him...

Bubble Girl: U-Uhm...Mr.(YN)...can I just is an honor to meet you, and meeting a vigilante like you of course...

(YN): ...

Bubble Girl: *nervously chuckling* Not much of a talker I see...I'll keep quiet for now...*Oh man...he's really scary looking...even talking to him as well...*

As they continue walking down, more people heroes and working agencies stared to walk up to (YN) without knowing, and to get scared of him and to avoid him/walk away from him...and some pro heroes started talking about him...

Pro Hero: H-Holy crap...I-Is that him...?!

Pro Hero: I-I think so...Sir told us about him...!

Bubble Girl and (YN) continue to walk down the hall as they soon arrive to a door where two pro heroes were guarding the door...

Bubble Girl: M-Mr.(YN), to let you know, I have to get back to my office and get ready up...just head to that door where the two pro heroes are guarding, once you do, you should find Sir and the rest of them to your right, tell the guards your with Sir.

(YN): Right.

Bubble Girl then rushes to her office to get ready up...and (YN) approaching to the pro heroes...

Pro Hero #1: Hey! Who are you?! You don't see you around here! Tell us...wh-who you are...

As (YN) got closer to the pro heroes, the two of them already knew who he was once he got closer to them...

Pro Hero #2: O-Oh! Y-Your...Your the one that Sir told us about yesterday...!

Pro Hero #1: A-Apologies sir! H-Here let me-Oh Crap!

The pro hero drop his badge to let (YN) inside the room to see Sir and the rest...and as he was gonna pick his badge up...he then sees (YN)'s feet approach to him and stepping on the badge as he froze and was shaking in fear, and feeling his aura of how scared he is...(YN) slowly picks up the badge, and opens the door, and as he does, he gives back the badge to the pro hero and heads to the room...
At the room, Sir and the rest were still waiting on him...

Mirio: Sir, how long do you think it'll take him to arrive here?? We don't have time!

Nighteye: Patience Lemillion, he'll be here any second now.

Rock Lock: Okay you know what? Screw this, we for have time to waste time here! We got a girl to save and-

Suddenly, the door was locked down, as everyone got startled and look over to see (YN) kicking down the door...and to slowly approach them...

Nighteye: Ah, you've arrive, good.

Izuku:'s him??

Kirashima: Woah, whoever he is he made himself quite the appearance.

Rock Lock: So, this is the punk??

Nighteye: Rock Lock, please.

Rock Lock walks towards (YN) and stands in front of his face...

Rock Lock: Listen here you, we had to waste our time to wait on you! Thanks to you we are running late, so I suggest you explain yourself!

(YN): ...

Rock Lock: You deaf or something?! I'm talking to you!

Nighteye: Rock Lock...may inform you not to speak that way to our help.

Rock Lock: And why the hell not?!

Nighteye: ...Because your talking to the vigilante himself.

Suddenly, Rock Lock and the rest gasped to hear the word "vigilante" knowing they know there was one in the city, hearing rumors of it...

FatGum: don't mean that he's-

Nighteye: That's right, ladies and gentlemen, and students, I present to you (YN) (LN), the vigilante himself, known to be called "Villain Slayer". He's the one that'll be our help on this mission.

Everyone were surprised to hear that, especially Izuku and his friends...

Ochaco: D-Deku, didn't you and Kirashima met him back at the Kamino incident?!

Izuku: I-I think so..!

Kirashima: W-Woah, who would have thought we run up to him again...and seeing him how he looks like as well...dudes pretty scary and a menace as well...!

And so, Rock Lock slowly looks back at (YN), and now is fear by him now, as (YN) then walks passes him...

(YN): ...Good to see you too, Rock Lock.

Rock Lock: ....

As (YN) join in with the rest, Mirio was afraid to get close to him...but, he sure wanted to know what makes him, a vigilante, wanting to save Eri...

Mirio: Hey, Mr.(YN).

(YN) looks at him, as Mirio tries not to be afraid of him..

Mirio: I have to do you know about this mission?? And do you even know what's going on??

(YN) slowly takes his phone out...and shows his Home Screen to Mirio and the they were shocked and surprised to see him and Eri togther, smiling...

Izuku: I-Is that-

Mirio: it's her..!! A-And she's smiling..!!

Nejire: Wait I don't get it, how come she was with you even she's in danger???

Ochaco: Yea, I mean is she yours???

(YN): ....Not quite, she was helpless when I found her couple days ago...and I've helped her and taken care of her well...until I was a fool to fell in a dumb trap, by Chisaki.

Mirio: N-No way!

Izuku: I-I'm so sorry to here that...!

(YN): No worries.

Mirio: Does she have a name?! I mean she must've told you when you saved her, right?!

(YN) looks at the pic...and to remember all the fun stuffs he's down with her, and her smiling...

(YN): ...Her name is Eri, she's the most precious little girl I've ever taken care of.

Mirio: Eri...what a innocent name.

(YN): But here's the thing: I'll join you guys to go on this mission to save her, and my only mission is to go and save her only, and take care of those bastards that have taken her away from me...I don't mind you all helping me, but just get this in your thick skulls...stay out of my way...and also...Chisaki is mine.

Mirio: ...

Izuku: ..

(YN): ...So, are we going or what??

Nighteye: Yes, everyone is set, Bubble Girl is outside waiting for us, she's texted me already, come! We must go now!

And so, Nighteye, (YN), Deku, Mirio, and the rest started heading their way to Chisaki's hideout and save Eri from him...and as for (YN)...he thinks about Eri, and wanting to save her badly and take her with him again...

(YN) Mind: Don't worry Eri...I'm coming for you.


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