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As we left off, (YN) and Eri were in deep trouble as the two were surrounded by the plague mask men, 10 of them, and one of them knocked down (YN) with a wrench, dropping him down to the ground and Eri falling to the floor as well, hitting her knee, and to see (YN) knocked down and hurt on the floor as she crawls up to him, trying to wake him up and yet to sob quietly...

Eri: (Y-YN)..!! (YN)...!! Please wake up..!! P-Please..!!

Suddenly, the plague mask men approach closer as one of them grabs Eri from the hand and snatching her away from (YN)...

Eri: N-No!!! Let me go..!!

Make Man #7: Quiet you!!

Mask Man #2: Your father is gonna be really disappointed for what you did yesterday, and he's not happy at you at all.

Eri trembles as she kept on shedding more tears and emotionally sobbing quietly...

Mask Man #1: Pick him up.

Two of them approach to (YN) as they were holding him onto his arms as one of them who hit him with the wrench walks up to him, gets in front of his face as (YN) was surprisingly waking up from that hit he took to the face...

Mask Man #1: Still alive ain't ya??

(YN) spits blood out from his mouth, and to realizes Eri being held hostage by one of them and is crying...

(YN): Y-You ...bastards...!! Let her go NOW...!!

Mask Man #1: Heh, I'm afraid we can't do that, and will not happen friend. You see...the boss, her father is really kissing her precious daughter, and wants her back, guts is very upset, that you've taken her away from him.

(YN): N-Nrgh!! Liars!! Eri doesn't want to go back to her father..! Whatever he or you bastard have been doing to her is scaring her the hell out...!! Now tell me what the hell have you been doing to her-

The mask man hits him again with the wrench to the face as he spat more blood out...and Eri crying more the fact he's getting beaten up badly and scarring her...

Mask Man #1: Stop yelling idiot, I can hear you loud and clear. Tch, and about what you said....that's none of your damn business, the only thing you have to we're taking Eri back to her father...and as for you...hehe...

He point the wrench to him...

Mask Man #1: We'll kill you.

(YN) grunts....Until suddenly...Eri has had enough me seeing this, as she wanted to do she then bit the mask man's hand that was holding her hand, as the mask man lets her go and rushes to the other one that was beating (YN) up...

Eri: L-Let him go you meanie..!! Stop hurting him.!!

(YN): E-Eri.!! Don't! Get away NOW!!!

Eri was punching the mask man to stop hurting (YN)...

Mask Man #1: Tch, annoying brat!

And suddenly...
The mask man slaps Eri to the face, as she drops down to the ground and kncoking her out...and (YN) saw his eyes widen...and yet...didn't like it at all...

Mask Man #1: Pick her up.

One of them picks Eri up onto his the mask man then looks back at (YN) he then had his head down...and doesn't move at all nor saying anything...

Mask Man #1: As for you...say goodbye, moron!

And so...the mask man swings the wrench and was about to hit (YN)....
And before it even does...(YN) lifted his head up, and yet his eyes were widen with rage and pure anger as he suddenly frees one arm from one mask man, grabs the wrench and snatched it from the other as he then swings the wrench towards one mask man and brutally hits him straight to his face, and to see blood splatter out behind the mask and knocking him down...the other mask man try stopping (YN), but was too late as (YN) grabs his mask, pulls it out as his face was revealed as (YN) aggressively and brutally shoved the whole wrench down to the mask man's mouth to his throat, choking as blood started pouring out...and passes out...

Mask Man #1: Wh-What the...What the hell..?!?

Suddenly, as two mask men were down and killed brutally, (YN) was standing, panting aggressively as he slowly turns around, glaring at the other mask men with such menace look as he says...

(YN): Give...her...BACK!!!!

Mask Man #1: Y-You four let's get out of here! The rest take care of this bastard! Come on!

