Chp.39 All Hells Been Loose

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Back at Dr.Kyudai s secret hideout lab, underneath the bar, he uses (YN)'s dry blood samples, putting them inside these tubes so it can go to each of the Nomu's he's got inside the capsules. As the blood goes through their bodies, Dr.Kyudai stands in the middle and to see all of his Nomu's began reacting and yelling inside, like if their in immense pain...suddenly, their bodies started to mutate, as some started to grow large cannons from their backs, even from their arms, also adding serval arms for cannons too, and some grow more bigger, and some slim, large claws and teeth too, even some of the Nomu's started to shrink and became one giant eyeball head with serval large teeths and thorns around them...Dr.Kyudai grins and to then laugh like a maniaca to see his work.

Dr.Kyudai: Hahaha!!! Yes!! Yes!!! Who would've thought using the vigilante's blood samples can fuse it to my Nomu's and make them even more of a threat!

Dr.Kyudai walks over to his desk, and then to turn on a giant TV behind, showing the city of Musutafu, and UA as well. Then, he presses a red button, which release the mutant Nomu's out of their capsules as they began to roar and scream as Dr.Kyudai calls them...

Dr.Kyudai: My Nomu's!! Go out, and create Hell at the city! Make the city your home! Make this city...a living nightmare!!!

The Nomu's scream and yell as Dr.Kyudai opens a gate behind them, showing them the way they rush out...
Then, Dr.Kyudai notices from the side, a door opens, and then we see three villains enter, Muscular...


And MoonFish...

Dr.Kyudai: Ah, nice to drop by you three, seems like you got my message?

Muscular: Ha! Don't waste my time Doc! Just tell me who I gotta murder!

MoonFish: I..Need flesh...more flesh!

Muscular: Ha, he knows what's up.

Mustard: Easy there you two. Now, tell us doctor, what is it you want with us?

Dr.Kyudai: Heh, knowing my Nomu's will only want to cause chaos...I called you three for a little mission, and it's "somebody" who I want you three to find...and bring "her" to me, hehe.

Back at Naomasa's home, he and Eri were working on trying to find Dr.Kyudai as Eri works on the laptop to find his location somehow while Naomasa was getting calls from the station...

Naomasa: Anything?

Eri: *sighs* No, not even close.

Naomasa: Damn it...

Eri: Hey, don't worry. We'll find him. We just need to-

Suddenly, Naomasa and Eri both heard loud crashes and exploding sounds too, Naomasa loooks out the window, and to see the city fuming with smoke, and to hear loud yelling and screams...

Naomasa: What in the-

Eri: M-Mr.Naomasa, Look!!

Eri and Naomasa looks at the other window and to see a bunch of police cars rushing over to the city, even police trucks as well and choppers rushing over to the city..

Eri: Wh-Whats going on?!

Naomasa: I...I don't know! What the...

He then gets a called from his station, as some of his partners needed him at the city...

Naomasa: Okay! I'll be there in a minute!! *hangs up*

Naomasa quickly grabs his badge and gun with him ...

Eri: What's going on?!

Naomasa: Eri! Listen to me okay? I need you to stay out here, whatever you do, do NOT, and I mean do NOT, go outside in any circumstances, and not open the door to anybody, understand?? Only open it when I call out for you, okay?!

Eri: O-Okay but you said I can help-

Naomasa: I-I know, but this is different! Just do as I say, okay?! Stay here with Isabelle and don't go out!

Eri: O-Okay! Okay I will, careful!

Naomasa and Eri hugs as he then rushes outside and to head to his car, starts it and to drive off over to the city...Eri looks outside again through the window and to see and hear lot of chaos going on at the she shuts the curtains close, locks the doors, Eri began to barricade the house with furniture no matter what...

Eri: Upstairs girl!

Isabelle: *Bark!*

The two made a run for upstairs to Eri's room, Eri made it to her room as she began putting on her own hero costume she's been making in hands, gloves, boots, and a helmet too. And with to protect herself, she rushes to her closet...and to find her huge sword her father gave her for Christmas. And to then barricade her own door and to stay in her room and to hold onto her giant sword, and ready to strike...

Eri: Okay, if anything, we'll attack, no matter who it is, got it?

Isabelle: *Bark Bark!!*

Eri: Good...We'll be waiting.

Meanwhile at the city, Naomasa arrives and to then find citizens panicking and making a run for, and to see cars blocking down on some roads, fire, electrical wires on the floor, and then to see police officers shooting down Mutated Nomu's, which isn't much and to get killed...

Naomasa: Oh god...what the hell is going on!? Where-OH SHIT!

