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In the city, people were walking down the streets, cars driving to work/home, and stores and restaurants were open...and as for (YN) and Eri, the two were walking together as Eri was holding onto (YN)'s hand tight, not letting go...and so, the two crossed the street as they finally arrive to the playground park, they walk on a little road that leads to the park as Eri then was surprise to see the playground so fun and yet so big, the slides, the swings, the monkey bars, everything about the play ground look so fun to be...but then again, it's lonely after all...but Eri didn't care at all, all she care was to just have have on the slides and swings...

(YN): Well, what are you waiting for Eri, go crazy.

Eri: Yay! This is gonna be fun!

Eri soon started to run towards the playground as she started to go up to the slide and slide down as she laughs and smiles of how fun it she enjoys having fun, (YN) then sits down on the sofa and keeps an eye on Eri of how fun she's having in the playground....
4 minutes later....(YN) was looking through his phone as he realizes Eri appearing as she stares at him...

(YN): Hmm?? What's up half pine?

Eri: was fun being here at the it got boring.

(YN): Oh. Oh okay...well, we can leave already and go somewhere-

Eri: N-No, I don't wanna leave yet, I still wanna be here.

(YN): Then??

Eri: I-It's'll be fun...if you play along with me at the playground.

(YN): O-Oh...Ooooh. Is..that what you meant??

Eri: *nods*

(YN) smiles as he responds...

(YN): Sure, I'll play with you.

Eri: R-Really??! *smiling*

(YN): Sure, I mean...if it gets you to have fun still, then I'll join you're fun.

Eri: Yay! ...Tag!

(YN): Wha-???

Eri: You're it! *giggles*

Eri started running away from (YN)...

(YN): Hehe, oh you little one! I'm gonna getcha.

(YN) started to chase after Eri as he and she started playing a game call Tag...(YN) and Eri started laughing and giggling together while playing tag for a while, after done playing tag, the two were sliding down on the slides several times of how fun it was for Eri, and (YN) of course alongside with her, up and down, up and down, up and down they have gone to the slides, Eri has never gotten bored of it, well for only a couple more only until she wanted to go onto the monkey bars, but couldn't climb on them knowing she'll fall to the ground and hurt herself...but (YN) helped her out as he holds onto her while Eri grabbing onto the bar as she started grabbing the bar one by one, and reach to the end and yet was happy she manage to make it with the help of (YN), she and (YN) smiles and laugh together...then Eri wanted to go on the swings as (YN) started pushing her slowly, steady, and safely, but Eri wanted to go higher, so (YN) will do what Eri says and push her higher and higher...and Eri went higher, she suddenly jumps off from the swing to the air as (YN)'s heart drop and rushes to catch Eri, and he did as he catches her onto his arms, the two looked at each other as they laugh and (YN) relief he manage to catch her on he decides to take a break from the swings and play something different....they went to build some sand castles as well, as Eri made three tiny and cut sand castles, while (YN) made one big sand castle, where Eri can fit in, (YN) took a picture of Eri in the big sand castle and to keep it save in his pictures, and soon, he started to take lots of picture of him and Eri having a lot of fun at the park, the slide, monkey bars, and the swings....and to top it of that, (YN) and Eri both got togther, as (YN) took a selfie with him and Eri, smiling and enjoying their day together
After a long day at the park, it was already sunset, and yet to be dark anytime...(YN) was sitting down at the bench as Eri was laying down on top of his lap, resting from all the fun she had with (YN) at the play ground...and as for (YN), he then put his a picture of him and Eri, smiling together with a selfie as his Home Screen, he looks at it for a while as when he takes a look at it...he sees them not only as some guy with a little innocent sweet king and cute girl who saved her from danger...he sees this picture of him and her more than that...and it's...special and really wholesome somehow...then, Eri wakes up as she wipes his eye and yawns...

(YN): Done resting??

Eri: Mmhmm.

(YN): Good to hear.

Eri then suddenly leans her head towards (YN)'s arm as she says...

Eri: I had fun today, we had fun today.

(YN): Heh, yeah, we did.

Suddenly, Eri suddenly was starting to feel...something, like if she has the urge to do something...

Eri: Mmmm!!

(YN): Hey, what's wrong???

Eri: U-Uhm...I-I...

(YN): ???

Eri: ...I-I gotta use it.

(YN): Huh?? ...O-Oh..! Ooooh!! O-Okay, come! The restroom not that far!

And so, he takes Eri to the restroom quickly, as there's only one, which both genders can use, so Eri's enters the restroom as (YN) waited for her outside...and as he waits for Eri to finish up, he can head her singing a little song she just made up while using it...

Eri: 🎵I have a little flower...that is for you...with a lot of love...🎵

She stopped singing for a bit and got quiet...

(YN): Uh Eri? Are you done??

(YN) slowly opens the door...


(YN) shuts the door back before even looking (No not trying to do anything pedo, so don't get any wrong ideas -.-)...

(YN): Sorry! Sorry!

He again waits for her to finish...and Eri continues to sing...

Eri: 🎵Singing this song is for you...this song is for you.....uhhh...🎵

Again everything was quiet...and yet Eri flushes the toilet, and yet to hear the water from the sink running as she washes her hands with soap, dries them up and yet to exit the restroom and finished...

Eri: Okay, I'm done.

(YN): Good.

(YN) realizes that it was getting dark already...and wanting to go home before it gets really dark...and especially has the feeling that the plague mask men even come by out of nowhere...

(YN): Getting dark. We should head home already.

Eri: Okay.

(YN): And once we do, how about I order something to eat, how does pizza sound like?

Eri: Pizza sounds good!

(YN): Heh, okay, come on then.

Eri holds onto his hand as the two started to leave home....
But as they even walk and exit the park....suddenly, Eri froze and didn't move at all, as (YN) realize to see her having this fear and scared face she's having, like if she's seeing a ghost...

(YN): E-Eri!?! What's wrong-

And suddenly, (YN) then sees what Eri sees...4 men with plague mask from before...and this time...5 more has appeared from the shadows as it was now total of 9, as they were standing still, starting right at (YN) and Eri as Eri started to get scared, and yet to break down and crying...(YN) then picks her up and holds onto his arms...

Eri: (Y-YN)..! I-It's them...!

(YN): Hey, Hey! Don't worry, we're gonna escape, like last time okay?! Don't worry, as long you're with me and I have you, you're safe as well, okay?!

Eri: O-O-Okay..!

(YN) hugs her tight as Eri as well as (YN) glares at the plague mask as they started to slowly approach to him...

(YN) Mind: I gotta get out of here now! And take Eri with me and not let them take her away from me! Killing them does solve everything...but not in front of her..! Not a chance in hell! I just gotta run and take Eri-

But as he even turns around to start running away...suddenly, one plague mask man appeared behind he had a wrench in his hands...and to brutally strike and hit (YN) straight to his face, knocking him down and dropping Eri as well as Eri hurt his knee...and (YN) hit and knocked down from the ground...afterwards, Eri started to sob quietly and to see (YN) knocked down as she crawls up to him, trying to wake him up...

Eri: (Y-YN)..!!?! (YN)!!!!!


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