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Everything was done, the mission was a success, not only did the pros saved Eri, but (YN) manage to save her once again, and defeating(killing) Chisaki once and for all...the officers and the pros manage to arrest all the Yakuza members, and putting some of them in the bag knowing some were killed by (YN)....while arresting the Yakuza groups, a they do...some of the pro heroes and students were taken on the ambulance, Kirashima, FatGum, Amajiki, Mirio, Nighteye, Rock Lock, and for Eri, (YN) hands  her over to the paramedics...

(YN): Please, treat her good.

Paramedic: We'll do our best, just get yourself treated as well.

(YN): ...

(YN) soon walks away, and to look back again as the paramedic takes Eri to the ambulance and to take her to the hospital as fast as possible...and so as (YN) as he need to get treated as well if he was left with any wounds at all from what happen with Eri's quirk affecting him too much.
Moments later, at the hospital, everyone were getting treated by a near by hospital, (YN) was the very first one to get done being treated knowing he only had some minor wounds only, and after getting treated by the medics, he then rushes to the room where Eri is, as he stays with her, as Eri was still resting  from the fever, and sleeping...(YN) was sitting next to her...

(YN): Don't worry half pine, you'll get better sooner or later, and once you are...I'll take you back with me.

Suddenly, Naomasa has a loaded in the room...

Naomasa: Yo.

(YN): Oh Hey, finished your work?

Naomasa: Yea, we manage to arrest every single of them and taking them to jail, and well...some that you...ahem...killed.

(YN): ...

Naomasa: I'm glad your alright, sorry if I wasn't there for you at the beginning.

(YN): It's alright, I'm glad your okay as well.

Naomasa: ...How is she??

(YN): She's still resting, still has fever, but the doctors treated her already and say she'll be okay by this week....I hope so.

Naomasa: ...I hope so know, I've heard word about the girl's it true that she doesn't have control over it??

(YN): ...Yea, and what worried me the lost if the fact she couldn't handle it, and it hurts her. Doctors said that she'll be quarantined for a week only until her fever is gone and is better, right after, I can take her back with me and keep taking care of her.

Naomasa: ...Yea, about that, (YN), I don't think-

Suddenly, Aizawa enters the room...

(YN): Eraser, what's up??

Aizawa: Nothing much, just checking the girl, and I see you got it covered up.

(YN): She's just recovering that's all, she'll be fine by the end of this week.

Aizawa: Good to hear...listen, I want you to come with me.

(YN): Oh...okay. See you, Naomasa.

Naomasa: Yea.

(YN) follows Aizawa and exits the Naomasa looks back at Eri...

Naomasa: *sighs* He's not gonna like it when I tell him.

In the hallway, Aizawa and (YN) were walking down as they took the elevator, and to arrive to a floor and continue walking and to head over to a room where a door is open...

(YN): Say, where're we going?

Aizawa: ...There's someone that wants to say his final words with you.

(YN): Wait what?! Don't tell me...someone gonna-

Aizawa: Yeah...and he didn't have time.

(YN): But...Who?!? ....Oh, him.

(YN) knew who Aizawa was talking about...and it was Sir Nighteye...back at the incident, (YN) remembers that Sir Nighteye was in critical danger, knwinf he had a huge gaping wound, and a spike stuck into his gut, they manage to remove it when they took him to the hospital...but lost too much blood...and ain't another way to save him...his final moments has (YN) can hear sobbing and crying in the room, and as he enters, he sees Bubble Girl crying onto Centipeder, All Might as well, Midoriya too...Izuku notices him arriving...

Izuku: M-Mr.(YN)...

(YN): Hey.

All Might meets (YN)...and has already heard of him...

All Might:'re the vigilante, right...?

(YN): Yea, and nice to meet you as well...All Might.

(YN) then notices it... Mirio crying on Nighteye's bed, begging him not To go...

Mirio: P-Please keep fighting! Don't give up on me! *sniffs* I'm not ready! P-Please...don't leave me...!!

Nighteye: M-Mirio...please forgive not be worry...

Nighteye reaches his hand to Mirio and emits his quirk on him to see his future...

Nighteye: You'll be're going to become...the finest hard...and be sure to slope for me...after all...without joy and laughter...this world cannot hope to have...a bright future....

Mirio started whipping and sobbing quietly for his mentor...he didn't wanted him to die on him....but it was nothing to do to save him...and yet, (YN) approach to Miiro behind...

Mirio: (Y-YN)...!

Nighteye notices him as well...

Nighteye: (Y-YN)...

(YN): Sir...I'm sorry about this...if only I had the chance to save would r have been like this.

