Chp.40 The Return Of The Slayer

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As we left off...Eri was in a tight situation...she was surrounded by mutated Nomu's...and she has no where to run, only to see a lake there and can't swim over and no time to out run those Nomu's...she hugs her dog Isabelle, and to wonder what happen to Naomasa, what is even going on at the city, where could Deku and the others be?? And all she could cry in silence, look away, and to then think of her own father, imagining here, just to save her life and just hug him....

Eri: D-Daddy..!!
Until suddenly...she then hears a loud sound, and it was coming from the lake, and she and those Nomu's notices a bright light appearing out of the water...and suddenly, a grappling hook appear out of it, and hit directly straight to one of the Nomu's head, and to drag him over to the lake, and can hear it scream from the water...and hearing loud gunshots from there....

Eri: Wh-What..???

Suddenly...something came out tossing from the lake, and to fall to the ground....and it happen to be that Nomu's body that has been dragged to the water by the grappling hook...and it was just only its body...and the head seem like it was chopped off....
Suddenly, the clouds merge and began to make rumbling sounds, and to hear loud thunderstorms from the clouds, and they were dark clouds too, the wind began to blow like crazy....and then suddenly, lighting started to strike down towards the lake, and one huge one strikes down to the lake
And suddenly....notices that something was merging out from the lake...or to say it was a SOMEBODY!!! Eri witness to see somebody coming out from the lake, and to seem it was slowly merging out from the lake. She notices it was someone, a person, a very giant person, almost over 6ft tall, he was wearing an all suited armor, and a helmet. Eri sees this 6ft giant person walking out from the lake slowly, and as he was halfway out, she notices seeing him holding that Nomu's whole face with its bear hands. And to then brutally squeeze it and exploded into pieces....afterwards, this person came out of the lake, and to seem standing near Eri and Isabelle as Eri couldn't stop starting at this giant person, she wasn't scared, nor afraid of him...she was...surprise, as if she got this feeling that whoever this person is...came to save her.

Eri Mind: Who...Is he???! And did he came out from that lake??! But..How?! And where??!

She notices him starting down those Nomu's, as the Nomu's started to her growl and roar at him, Eri and Isabelle started to get scared more, until this person says to Eri...

Slayer: Hide.

Eri: Wh-Wha??

Slayer: Go hide, Now!

Eri doesn't know how to respond to that, all she can do right now is be told what the Slayer told her to do. So she goes running off, holding Isabelle onto her arms...suddenly, one of the Nomu's spot her running as he goes rushing at her...but then, the Slayer grabs the Nomu by the leg and notices it...

Slayer: Get.Away.From.HER!!!

The Slayer pulls the Nomu's leg, tosses him up and to brutally slam him to the ground, pulls him again and viciously stomps its head and splattered...with that said, the rest of the Nomu's roar and to go charging at the Slayer, the Slayer then cracks his knuckles and to pull his shotgun out and pumps it and to go charging towards the Nomu's. He leaps and to then shoot two Nomu's through their faces as they blast open into pieces, one rushes at him behind, but the Slayer quickly jabs its Shotgun straight to that Nomu's mouth and to shoot it's guts in and popping out...afterwards, two Nomu's use their mutated canons from their backs and began shooting the Slayer, he started running towards those canons bullets and tanking them down like nothing as he then clothesline both the Nomu's down to the ground, picking one of them up by its neck, jabbing it's fist inside and to grab and pull out it's spine, drops him and to see the other Nomu coming falling towards him as the Slayer clenches his fist and to swing his punch and landing it towards the Nomu's face, and his fist went through its mouth, and to again pull out, and this time the Nomu's guts. More of those mutated Nomu's rush at the Slayer at the same time...the slayer then pulls something out from his scabbard, and it happens to be a bright red sword, which is known as the Crucible Sword, and to charge at them, swinging his crucible blade, slicing and chopping those Nomu's in half, chopping half their faces, half their bodies, slicing their guts out, jabbing it straight to their faces and in their mouths...
More Nomu's started appearing from the woods as they heard the loud noises the Slayer was causing...he then holds his shotgun, and for that shogun to suddenly change forms, and turn into an assaults rifle gun, he started shooting his assault rifle gun at the upcoming Nomu's, killing then one by one...while holding and shooting his rifle with one arm, he uses his other hand, his robotic hand and to emit out a chainsaw drill and to rush at those Nomu's and began slicing them up with the chainsaw drill from his mechanical hand...
Meanwhile, Eri was hiding behind some bushes with Isabelle, and to see the whole thing going, watching the Slayer killing those Nomu's.