The mask man and 3 other with Eri holding her started to flee away while the rest of them stayed and was going to take care of (YN)...the 4 of them started charging at (YN) as (YN) quickly pulls out the wrench out from the dead man's he then uses his quick to turn the wrench into a double barrel shotgun...and as he did, he turns around and yet to point at one of them straight to the head, and blasting his brains out into pieces, the other two try jumping him from behind, but (YN) acted quickly as he then punches one straight to the face, and the other grabbing by the neck, and severely hesdbutting him, ending up braking his nose and a broken jaw as (YN) then shoots him straight to his guts, the other one that got punched try hitting him but (YN) swings a brutal punch straight to his face, and ending up leaving a disgusting gaping hole to his face and dropping him down....and yet one more was left as the last one started to tremble in fear of how (YN) killed them without any hesitation...the mask man try to run away, but (YN) quickly catches him up and grabs his hir from behind and drops him down, shoving his weapon into his mouth and blasting hitting his head and killing him...
Afterwards, he then looks to around and to go find the others and save Eri...And so he started to run...
Meanwhile, the other mask men were rushing as they found their van as they quickly get on and bringing Eri with them...

Mask Man #1: Start the van!! Start it damn it!!

Mask Man #3: I-I'm going I'm going-

Suddenly, and out of nowhere...they heard loud gunshots as the wheels from the van were popped from behind...

Mask Man #1: N-No fucking way!! How the hell did he catch us up that fast-

And suddenly, an arm burst through the driver's window as it then grabs the Drivers's neck and dragging him out..

Mask Man #3: G-GUYS!!! HELP MEEEE!!!! HELP—

The mask man stopped screaming knowing another gunshot was heard...which means he was killed...and afterwards....everything was quiet...

Mask Man #4: Wh-What...What now?!?

Mask #2: Shut it idiot!

Mask Man #1: O-Okay! Okay!! Hear me out!! We're gonna leave the girl here, and we're gonna exit through the back van so we can kill the bastard, don't worry, there's a gun and knives at the back so grab them and get ready!

The 3 of them then walked up to the back as they found themselves knives and a gun...and leaving Eri on the front seat...and so, they slowly and quietly approach to the back door of the van...the mask man gave a sigh to get out...and so...they merge out from the van...and yet no one was to be well as (YN) of course...

Mask Man #2: H-He's not-MMMMMPH!!!

Suddenly, (YN) appeared on top of the van as he then had his whole hand onto the mask man's face, using his bear strength to lift him up to the van as the mask man try stabbing him, but (YN) ending up braking his hand, and to take the knife away from him and stabbing him multiple times, the other masked men got out as one of them try shooting him, but (YN) used the mask men as a shield to get get shot as he leaps and tosses the dead mask man towards the otter one that was shooting, knocking him down, and yet to brutally stomp his whole face, bursting his face into pieces...
And only remains...and the last one is the one that hit (YN) with the wrench and slap Eri right in front of (YN), as he trembles in fear, holding a knife, as (YN) started to slowly approach to him, all bloody hands, a busted head, and yet still standing and giving off a pissed off look in his eyes...

Mask Man #1: S-Stay back!! I-I'm warning you! Get closer I'll stab you!

(YN) didn't care...he got closer and the mask man then stabs him on the shoulder...and as he did...the stab did not do anything to him...he grabs the Mask Man's hand, alongside with the knife...and pulls it out from his shoulder...and yet no affect to the stab at all...soon, (YN) brakes his hand as the mask man screams in (YN) grabs his head and brutally heads butt him, afterwards giving him two brutal punches to the face as the mask man drops to the ground, and then to give a massive kick to the gut, as the mask man spat out too much blood...(YN) wasn't done yet, so he picks him up on his neck, grabbing his whole face and started slamming his face to the wall several times, the last one caused the man's mask to fall out and revealing his face as (YN) tosses him and the man crashing towards the van...the mask man was brutally beaten up and couldn't stand up at all...he try escaping and try reaching for the gun...but (YN) didn't let that happen as he catches him, drags him away from the gun and picks him up again as (YN) places his two thumbs onto both onto the man's eyes...and to squeeze them, popping his eyeballs as the man screamed in agony...and (YN) braking his neck afterwards...and ending up killing him....and drops him down to the ground dead....
Afterwards...(YN) panted as he was still pissed off at these guys for what they try to do...especially for what they did to Eri...speaking of Eri, he then goes rushing to the van and to find her on the front seat...he takes her out of the van and carrying her...

(YN): E-Eri..?! Eri!! It's me! Eri!!

Eri was breathing still...she's just unconscious and hurt...

(YN): I-I have to heal her up, and fast now!!!

And so...he makes his way back home...


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