Final Chapter Pt.2

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As we left off...The Meta Liberation Army is no more, thanks to (YN) of course and also successfully saving his daughter Eri....he risked his whole body, blood and sweat to save his daughter, and he did. With all the blood loss and the horrible wounds he had to go through, it was worth it...Eri was happy to see her father again and saving her....but...
Eri wasn't happy...when she saw her father drop down on the floor...not waking up at all...she was more worried about why he wasn't waking up....police officers and ambulance arrive at the city, and to find Eri and (YN), as one of the officers grabbed Eri and speedster her away from her father as the paramedics take care of him...then Naomasa showed up and to hold onto Eri as she kept on crying and wanting to go see her father...the paramedics took (YN) in the ambulance and drove off to the hospital quick, taking Eri as well...


An hour later, they arrive to the hospital back at their city, they rushed (YN) to the emergency room, having some of the nurses and doctors already there ready to try and bring (YN) back with everything they can...
As for Eri, she got her wounds treated by the nurses, yet she is still wanting to go and see her father, she was still more worried about him...then, Aizawa, Izuku, Mirio and some of the students from 1-A came rushing to the hospital and to see (YN) and Eri...

Izuku/Mirio: Officer Naomasa!

Naomasa: Oh..hey.

Aizawa: We for your call, is everything alright?! What happen??!

Naomasa: ...It's (YN) and Eri.

Ochaco: What?!? Are they okay?!

Mina: Please tell me they are !

Naomasa: Eri is fine, just got her wounds treated, so she's okay.

Mirio: But what happen?!

Naomasa: Eri got kidnapped by a group of villains known as the liberation army, but (YN) alone manger to take them all down and saving her once again.

Izuku: Oh good! So she's okay, right?!

Naomasa: Yes, she's in her room resting.

Aizawa: And her father??

Naomasa: ...I..don't know...

Aizawa: What...???

Izuku: What do you mean...I don't know...??

Naomasa: ...When we found him...he was in a horrible condition, too much loss of blood, punctured lungs, several broken ribs, yet serval stabbing wounds open...

Izuku: Wh-What are you saying..??! You're not...saying he's gonna...

Naomasa: ...I-I'm afraid so...

They all gasped and were utterly sadden and shock to hear what will happen to (YN)...

Ochaco: N-No..! It can't!

Mina: No way..!!

Mirio: B-But what about Eri?! is she gonna feel about this..?!? (YN) is the only thing keeping her smiling and happy!

Naomasa: ...I can't do nothing about it...!! We all can't...I-it's gonna be hard for her to understand it...but she needs to listen...

Aizawa: ...

Suddenly....they heard a door open and little footsteps running down the hallway...they turn and to see Eri running down, looking for her father...

Naomasa: Eri..!!!

Izuku: Wait Eri!!

Mirio: Come back!!

They go after Eri...Eri was running down, shedding tears in her eyes and quietly sobbing as she goes finding her father, and thinking to make sure he doesn't leave her...then, she found the emergency room, she she can feel he's inside, but as she even goes in, Naomasa and then catches her up and Naomasa grabbing her by the hand...

Naomasa: Eri! What are you doing?! You have to rest-

Eri: Let me go!! I wanna see my dad!!

Izuku: E-Eri please-

Eri: My daddy is gonna wake up! He is! He's just tired!!

Mirio: ..Eri...

Eri: Let go of me!! I gotta wake him up!! If I do, then he'll definitely wake up! He's just tired!!

Mina began to hold back her tears as Ochaco hugs her and not to make any scenes of it...Aizawa felt horribly bad for Eri, Izuku and Mirio as well, and so as Naomasa...who he has been friends with (YN) ever since...
Then, a doctor came out from the emergency room...

Naomasa: ...Doctor.

Doctor: What is the little girl doing here-

Eri: M-Mister Doctor!!

Eri frees her hand from Naomasa and walks up to the doctor..

Eri: Mister Doctor, where my daddy?! Is he awake already?!

Doctor: ...He is, but-

Eri: H-Hehe! You see?! He was tired! Now me and daddy can finally go home together!!

The doctor then gave guilt look, and yet felt so bad for Eri...

Eri: So mister doctor, when can daddy and I leave home??

The doctor then slowly gets onto his knees...and to place his hand onto Eri's shoulder and tells her...

Doctor: ...I'm sorry little one...but your daddy...won't be going home with you...

Eri: O-Oh. Is he really that tired?? I mean I can stay with him until he's not tired and-

Doctor: Sweetie, what I that your dad only has couple of minutes to be awake...and...I don't know how long it will last...but afterwards..he's gonna do back to... "sleep"...forever...

Eri gave a shocked and emotional look...when the doctor meant about her father going back to "sleep" forever...

Eri: N-No...No!! You said he's awake!! You said he is!!

