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-2 Weeks later- was pitch black all of the sudden, as we suddenly see a little boy with bloody hands, and holding a knife, and too see dead bodies everywhere...and these bodies were nothing but villains by the looks of it, and yet, the little boy was holding the knife right on his hands, clenching his other hand as well....and yet to look behind...and to see his parents and whole family getting killed...and his pet dog as well, as they yelled help for him, and the dog crying for him as well as the little boy grew angry, and charges at the villains killing them as he gave a loud screaming echo...
And suddenly, a grown man wakes up from his sleep from his room...and yet to stood up and sweating a little...knowing that he was the one dealing as a little boy and sighs...and also looks familiar too...this man here is (YN)....and he is the vigilante, the one that killed all the members of the league of villains a couple weeks ago....

(YN): *sighs* It's been a while since I had that dream...

(YN) rubs his eyes, as he gets off from his bed, and walks over to the bathroom and washes his face and then started brushing his teeth. Afterwards, he heads over to the living room, walks over to the kitchen, heads to the fridge and grabs some eggs, bacon and sausages, as he does, he started cooking them on the stove. After that, they were ready to eat as he grabs a plate, places them and grabs a fork and walks over to the sofa as he grabs the remote and turns on the TV and yet to starts watching the news...

News Reporter: And now we come back again about the incident that happen weeks ago at Kamino Ward, Shigaraki, or known to be named as All For One has been killed by infront of many people that watched, and especially in front of the number one hero, he was killed by the hands of an unknown person with a weapon in arms and yet to kill him without any hesitation, rumors were also told that the league of villains were found dead as well not too long ago after the incident, and were saying that it may be the same person responsible for the killing of All For One. Citizen in Musutafu are curious about who is this person that killed these people, some say he's a villain as we, and some say he's more of a vigilante, we do many know about this mysterious person yet, but people who go on the dark, please take care of yourself, we might know if he's trustworthy to be trusted or not.

(YN) turns off the TV as he sighs as he finished up eating his breakfast....

(YN): ...They could at least give me a little credit for it. People these days.

(YN) gets up as and puts his plate on the sink and cleans his dishes. Afterwards, then wanted to know how's the day outside, so he took a look out his window and yet to realize it was sunset already and about to be dark any minute...

(YN): Jesus, and here I thought it as morning. Guess I overslept....Feeling kinda thirsty, might get something to drink at the store.

(YN) then goes to his room and changes and puts on his boots as he was ready to head out. He exits his house and locks his door as he walks over to the street...he started crossing a couple of blocks and arrives to the store, he enters as he goes over to the drinks, he opens the fridge and grabs himself a fruit punch drink and heads over to the cashier...

Cashier: Just that?

(YN): Yup.

The cashier scans his drink...

Cashier: $2.

(YN) hands him a change of $5, the cashier grabs change for him and he says to (YN)...

Cashier: Heard about the vigilante lately??

(YN): Yea, I have....what you think about him?

Cashier: Honestly, haven't seen a vigilante before, nor seen the person who's being one as well, I gotta say, people here are starting to fear him, they see him as a villain after what he did to the league of villains.

(YN): ...I don't think that's how it seems. The vigilante isn't a villain...nor a hero. He's more...of an anti-hero, where he has the character of a villain, but has the skills of doing something heroic, also to handle and serve justice against those villains...and he did something to save All Might back there, they should at least thank him for that.

Cashier: Heh, I hear ya, but we are not sure if this vigilante person can be trusted or not, hell, I shit myself if if I see him near me in person. Heh, here's your change man.

(YN): Hmm. Thanks...have a good one.

Cashier: You too sir.

(YN) exits the store and opens his drink and started chugging it as he yet to finish all of it and throws it in the recycling bin and heads back home...

(YN): ...Tch, me as a villain...please, I'm no damn fucking villain...and I'm no hero at all...I'm just a guy who serves justice and kill villains as my main mission, and I have the law to do so. I'm fighting for the people here, for the city as well....Ever since in my late 20's, I manage to go to the police department and asked for the detective, Naomasa Tsukauchi about me being a vigilante...and gladly, he took it easy when I told him about he'll keep his word for himself about my identity and to his friends that work with him as well, and well...that when the people started to figure and know about me after what I did to the villains, Naomasa alredy knows not to tell anyone about my identity.

His phone rings, and to see Naomasa calling him...

(YN): And speaking of Naomasa. Hello.

Naomasa: Hey, it's me. Wanted to check how you're doing.

(YN): Heh, I'm doing good man, no worry about me at all.

Naomasa: Hmmm. Just curious...also, heard the news already?

(YN): ...Yeah, I saw.

Naomasa: Look I only wanted to call and check up on you if anyone has seen the real you.

(YN): Nah, it's all good. No one has notice me yet.

Naomasa: Well Okay, but be careful...villains can be lurking around the dark too, and they might come after the vigilante, which is you of course after what you did to the league of villains.

(YN): Heh, don't you worry about me, I'll be alright, besides, I know how to handle against them.

Naomasa: Alright then, talk to you later then.

Naomasa hangs up as (YN) puts his phone away...

(YN): Hmmmm. Almost home, might as well get more sleep since nothing is happening-

Suddenly...(YN) then sees something up ahead, at the playground as he sees a groups of masked persons lurking around the playground...he then power walks closer as he then gets behind a tree and spies on the masked persons...and they seem like they're looking for something....or someone...

(YN): Maybe I spoke too soon. Who the hell are they??? And what's up with those masks???

The masks the person were wearing were more like a plague doctors mask and yet not revealing their faces at all...he then heard them talking...

Unknown #3: How the hell did you lose her that easily?!?

Unknown #6: Hey don't blame me! You're the one who didn't keep an eye on her! I told you! And you had one job, idiot!

Unknown #2: Damn it, boss isn't gonna like this at all! If he finds out we've lost her out of our sight...who knows what will he do to us!!

Unknown #1: Hey, focus up you morons! We aren't leaving until we find her okay?! She hasn't run that far, I've seen her run over here, so she's still here hiding, so keep looking.

And so the group of masked men kept on lurking around the playground, searching for this person their referring to to find...

(YN): ...Just who the hell are these guys anyways..??? And what their wearing??? And who are their looking for...??? ...Seems to me their more like villains. Hehe *cracks knuckles* this should be quick, they won't even see it-

Suddenly...(YN) heard quiet he looks around the bushes...doesn't see anything, but he still hears the quiet he slowly walks over to the bushes, as the sobbing got a little louder and louder....
And then...he looks behind the he can see under the light pole...a little girl, with long gray hair, with ripped clothes, and one shoe only, as she was sobbing quietly leaning against a wall...

(YN) Mind: Wh-What the hell...?! A child...!?


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