Chp.4 Helping the inncoent

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As we left off...(YN) was surprised and shocked to find himself a little girl, who's clothes are almost torn apart, with one shoe only, on the floor, leaning on the wall, sobbing quietly...

(YN) Mind: What the hell..?!? A child...?! What is she doing here all alone...??! Where are her parents...?!

Then...(YN) realizes something...the group of men wearing plague masks were actually looking for someone, and referring someone as "she"....which means, they must've be looking for the little girl this whole time...

(YN) Mind: ...So these bastards were looking for this girl this whole time..?!? And the fact she's crying and doesn't have anyone at all..?!? Just what the fuck have they been doing to this poor girl...?!? ...Tch...I have to help her, and get her out out here...but I have to make sure she doesn't see me like them, so she won't think the wrong way.

(YN) slowly backs away as he walks around the bushes to see the little girl crying still, so he closely started to approach her, and as he does, he kicked an empty can as the little girl startle and notices (YN) approaching as she started to back away quickly and giving off this terrifying and scared look on her face...

(YN): No No, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay...I'm not gonna hurt you, trust me, I won't...I'm gonna help you-

The little girl was trembling in fear as she says to (YN)...

Little Girl: me..??!

(YN): What??! No, No I won't. I won't do such thing like that...look, I'm gonna help you okay?? But before I do that....I'm not a bad guy or anything okay? You can trust me. Come.

(YN) reaches his hand out for the little girl as the little girl was still she slowly reaches her hand out and yet to grab (YN)'s. As she does...she felt his hands being...not harmful at all somehow...and yet, she quickly hugs (YN) and doesn't let go at all...

Little girl: me...!

(YN) can feel her body trembling and shaking with such fear, and her eyes widely scared...

(YN): *Jesus...she's trembling a lot! Just what the hell did these fuckers do to this port girl..?!? I have to get her out of here now...!* Don't worry, I'll get you out of here-

Unknown #1: Hey you!

(YN) gasped and so as the little girl as the group of plague mask men appeared behind (YN) standing near the bushes....

Unknown #1: Hey buddy, have you seen a little girl around here?? She's....Shes our boss's daughter, yeah.

Unknown #3: Yeah, and we lost her cause SOMEONE can't do his job right !

Unknown: #2: Oh shut up!!

Unknown #1: Shut it you idiots. Anyways, have you seen a little girl with gray hair or not??

(YN) stood stiff, and kept quiet as he looks at the girl, hugging her as he sees her shedding a lot of tears and she whispers...

Little girl: Please...don't make me leave with them...!

With such a tragic emotional tone, (YN) can tell that these bastards and this "boss" of there's who's this girl's child has done something terrible to her...

Unknown #5: Hey, we're talking to you idiot! You're deaf of storming?!?

(YN) Mind: These bastards...just who the hell are they?! I've never seen them before, and what have they been doing to this girl?! ...Tch, I have to take them down quickly....N-No! I can't...if I even make a weapon with my quirk...I'll just scare the child even more...damn it, I guess I got no other choice.

(YN) then takes one deep breathe...and whispered to the girl...

(YN): Don't worry...but follow me lead.

The little girl was confused at first...until (YN) slowly turns around...and shows the little girl to the men in plague masks...

Unknown #1: Ahh, so you found her for us, thank you sir.

Unknown #3: Now Now Little one, what did we told you about running off alone?? You know what happens when your father-

Suddenly one of them slaps him in the head to shut him up...

Unknown #3: O-Ow!

Unknown #2: Shut it idiot!

Unknown #4: Anyways, we appreciate you finding her for us, now can you hand her over to us, we are really in a rush.

Suddenly...(YN) can hear the little girl sob quietly as he holds her tight and doesn't let go at all...and then, he takes one step back...

Unknown #1: Hey, the hell your doing?! We said give her back! The boss is worried for her daughter!

Unknown #3: If you don't, we're gonna have to take her out your hands with force then! Give.her.back!

(YN) stood quiet still, kept holding on the little girl, and still wouldn't give her to them....

Unknown #1: Nrrgh!! Okay that's it buddy! You left us no choice!

Suddenly, the plague mask man approaches to (YN) as he was gonna lay his hands on her as she gave a little terrifying squeal, as (YN) then takes another step back, and then to strike a punch towards his face, and yet to knock his mask down and dropping him down as well as he then punts him straight to the face, knocking him out and to start running away with the little girl...

Unknown #2: Shit!!! Hey get back here!!!

Unknown #4: Damn it don't let him get away with her!!!

They started chasing after (YN) as (YN) was running down the alley way and the taking a turn to the streets, holding into the girl tight and not letting go at all...(YN) looks back as he can see the group of plague masked men still chasing he had to pick up the pace...and as he does, (YN) quickly grabs something on the floor, as he then turns that object into a weapon, and the weapon he turned was a smoke grenade launcher he focused on as he shot it and yet the bullet hit the floor and caused to spread lots of smoke as the plague mask men were having trouble seeing as (YN) gives another turn to another alley way...and yet the group of plague mask men were able to clear the smoke and keep chasing after (YN) and to give a turn to the alley way as well....and as they did...they somehow can't see (YN) anymore, nor be found as well...

Unknown #3: What the hell?!? He's gone?!?

Unknown #5: No No No!!! This is bad, really bad!!!

Unknown #4: Shit Shit!!! How are we gonna explain this to the boss!!?

Unknown #2: Hey shut you you three!! Focus, look we may have lost him...but we know damn well how he looks like, and I'm sure he's around here, he lives here. So here's what we are gonna do, we're gonna go back to our lair, talk to the boss about it, he'll understand it! Besides...that bastard has a quirk.

Unknown #3: You think so??!

Unknown #2; Of course you idiot, how else he can manage to get that kind of weapon that fast or to have it on him?!? That has to be a quirk of his he can do...I'm guessing he's able to make weapons or something like that...interesting. Anyways...we got no other choice...but to go and talk to the boss about this...he'll surely understand, come on. We'll find him soon and get that girl for good.

And so, the plague mask men started to leave and walk away and head back to their "lair" and talk to their "boss" about wheat happen...
As they left and everything was quiet now...(YN) suddenly appeared from the dumpster, and yet to get out of it while still holding onto the little girl...

(YN): That was close.

(YN) then realizes the little girl trembling in fear still, holding onto him tight, as if she never wants to let go of him at all...

(YN): H-Hey, it's's over, you can-

As he then touched her forehead...he can feel she's got a high temperature and yet to realize the little girl coughing already...

(YN): *Shit, she's got a fever already..!? Damn, I have to take her to my place now!* Hey, don't worry little're safe in my hands, I'm gonna take you home and fix you up.

The little girl looks at (YN), as she had this feeling that he can be trusted and seems like a nice she says with a soft tone...

Little girl: O-Okay....

(YN): Don't worry, we'll get home quickly.


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