Eri: That tall person...he's killing those Nomu's like nothing, look at him go! ...Just who is he??? And where did he come from??

Back with the Slayer, there were now less Nomu's. The slayer then use its fists to take them down, he grabs a Nomu by the neck, squeezing it and beating its neck crack and to rip its head off, and then to throw a straight jab to another Nomu's face with brute force as his fists went through the Nomu's whole face, then grabbing another Nomu by the face, lifting him up and to slam its head to the ground serval times to see its skull broken....and lastly, a Nomu comes from behind as the slayer quickly turns and jabs its hand inside the Nomu's gut through, jabbing his another hand in it, and to brutally open the Nomu's guts, and to split his body in half and the blood to pour all over him and to hear the Slayer growl with anger...


Afterwards...the Nomu's the Slayer dealt with are now dead...bodies everywhere and blood too he then walks over to the bushes close and calls out Eri...

Slayer: Hey, it's safe to come out now, don't worry.

The slayer then sees Eri's face popping out from the bushes, and slowly revealing herself...he then gets on one knee on the ground...

Slayer: It's okay...I'm not going to hurt you.

Eri didn't know why...but deep down she trusts him, so she comes out from the bush, and slowly approach to him up close as Isabelle began to growl at him...

Eri: Hey, it's okay Girl, he's no harm. Sorry about her...

Slayer: It's okay...are you alright?

Eri: I'm fine...thank you for saving us.

Slayer: Your welcome. *I manage to save her in time, thank god! But...I need to know this shit show happening, maybe she knows* So...can you tell me what is going on??

Eri: I..I don't know, these Nomu's just appeared, and I think there's more over at the city, I think that's why there's lots of police cars and helicopters over there...I just hope Naomasa is okay out there with the heroes.

Slayer: Oh he's fine, trust me.

Eri: I hope.

The slayer can see Eri feeling scared and upset about this whole chaos happening, so he tries to get close to her and hug her, but Eri takes a step back...the slayer realizes that Eri doesn't know who he actually is behind the mask..

Slayer: O-Oh shit. Sorry, I-I didn't mean to.

Eri: It's..fine..

Slayer: It's remind me of my daughter, shes really sweet, kind hearted, and...she's my little angel...I miss her.

Eri: ..Sounds like she's a great daughter for you...what happen??

Slayer: Well I mean, nothing bad happen to her, it's just...well...*Shit, I can't. It's too early for this...I really want to, but not at the this moment, it can wait. So I have to wait* Look, nothing wrong or bad happen to her, but right now...I've come here to save the city, and of course protect you at all cause.

Eri: But...why??? I..don't even know you, nor where you can from.

Slayer: It's..complicated where I came from, but...let's just say that I'm you're "Guardian Angel" or "Bodyguard".

Eri: Really??

Slayer: Yeah, and don't you worry, from here on out, I will take care of you at all cost, and won't leave you behind.

Eri gently smiles to hear that...knowing that she barely met him, she now has her full trust on him suddenly...

Eri: Okay....You know, you too remind me of someone.

Slayer: Oh, really?

Eri: ...My dad. I always remember how he saved my life once when I was little, found me on the streets, I'll always remember the soft and warm arms as he held me, and I never wanted to let go. And through those years...he was the best dad I'd ever had...I kiss him so much, even today too.

Slayer: ...Well, your father would be proud of you right now of how far you've come.

Eri: Heh, I know.

Isabelle then started sniffing the Slayer's mask...and then, she began licking his mask...

Eri: Isabelle! Sorry about that, hehe.

Slayer: Heh, it's fine, no worries, cute dog.

The slayer gently pets her...

Slayer: ..Anyways, we should get going. Do you know where your house is?

Eri: O-Oh! Yea sure, just follow me.

Slayer: Okay

With that said, Eri and Isabelle lead the Slayer over to the house as from now on, the slayer will protect her at any cost, and save the city...
And also to be said, Eri doesn't not know that the Slayer, behind the mask is none other than her father, and he didn't wanted to surprise her yet...not yet.


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