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As we left off...Re-Destro layer his hands on Eri, hurting her....and for (YN) to watch...wasn't such a good idea...

(YN): Y-You...motherfucker...

Re-Destro: Hm??

(YN): bastard....!

Re-Destro: Heh, there nothing you can do about it, look at you, you're weak already-

Suddenly, (YN) started to grip onto Re-Destro's giant hand, and for him to feel that grip, and was surprised by it...

Re-Destro: What??! How are you-

(YN): You hurt her...Y-You...You fucking dare you...! That's...That's...THATS MY LITTLE ERIIII!!!!!!!!!

(YN) with such raging eyes and the loud scream he gave out, he suddenly somehow free himself from Re-Destro, as he then leaps towards him and to then leap towards him and then land a brutal drop kick to l wards his face, that dropkick did some damage to Re-Destro's face as he suddenly lost some balance but maintain to stand still, (YN) notices his robotic hand not working at all...


He aggressively shakes his robotic hand, and to make it work somehow, then, he goes rushing at Re-Destro, Re-Destro tried swinging some punches at (YN), but suddenly he realize to see (YN) running and moving around so fast...

Re-Destro Mind: What the?! How is he moving so quick?! Where is he getting this from!?

Suddenly, (YN) appeared behind him, and to charge at Re-Destro behind and to give him a brutal tackle, as Re-Destro then spat saliva out, afterwards, (YN) leaps up and to grab Re-Destro's head behind, and then to fall and slam him to the ground behind, then, (YN) holds his head still, and using his robotic hand, he began throwing vicious punches at Re-Destro's face, brutally hurting his face and bleeding him out, afterwards, he then grabs him with his Robotic hand this time, grabbing his hair, and use his robotic strength arm to began moving him and then swinging around and then throwing him through some buildings and collapsing on top of him...
Re-Destro slowly got up from that, but as he even stood up, he then sees (YN) already charging at him, this time he had a huge light pole that he got on his hands, he charged at Re-Destro and then to brutally stabs him with that light pole to his shoulder...

Re-Destro: AAAAAGH!!!

After stabbing him with it, he then pulls it out from his shoulder, and to begin striking Re-Destro with the pole, Re-Destro then grabs and snatch the pole away from (YN) as he tries hitting him with it, but (YN) dodge it and then to leap towards Re-Destro and to land and hold onto Re-Destro's face, wrapping his legs around him and began throwing Vicious punches to his face, and then to strike brutal headbutts as well...Re-Destro then grabs (YN) and to toss him away as his whole face was bruised up, bleeding from his nose and mouth...

Re-Destro: N-Nrgh!! Just what the hell is going on?! Where the hell is he getting this boost from!? Ha! Doesn't matter, I'm still gonna kill him, now that I'll go to 100% liberation!!!

Re-Destro charges up, and to get bigger and bigger and stronger from the more angrier he gets...

Re-Destro: Ha! Now let's see if he can handle-

Suddenly, a huge thick blade came flying and goes straight to Re-Destro's shoulder...

Re-Destro: What?! Where did it-

He then sees the thick blade attached to his shoulder and also seeing a long chain attached to it, and then see (YN) the one who thrower that blade, and yet he had another blade in his hands attached with the chain, (YN) pulls off the chain and Re-Destro bleeding more from that cut and (YN) began charging at him...Re-Destro charges at him as well, as he lifts his arm up, and to strike it to (YN), but (YN) grabs the two blades tight and spins around as he cut off Re-Destro's fingers off...

Re-Destro: GAAAH!!!! You son of a bitch!

Re-Destro then tried using his other hand to strike a hit to (YN), but misses as (YN) dodges away as he rushes between are-Destro's legs and then to swing his blades towards his feet, chopping one of them he does, Re-Destro falls to the ground face first, as he then tried getting up...but (YN) with such speed, he then goes and then to chop off his whole hand off with the blades...

Re-Destro: AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!! D-Damn it!! Bastard!!

He then sees (YN) standing there, as he was breathing heavy, gripping those blades onto his hands...


With a loud scream, he rushes at Re-Destro as he then leaps and then to extends the blades towards both Re-Destro's eyes, he then pulls them out of them and Re-Destro began to bleed out and scream in such eager pain, (YN) rushes to him and then to leap over him and to then extend his blades and manage to go in Re-Deatro's mouth, as they do, they then got attach inside of it, (YN) lands behind Re-Destro, and to then hold onto the chains tight, and began to forcefully pull, and Re-Destro's upper face being pulled by the blades, and as (YN) kept pulling and pulling, his face began to rip apart from his mouth, and blood started to spat out as Re-Destro's face began to split more and more and hearing him scream in pain and so...(YN) pulled and yet he manage to then rip are-Destro's half of his face off as it then was flying in mid air and to fall to the ground and splat.....
Re-Destro's body then collapses to the floor as he was dead, by the hands of the vigilante slayer, (YN)....finally, (YN) finished the job....he lets go of he chains...and was really tired from all the hell he's gone he walks and goes looking for he does, we take a look at Eri, and to see her waking up, as she does, she can feel a bruise on her cheek from that hit Re-Destro gave her, it hurts, but not much, she can take it...but as she woken up, she then calls her father ....


Eri: D-Daddy! Daddy, where are you??!

(YN) can hear her voice, and then to see her already, looking for him...

(YN): E-Eri...!

Eri: Daddy!!

Eri rushes to her father, as (YN) then drops onto his knees as Eri and (YN) hugged each other...

(YN): I'm glad you're still....okay...

Eri: Me too daddy..! he...gone??

(YN): Y-Yea...he's gone...

Eri: Okay...good..! So...does this mean...we can go home???

(YN): ...Y-Yeah pumpkin, we can finally go...

Eri: *smiles* Yay! We're safe! We can go home and be happy together! I hope Daisy isn't worried about us!

(YN) stood quiet...

(YN): E-Eri...a-about *coughs*

(YN) began to cough a lot of blood out, and yet to feel...dizzy somehow...

Eri: D-Dad..are you-

Suddenly, they heard couple of sirens approaching, and to see police cars arriving, and ambulances too...

Eri: Look dad!! Police officers came to help us!

(YN): did...*E-Eri...I' so...sorry...sweetie...please...forgive me..*

(YN) passed he drops to the floor, and Eri noticing...and she began to worry for him...

Eri: D-Daddy??!!!?! Dad!! W-wake up!! Dad!!! Dad!!

She began shoving reply at all...she got more worried and began to shed tears...

Eri: D-Daddy!! Please wake up!! Why are you sleeping!?! Dad!!!!

Suddenly, the officers and some paramedics came rushing and found Eri trying to wake (YN) up, the officers grabbed Eri, separating her father as the paramedics took care of him......


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