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Meanwhile that midnight, somewhere in a house, or happens to be a hidden lair which nobody knows about it, inside a room, it was dark as the ground of masked men from before were on their knees, trembling in fear of all of the sudden as they were talking to someone sitting down on the chair, looking down with a plague mask as well, green coat with purple fur, short brown hair and a black suit with a white tie on him...and we can know for sure...he's the boss...and yet it seems like there are more men with plague mask sitting down, and some standing as the gourd of plague men before were on their knees...

Plague Man Mask #2: P-Please boss! Forgive us!! W-We didn't mean to lose her like that!

Plague Man Mask #5: Y-Yeah, I mean we didn't knew she would ran off like that! Besides this idiot didn't do his job right!!

Plague Man Mask #1: Me?!? Your dumbass had one job!!

Boss: *sighs* Quiet you idiots.

They shut their mouths...

Boss: I should have know you morons can't do your jobs right, how hard is it to keep and eye and not let a little girl out of your hands. Unacceptable.

Plague Man Mask #5: Sorry again boss! W-We'll try and get her back as soon as possible-

Suddenly, the boss approaches to one of them and yet suddenly...he took off his white glove off and yet to slap one of the plague mask man, and yet to disassemble half his body, and blood everywhere as the other body part collapses to the floor...they tremble into fear...

Boss: You idiots better give me a good reason not to kill you for not doing your job right.

Plague Man Mask #1: W-Wait boss! N-Nit only did we lost her...b-but someone has taken her away with him!

Boss: And you let one single normal person take her?? *sighs* You just really wanna get my hands really dirty-

Plague Man Mask #3: A-And he's got a quirk!!

The boss suddenly then got his he then puts his white glove back...

Boss: So..this person who took her has a quirk Huh?? Hm, could have been any normal person with a quirk-

Plague Man Mask #4: N-No, it's not it...he's different, he's got a quirk...I-if we remember...he picked up something from the floor...a-and he suddenly and somehow turn that thing he picked up into a freakin weapon, an actual freakin weapon!

Plague Man Mask #3: Y-Yeah that's it! He turn it into a smoke grenade launcher! That's why we lost him back at the streets!

Boss: don't say??? Interesting...a quirk that allows the user to turn any object into a weapon. But who could this person be, that would take her away from me and my plans.

Suddenly, the boss's assistant, who goes by the name of Chrono, approaches to the boss and tells him...

Chrono: Sir, I think I know who they can refer to.

Boss: Oh really??? And you know who??

Chrono then walks over to the big screen, as he types on the letters on the keyboard as a few websites appeared...the websites turn out to be news and yet to show images of an adult, who looks very similar and seen him before...the boss walks over and takes a look...

Plague Mask Man #1: Y-Yeah! That's him!! He's the one that took her!

Plague Man Mask #4: Yea him!! That's the bastard!!

Chrono: That's the only way I know, I heard rumors earlier that he has a similar quirk like the one they've encounter.

Boss: You don't say?? Well I'll be....who would thought the one and only vigilante here in Musutafu City, can take little Eri away from me. Yeah...I've heard a lot about him, he's someone you fools don't mess with, but what makes it more worse is you idiots let him take her away from you.

Plague Man Mask #2: A-Again boss! We are so sorry! P-Please give us a chance! We can get her back!

Plague Mask Man #3: Y-Yeah! We can do that!! We'll track the bastard down and take him out and get her back as well!! Besides, we can find him during the day if he brings her out!

The boss then scratches his head as he then turns around...

Boss: Very well then, I want you four to find the vigilante, and I don't know about the whole "taking him down part" it's impossible to kill him, trust me. So just try take her away from him and escape from him as soon as you all can, alright?

Plague Mask Man #1: S-Sure!!

Plague Man Mask #2: W-We won't let you down again boss!

Boss: Good, cause you four won't be coming back here until you all bring her...and if you don't...I'll have to get my hands dirty again, understand?

The plague mask group men nodded as the four rush over to the door and exiting the room as the boss then looks back at the picture of the vigilante...who is (YN) of course as he was so concern about him...

Boss: I'm curious Chrono.

Chrono: What is it??

Boss: ...How is it that she can trust a person like him, who nothing but a cold blooded vigilante, kills nothing but villains, didn't hesitate at all, and will leave dead bodies of villains on the ground, and ripping their guts apart.

Chrono: As my guess...I'm thinking he hasn't shown any of that to her. Maybe Eri only sees him as a normal person who just "saved" her

Boss: ...You have a, here's what I'm thinking...if these idiots fail me again, and in my guess if they end up getting kill by the vigilante...than I guess ima have to take care of this myself...and make the vigilante show little Eri his real colors.


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