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The next morning, at (YN)'s residence, Eri was still sleeping on the couch, covered as well, as she started to open her eyes slowly, and waking up...and suddenly, she realizes something wasn't right at all...she realizes that she wasn't sleeping with (YN) at all, he was gone, she started to look around the living room, as she started to panic a little and couldn't know what to do...

Eri: Wh-Where did he go...??!

Suddenly, she then heard the door knob making noises, as she started to panic even more, and didn't knew what to do...she was scared, and didn't have no one to protect her, all she can do, is get off from the couch and hide...she runs down the hallway as she then arrives to (YN)'s room, he wasn't in his room at all, so she rushes to the closet and shuts the closet door and hides there...she says down, leaning the wall, as she try to be as quiet as possible to not make any sounds...and then...she heard footsteps already, and then...the footsteps got louder and whoever was in the house, has now entered the room...Eri kept quiet and didn't move...and yet...the footsteps got louder already as it was coming closer and closer...and yet the closet door was about to be open....and as the closet door was open...Eri quickly grabs a shoe, and tosses (YN)...who he was the one all this time...

(YN): Ow??

Eri: O-Oh!! It's you..!

(YN): Heh, yeah it's me, you got me worried there a bit, couldn't find you until well...I found you here.

Eri: O-Oh...sorry...b-but I was scared...I didn't knew who was coming...and panic...and I didn't knew what to do...and what was more not finding you.

(YN) then knew what he did was wrong, leaving Eri alone and making her worried and he then approaches to her and pats her on the head...

(YN): Hey it's's my fault for leaving you alone here, I should have never done that, and will not do that ever. I thought I would be quick enough to come here...but I wasn't, so it's my fault, and won't happen again.

Eri softly smiles at him and replies...

Eri: O-Okay!

(YN): Okay.

Eri: But...where did you go???

(YN): I went to go buy some clothes for you.

Eri: Clothes?? For me??

(YN): Yeah, bought them at the mall lot that far from here, trust me, you'll like them...but...

(YN) realizes Eri kinda smells...

(YN) First you gotta take a shower. *Cant imagine the bastards not even showing her as well.* Come.

Eri then holds onto (YN)'s as she and (YN) started walking and heading over to the restroom...(YN) then grabs a pair of clothes for Eri he bought for her and a towel for her to dry herself (YN) left Eri on the bathroom alone as Eri started taking a shower as (YN) waited for her to finish outside the hallway...
Minutes later, Eri was done showering as she started to dry herself up with the towel, and yet to put on the spare of clothes (YN) has bought for her...afterwards, she got out from the shower and yet to see herself in the mirror with the new clothes she has...

(YN): So, you like them??

Eri smiles as she says...

Eri: Yea! I do! They look really cute.

(YN): Heh, good to hear. Say, your hungry?

Eri nods...

(YN): Hehe, alright follow me, sit at the couch and watch some TV while I'll prepare ourselves a breakfast.

Eri: Okay.

Eri and (YN) both then walked over to the living room as Eri then sat down on the couch and started to watch TV while (YN) started to cook breakfast .... Eri was enjoying the TV as she was watching cartoons...she even smiled and laughed on it as (YN) felt relief to see her in good hands and feeling safe...
Minutes later, (YN) was done cooking as he had two plates, one for himself and the other for Eri, he walks over to the table...

(YN): Eri, breakfast is ready.

Eri: Okay!

Eri then walks up to the table as she sat down on the table, she then sees her plate, scrambled eggs, two buttermilk pancakes, two pieces of bacon, and a glass of orange juice as (YN) sits down with her as well...(YN) started to eat as he also helps cut the Pancakes for Eri for to eat them easily....Eri then grabs a she takes one bite from the pancakes, as she does...her eyes widen with surprised and deliciousness...

Eri: Sooo gewd!!

(YN): Hehe, glad you like em.

Eri started eating the pancakes, as she eats the bacon as well, they were good as well, and for the scramble eggs as well...also good as well, she was smiling while eating her breakfast, of how delicious and tasty they are, (YN) was happy as well Eri is enjoying the food....afterwards, she then started to drink her orange juice, and she liked it as well...

Eri: Even the juice is good! I like it a lot!

(YN): Heh, good to hear Eri, seems like you finished everything I see?

Eri: *nods* it was good!

(YN): Good. Here, let me clean your dish.

Eri: Okay.

(YN) was too also done with his meal as he then grabs his and Eri's plate, and as soon he does and gets up from the chair, Eri suddenly rushes to (YN)....and yet to hug him with a  smile on her face...Eri looks at him and says to him...

Eri: Thank you, it was delicious.

(YN) then gives a soft smile to her, and to pat her on the head and replies...

(YN): Your welcome, I'm glad you like and enjoy it.

Afterwards, (YN) then walks over to the sink and starts to wash and clean the dishes as Eri goes and continues watching TV...
Afterwards, (YN) was done and approaches to Eri as he realizes Eri was getting a little bored...

(YN): Heh, feeling bored?

Eri: *nodding*

He thinks....and then, he says to her...

(YN): Say Eri, you wanna go at the playground??

Eri: Playground??

(YN): Yeah, you know, the park.

Eri: O-Oh! The park where has cool and fun slides and everything???

(YN): Yea, that. So, wanna go??

Eri: Yeah!

(YN): Great, let's get ready then, oh and also.

(YN) walks over to the couch where there's bags of clothes he bought for Eri when coming back home...he then takes out a box of shoes, which are for Eri as well...

(YN): Got you these as well, hope you like them.

Eri grabs the box and sees the shoes as she realizes how nice they (YN) heads to his room and gets ready to go out and take little Eri to the park. And as he was ready up, he walks over to the living room, he then sees Eri already putting on her shoes he bought for her...and she checks them of how nice and cool they look for her...

(YN): You like them?

Eri smiles and replies...

Eri: I love them!

(YN) smiles and relief about it...

(YN): Good, so you're ready??

Eri: Yes.

(YN): Okay, let's get-

But suddenly, Eri then grabs (YN)'s hand, as he realizes that Eri was giving off a worried and fear look on her face...

(YN): Hey, what's wrong little one??

Eri: ....Wh-What if...they come back..??

(YN): Who??

Eri: ...Th-Those mean men...with the masks...

(YN): *Oohh...shit. I literally forgot about those bastards. But...then again, I doubt they won't be appearing at this time, so it's not bad...but for her, it is. She thinks those fuckers will be out there...damn, I'm still concern on what they have done to this poor girl...but doesn't matter now, I just gotta keep her not worrying at all.*

(YN) gets on one knee, looks at Eri and pats her on the head and replies...

(YN): Hey, don't worry Eri. Those mother-I mean...those guys aren't gonna be out there no more. Trust me. And besides...remember, I'm always here for you, I'll protect you in any cause of danger...and nothing letting you bad happen.

Eri gave a little smile, as she started to give more hope to him, knowing he did save her once, taken cared of her very well, and making her feel safe as she replies...

Eri: O-Okay!

(YN): Good, now, shall we go?

Eri then holds on (YN)'s hand tight, and doesn't let ho at all and says...

Eri: Yes.

(YN): Okay, let's go.


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