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After the whole chase incident, (YN) manage to escape them with the little girl and saving her from them as well. (YN) rushes back to his house, taking the little girl with him. He's arrived home as he realizes the little girl having a little fever and coughing a lot, so he places her softly on the sofa and rushes to his room to grab a blanket and a pillow for the little girl. He places the pillow below her head behind, and covering her with a blanket as well. Then, he goes and grabs a small towel, and washes it with cold water, dry it up a bit and slowly placing it onto the little girl's forehead for the fever to power it down a bit. After that, he then sees the little girl resting up and yet the fever already powering down for everything he's done for her...

(YN): Phew, thank goodness.

(YN) places his hand onto her cheek to feel her less warm...

(YN): Seems like it's lowering a bit, but for now she needs some rest.

But then....he still thinks about what was even going on back there?? Who were those men in plague masks, why they wanted the little girl, what have they done to her, and who's their boss??

(YN): Just who the hell they are?? And what the hell have they done to this poor little girl?? And...I remember them mention about their boss...wonder who could it be. I have a feeling they must be around here...but, for now...I have to take care of her..and soon help her find a proper home for her, for now...I'm taking care of her.

(YN) then let's the little girl rest as he then goes grabbing a chair, come back and sits down so he can have a good eye to watch over the girl, having his arms cross and then takes a nap...
Later on that was 2am in the morning, everything was quiet already....and soon, the little girl was she suddenly slowly open her eyes...and looks around as she slowly gets up...and to realize she can barely see where she's at, at the living room, as she notices the blanket she's covered with and a pillow as well...she was a bit nervous of where she's at...and then...her eyes locked up to (YN), as he was sitting on the chair, sleeping arms crossed...

Little Girl: That man...he's the one...that saved me...

She then remembers when she met him back at the playground...of how not threatening he was, he helped her, saved her...and also, his hands felt...really safe for her, and as she was hugging him, he never wanted to let go of him...

Little Girl: His hands...they felt...not dangerous...and were safety....

Suddenly, (YN) opened his eyes slowly as he yawned as he heard the little girl talking and waking up...

(YN): O-Oh hey, your awake??

He then gets up and approaches her and checks on her...

(YN): How are you feeling?

Little Girl: ...I-I'm okay...

(YN) touches the little girl in the forehead to check her temperature....

(YN): Hm, fevers gone already, that's a relief.

The little girl felt his hands again...and yet she felt more safer around him of how caring he seems to be and how nice he is...

Little Girl: ...Th-Thank you...

(YN): Hm?

Little Girl: For saving me...and helping...I-I didn't knew what to do when I was alone back there...

(YN): ...Hey, no worries, I had to do something about it and can't see you like that. But, tell me...what were those men doing to you?? And what have they done to you for you to run away from them?? ...and who's their boss?? And also...where are your parents???

The little girl wanted to respond....but suddenly, she was capturing an image of the boss on her mind...she stared to remake a little in fear, and didn't wanted to say anything...

Little Girl. I-I...I-

(YN) Mind: Jesus...just what have they done to her??? She's trembling already when I asked her those questions....I guess it's not a good idea to ask this quick...for now, I just gotta keep her safe.

(YN) then gave a soft he then pats her on the head...

(YN): Hey, don't worry...just forget what I say alright? All you gotta know, is that you're safe with me here, nothing bad will happen to you.

As he pats her head still, The little girl felt...more relief and she then gave a little soft smile to him and says...

Little Girl: O-Okay!

(YN): Heh, but...what's your name little on??

Little Girl: ...It's Eri.

(YN): Eri huh?? That's an adorable name.

Eri: Thank you...and...what about you??

(YN): ...Names (YN).

Eri: (YN)...that's a nice name.

(YN): Heh, thanks. Well okay then, get some sleep, you have to rest more.

Eri: Okay.

And so, (YN) was gonna go back to sit down at the chair again...until Eri calls him...

Eri: U-Uhm...(YN)..??

(YN): Yeah??

Eri: ...C-Can...Can you sleep with me..??? I-I don't like sleeping...alone...

(YN): O-Oh...yeah sure, I'll keep you company.

Eri: Okay!

(YN) walks back to Eri, as he sat down at the couch, as Eri crawls up to him and to lay her head on his laps and to cover herself up...and to feel more safer with him...

Eri: Goodnight.

Eri then closes her eyes and rests on (YN)'s (YN) smiles, and pats her again and replies...

(YN): Night Eri, sleep tight.


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