Nighteye: ...Don't be's okay...the only thing you did right...was saving Eri...that what's important...

(YN): ....

Nighteye: (YN)...can me this one final request for me...??

(YN): ...What is it??

Nighteye: ...Please...take very good care of Eri...I know you will...from what I see between you and her in that picture...I see...a happy daughter...with a new happy and kind and gentle father figure...

(YN) was speechless for a he felt a little emotional and replies...

(YN): Don't worry...she'll definitely be in good hands with me.

Nighteye: ...Thank you...and please...make her future...happier...and brighter.

And so....
Nighteye has said his final the heartbeat monitor have one long single say that Sir Nighteye, Mirai Sasaki, has sadly passed away......


A week has now pass...everyone that was taken to the hospital was now healed up already and ready to head back home, even the student from UA were ready to go back to UA and to their homes as well...and as for (YN), he's arrived back to the hospital to meet Eri as he got a call from Naomasa that Eri is now better...(YN) was walking down the hallway as he then sees Midoriya coming out from a room...

Izuku: O-Oh! Mr.(YN)!

(YN): Oh hey, your the kid from UA right?? I think your name is...Deku, right??

Izuku: W-Well that's my hero name, it's Izuku.

(YN): Ah, Izuku.

Izuku: Y-Yeah, say, what brings you here??

(YN): I came here to check on Eri.

Izuku: O-Oh! Don't worry, Eri is now better, I went to check on her and she's better, I'm relief.

(YN): Good. So, you're all good now? What about that friend of yours, Lemillion???

Izuku: Oh! Mirio...well I just got out from his room here, he's feeling good now, and yet he has to stay here for another week still...

(YN): I see. Sorry to hear that.

Izuku: It's fine, all matters that everything is now okay.

(YN): Mmm. Well, nice to meet you kid...see you around.

(YN) walks passes by Izuku..and then he calls him again..

Izuku: Mr. (YN)!

(YN): Hmm??

Izuku: ...*smiles* Thank you, for saving Eri.

(YN): *softly smiles* Don't mention it.

And so, he walks down the hallway as Izuku leaves with the others...and so, (YN) arrives to the room, enters and to see Eri, Eri notices (YN) entering as she was relief to see him...

Eri: (YN)!

(YN): Hey little one.

(YN) and Eri both have each other a hug and Eri was happy to see him again...

Eri: I'm so glad to see you again.

(YN): Me too, so how do you feel??

Eri: I feel good, my fever has gone down a lot.

(YN): Thats good to hear, once you're all better now, I'll be taking you back with me.

Eri: Really??!

(YN): Yup.

Eri smiles and hugs (YN) again...

Eri: I can't wait to be with you again!

(YN): Heh, me too.

Suddenly, Naomasa and some medics appeared in the room..

(YN): Oh Hey Naomasa, thanks for calling me about Eri feeling better, don't worry, once they tell me she's better to leave, I'll be taking her with me for good, right Eri?

Eri: Yea!

Naomasa: That's good and all (YN)....but...I'm afraid it won't happen.

(YN) suddenly change his reaction...

(YN): ...What??!

Naomasa: *sighs* Listen man, knowing that her parents...well...abandon her and...put to an end, she doesn't have any relatives to take care of her.

(YN): Okay and?? I've found her helpless when she was in danger, and I've been taking care of her out of trouble.

Naomasa: I know...but, there isn't proof of you have the right to take care of her...I'm sorry won't be taking her. It's the law.

(YN) was now upset about it...and couldn't say anything else...and Eri holding his arm...

Eri: B-But...I wanna be with (YN)...I've always felt happy and safe with him...

Naomasa: I know sweetie, but I'm won't happen...but don't you worry...the medics here will be taking care of you instead, besides...they have a special room for you for kids to be in.

Eri: Special room??

Nurse: That's right sweetie, a room where you can have fun, play and draw.

Doctor: And We'll take really good care of you, you can count on us honey. And also...(YN) can come visit you all day and whenever he wants to.

Eri: Oh...I mean...that's...a good thing I guess.

Naomasa: It is, right, (YN)??

(YN): ......Yea.

Naomasa: Okay, the medics will take you and-

(YN): Wait.

Naomasa: ???

(YN): ...I wanna take her to this room where you will take care of her real good...and also...can I have a moment with her??

Nurse: Of course.

Doctor: Not to worry sir.

And so, The nurse, doctor, Naomasa exited the room as (YN) Carrie's Eri onto his hands...and takes her to the room wher le she will be, and be taken care of by the hospital...
And yet to have his last moments with her.


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