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And so...hearing from Naomasa has told (YN) that he has no right or evidence to be responsible for taking care of Eri, nor she has relatives for her to be taken care of as well...her parents abandon her and were killed afterwards by Chisaki...(YN) didn't like it at all, neither does Eri...but, the nostrils does have a special room for her to stay and for them to take really good care of her, at first dorm like the idea cause he wanted to take her with him...but then again...this might be good for Eri, she still needs more recovering still after all...and so, they walked down the hallway with Naomasa and the nurse and they arrive to a room...(YN) puts Eri down as Eri walks towards the door, she then looks back at (YN) as (YN) walks behind first she was nervous to go in...but (YN) tells her...

(YN): Don't worry, inside might be fun things for you to enjoy, trust me, and the doctors too.

Eri she then gets closer to the door...and for (YN) to join her to go in the room...and as they open the door, they get to see the inside of the was big, the walls were painted pink and blue, bunch of toys on the cliff, a little table with colors and papers, there were a bunch of fun and amazing stuff for Eri to enjoy, and one bed for herself as well...

Eri: Wow! It's so big in here! And look at the toys here! (YN) come!

Eri grabs (YN)'s hand and brings him in the room...

(YN):'s really...neat in here.

Eri started to grab some toys...

Eri: Oh look! They have a teddy bear! So cute!

(YN): Oh that's nice Eri but-

Eri: And look! They even have the cowgirl doll from Toy Story!

(YN): Oh that's cute yea, but-

Eri: Even this ball as well!

(YN): Oh that's cool, Uhm Eri-

Eri: Even this plushie fish from Finding Nemo! It's so squishy, hehe!

(YN): Oh that's very nice, heh.

(YN) softly smiles to see Eri liking the he rushes her...

(YN): Come here you.

(YN) grabs Eri and flies her onto his arms as Eri started laughing, and so as (YN) as they were having a little moment together, afterwards (YN) places Eri on the bed, and as he does, he covers her up with a blanket and hand her the teddy bear as Eri gives it a hug and smiles...suddenly, Eri looks at (YN) with a bit worried face...

(YN): Whats wrong Eri??

Eri: ...Is...Is "he" gone for good..??

(YN) softly smiles and pats her on the head...

(YN): Yea, he's gone for good, he'll never get to scare you anymore.

Eri smiles with relief and was glad to hear...

Eri: Okay.

(YN) suddenly gave a sad look to he now has to leave her here...

(YN): Goodbye Eri...don't worry, I'll be sure to come visit you and see you all day.

Eri like the idea...but she still wanted to be with him, even living with him...she places his hand onto his...

Eri: (YN)...

(YN): ....I have to go now.

And so....Eri gets closer to (YN)...and hugs him...and (YN) hugs her as he started to get emotional...shedding some tears, and Eri as well...after giving each other one final hug, (YN) places Eri back to Eri was covered in her blanket...and (YN) slowly walking away to the door...and as he does, he looks back at Eri was sad, that she has to see him leave her....but, she gave a little smile...and waves bye at him...and (YN) as well, waving her back as well...afterwards, he slowly leaves the room...and to slowly shut the door for her...
Afterwards, (YN) looks at the Naomasa places his hand onto his shoulder...

Naomasa: I'm sorry (YN)...

(YN): ...It's fine..I'm just glad they'll be taking care of her good here.

Naomasa: Yeah...Well, I'm heading off, wanna ride home?

(YN): I'll walk it, it's not far from here to my house.

Naomasa: Right, take care man.

And so, Naomasa leaves...and (YN) as well afterwards, as he walks down the hallway....and to take the elevator to the bottom floor...and to exit the he does....he looks at a open window...and he can barely see a room Where Eri is by telling from the color of the wall....
Meanwhile, in the room, Eri was about to sleep on her bed...until suddenly, she then sees a paper airplane flying through her kept gliding as she got off from her bed, and started chasing it as she manages to catch it...she then slowly opens the paper...and to see her own drawing of her and (YN) she drew back then at his house...
She smiles emotionally...and hugs it...

Eri: (YN)...

She says with an emotional tone....


Later that day, at (YN)'s house, he was in his bed, resting as he looks at his phone, to see his Home Screen picture of him and Eri at the park, smiling and having a fun time together...he already misses her, and was still planning to have her with him and taking care of her....but couldn't...he doesn't have any proof of him having responsibility of taking care of Eri...
But suddenly...something hits him....he stood up from his bed...and searches something up from his phone from the website...and as he does...he then chuckles about what he found...

(YN): Hehe Wow...Why didn't I think of this in the first place?? This will do, I'm sure of it.

(Y) started dialing his phone...and to call someone...

(YN): Hey, Naomasa, it's me...I need your help on something...and talk about it as well.


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