Naomasa: He is Eri, is just that he...doesn't have much time-

Eri: No!! What do you mean?! Stop saying that! He's not...he's not...gonna die!

Eri began to sound more emotional and to rant around about her father not gonna die...
Until suddenly...

(YN): ...E-Eri...!

She and the others heard his voice in the room...soon, Eri slowly walks in the room, as the others followed her they entered...they see (YN) on the bed, with bunch of wires attached to him, and a lot of blood everywhere on the sheets he's covered and horrible wounds he's gotten...Eri gets closer to her father...

Eri: Daddy...

(YN): Hey...sweetie...glad they treated your wounds...

Eri then holds his hand...

Eri: Dad, please tell me you're just tired, please tell me!

(YN): ...Y-Yeah...I'm really...really tired...

Eri: Th-Then once you're not tired, we can go home, r-right??

(YN): ...No, Eri...I won' will...I don't think...I can..hold on...much longer...

Eri: N-No! Don't say that daddy!

Eri began to shed tears and to hold on (YN)'s hand tight and began to cry...

Eri: D-Don't say that *sniff* please..tell me it's a lie...please daddy! I-I don't know what to do without you..!! Please fight harder..!! I know you can..! Your strong!

(YN) then got a bit emotional too, seeing her daughter the only way to make her smile, is give her his final words...he then slowly places his hand onto Eri's cheek and cleaning her tears...and then says to her..

(YN): Eri...I want you to...listen...please...take really good care of yourself...don't get into any're a strong girl, I've...taught you a lot...and I can fight back...don't worry...N-Naomasa or Aizawa will take good care of you...their good people....but promise me...promise me you'll behave a good girl and smile...promise for me...

Eri wipes her tears off as she then gave a soft emotional smile...

Eri: I-I promise, daddy...

(YN): G-Good......tell me sweetie...what happens...when a stranger approaches to you...?

Eri: *sniffs* ...R-Rip...and tear them apart...until it is done...

(YN): H-Heheh...that's my girl...Eri...I love you.

Eri then slowly gets on top of the bed, and then to gives her father one final hug and to softly smile...and then reply to him...

Eri: you too, daddy...

(YN) smiles as he was hugging Eri....
But then...the heart monitor stopped beeping , as (YN)'s eyes slowly close and kept a smile on his face, and his arm that he was hugging Eri was loosen, and Eri can tell...that her father has sadly passed away....Eri started to shed more tears, and began crying for her father's passing, And so as the others, Mirio and Izuku crying, Mina and Ochaco as well, Aizawa feeling terribly bad for seeing a daughter loose a father....and as for Naomasa...he couldn't believe he has lost a friend he had for so much like (YN)...


8 years have pass since the passing of the vigilante slayer, ever since that day, his passing went all over the news, as the people in Musutafu Japan send their prayers to him, for serving justice to their home country, they don't only will remember him as the vigilante, but will remember a hero...
Meanwhile, we take a look at a cemetery, as a black vehicle appeared, and then, we see Naomasa, who grew older, and then, at the backseat, we then see none other, than Eri, who she too have grew a lot, 15 years old...she attended UA...
she then brought herself company as well, a dog of her own, Isabelle...

Naomasa: I'll be here waiting for you.

Eri: Right, won't take long, come Isabelle.

Isabelle: Bark!

Eri and Isabelle walked, and then to go over to a tombstone, which had bunch flowers around, drawings that were old too, and a one picture of Eri and her father....that tombstone there was none other than (YN)' Eri came and drop some more flowers for him and sat down with Isabelle...

Eri: Hey dad, hope you're resting well...just wanted to come and let you know that I'm doing good so far still. I even got me a dog too, hehe. Her names Isabelle, she's friendly...but, it would've been better if you met her, knowing how much you love dogs, and Isabelle here would of liked you too, don't you girl?

Isabelle: Bark!!

Eri: Heh, I know.

She looks at his tombstone, and then the picture of her and him when she was still little...she got a bit emotional, and she'd a tear, knowing she misses her dad a lot...

Eri: If you can hear me...just wanted to let you know, again for like what, a thousand times I think? Heh...that I love you, dad, and I miss you....

She then crawls up to the tombstone ... and to give a hug to her fathers tombstone...and Isabelle joined as well....afterwards, she stood up, and then ready to head out...

Eri: Well, see you dad, gotta go to school ... I'll come back next time, bye, love you.

Eri and Isabelle then walk over to Naomasa...
As they do...wind began to gust as suddenly, a picture come out of nowhere and float above Eri...Eri grabs the picture...and that picture was her and her father when she was little...she didn't knew how it came from over there....but she knew deep down, her father had to do with this...she emotionally smile...and to keep the picture and to look up at the clouds...

Eri: Love you dad.


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