Naomasa wasn't paying attention and to see a vehicle Yess towards him as he gave a hard turn, and to then crash through a building...
After crashing...he got out of his car, and was hurt, he could barely move but the crash got him good...he was laid on the floor for a sec and to hear more screaming and yelling.
he was loosing too much blood from that crash, and he as fading away...he wanted to get up but was injured badly...he then sees more officers shooting at the Mutated Nomu's, but weren't much still, as the Nomu's started killing them, chomping their heads off and slicing them with their claws...
And then, those mutated Nomu's spot him laying there, and to go approaching to him...Naomasa tried to get up and run away...but couldn't...he was loosing blood still from that crash...and to loose vision too...he couldn't do anything at all...

Naomasa: ..E-Eri...I'm..sorry...

With his "final words" the Nomu's we're getting closer and closer to him and ready to kill him....
But suddenly, something happen...a bright light appears behind those Nomu's and gave them their attention...through Naomasa's POV, his vision began to blur more and more...and could barely see what was going on...that bright light that appeared...somebody approach out from that light, like some kind of portal...he manage to get a clear glance of him...
he was suited up with an armor, and a helmet on with a shotgun on his hand...the Nomu's charge at this somebody as he then began shooting them down, punching them and kicking them, and Naomasa hearing him grunting with such force of anger...the Nomu's we're taking some damage as well from this somebody too, then, they all try to take him out at once, but this somebody pulls out this bright red sword out and to chop their heads off and bodies too...and to kill them already with no problem at all.....with Naomasa about to lose unconscious...the final thing he saw, was this somebody approaching to him...and can nearly hear him talking...and after that...he shuts his eyes close.



Moments later, Naomasa began to slowly wake up, and to find himself in a room, and to be lay down on the bed...and to see some or heroes with him, and some of them happen to be those pro heroes who use to be in UA, Izuku's classmates and some from Class 1-B, and one from the Big Three, Nejire...

Momo: Mr.Naomasa! You're awake!

Ochaco: Oh what a relief!

Naomasa: Wh-What?? guys..

Kendo: We were so worried, are you okay??

Nejire: You were out for quite a while.

Mineta: We thought you died!

Mineta: Shut it Mineta!

Mienta: Sorry..

Naomasa: I-I'm fine...just...ow, crap. What happen??

Ochaco: Deku and all of us made to the city and see what was going on. And then we found your car crash through a building and found you hurt and unconscious inside your car...

Sero: I gotta say Mr.Naomasa, you're one tough guy to take down those mutated Nomus that were laying on the floor we found too.

Naomasa: Wh-What???

Mineta: Yeah, when we found you, we also found these Nomus cut in half too, and thought it was you who killed them! That was so cool of you, you really are strong!

Naomasa: What?? N-No...I didn't even fought nor took action...

Ochaco: Wait, so you didn't kill those Nomus that were surrounding you??

Naomasa: No, I didn't....but...I did saw...something before I was unconscious...a bright light appear...and somebody...came out of it...and kill then before they even got to me...and...weird...Wait! Eri!!

Ochaco: It's okay, Deku, Mirio and some of the boys are on their way after her back at the house.

Naomasa: Oh thank god...I just hope they make it...and hope she's alright...what about outside?? How's it looking?

Momo: Endeavor and the pro heroes are handling far things are getting real intense out there still.

Naomasa: ...

At Naomasa's residence, there we see couple of Mutated Nomus surrounding the house, as they can sense somebody in that house...and to break in the Eri's room, she began to shake in fear, sweat too as she heard the door break down...

Eri: They're...They're in!! I..I don't feel good suddenly...I' really scared!

She and Isabelle heard loud footsteps...and they were getting and sounding closer and closer...and stopped...and to hear growling through her she and Isabelle stood dead quiet and not make a sound...
She didn't wanted to fight those Nomu's, even if she has a giant sword with her, she can't fight them all. So she decides to flee the house, and to see the window close...she tries to take a step back quiet..but to cause the floor to make a creak sound...and made the Nomus roar and to break her door...

Eri: Crap!! Come on Isabelle!

Eri rushes to the window, and to quickly open it as she and Isabelle got out and leap off from the house as Eri catches Isabelle and to make a run for down the road...she can hear the Nomu's chasing her as she started making quick turns to try loosing them...but can still hear them chasing her and Isabelle...
She then runs to a dead end, where she arrives to a huge lake, nowhere to run as well, as she tried to run was too late, the mutated Nomu's spotted her, and slowly began approaching her as Eri trips and falls to the ground, and to be scared out of her life as Isabelle started barking at the Nomu's while Eri was holding her...they began to get closer and closer to Eri...and all Eri can cry in silence...she was wondering where could Naomasa be...where could Deku and his friends be...
and right now...all she can think of her dad.

Eri: ..D-Daddy.!!

Then suddenly, she heard a loud noise...and that noise was coming from the lake behind, as the Nomu's gave its attention to it...and does Eri...then...a sharp metal grappling hook shot out from that water, and then to hit directly to one of the Nomu's head, and for it to drag that Nomu towards the lake and to hear it scream, and to also suddenly hear gum shots from it too...

Eri: What the...???


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