...Coming Soon...

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-(YN) POV-

...I don't know when, or how it happen but...all I remember...is the day I took one final look at the thing I've cared for my entire life, as my eyes shut down forever...hopefully she will take care of herself when she grows up...god I miss her...
but then....I suddenly...opened my eyes...and to find myself....a strange place, a place where no ordinary human can't survive nor withstand and can't handle a place like where I was....Hell, where hellish and monstrous creatures can be found here...I also realize...that I'm alive?? Or dead?? I don't know...but I found myself a pretty different appearance, full on green heavy armor suit on, and a helmet on...and of course, I still manage to use my powers against these monsters...the monsters thought I was afraid of them...wrong...THEY were afraid of me, of how I took them down one...by...one...with pure anger I gain against them....I killed them all, hell, even I killed a gladiator monster who was still no challenge against me...
After killing these fucking dirtbags...I had nothing left, I killed every single one of them in hell...I was alone, and I still wonder and think if I'm either alive, or dead...or dreaming...or both??? I don't know...but...I suddenly notice that my answer has led me to a oath where my jaw dropped and never will I ever thought it could have happen....I've walked to the end of the path of hell...and there...I found an unknown portal that just...open out of nowhere...and in the portal I entered...took me to another world....
My world...my home world...my actual home...this portal took me to Musutafu city, I couldn't believe it...I guess I wasn't dreaming after all, and I don't even know how this is happening....but, here I am...alive I guess, and to find the city...empty...really empty...no people, kids, nothing at all...just dusts of winds...
and so I thought it was...suddenly, a couple of these creatures appeared out of nowhere...they seem to be brainless, yet horrifying....and I recognize them anywhere...they were Nomu's...so I guess their the reason why the city has been like this....and to top it off that...near a police car I was...the radio in it was still active...and to hear a voice, a recognized voice I always hear, and yet...I know this voice...

Eri: Is anyone there?!? Hello!?! Please!!

That voice...as I heard that voice in the radio...I knew who it was...the one only thing and person, I've always cared, loved, and admire through my entire life...my daughter....my little Eri...she's in danger! And yet, she needs help, MY help! ....and I'm for sure if anyone hurts her or lay their filthy hands on her....I will...Rip...and tear them apart...until it is done!!!

*A scene showing (YN) grabbing a metal pole, and turning it into a shotgun, and to here Eri's voice again...*

Eri: Somebody....P-Please...PLEASE HELP ME!!!

(YN) pumps his shotgun...





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