Chp.43 We'll Rip And Tear...Until It Is Done

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As we left off...Dr.Kyudai was gonna use Eri's rewind power to finish of his Nomu experiment he's been working on. Mustard tried to get close to her and being her to him...but suddenly, an arm burst out from the ground, and dragging Mustard down with him. Afterwards, whoever dragged him down then merge out from the ground, and to reveal himself as none other as the Vigilante Slayer, (YN).

Dr.Kyudai: WHAT?!? Who the hell!??

Eri: D-Doom Guy!!

Isabelle: *Bark*!!

(YN) turns his head towards Eri...

(YN): You alright, Eri?

Eri: I'm..fine, I'm just ... glad you're here.

(YN): Good to hear...told you I'll never leave your sight, little one.

Eri than began to picture Doom Guy with somebody she's close with...her father. She picture them both if they seem to be the same person, his tone, the way he seemingly is caring so much for Eri's Saftey as well....She then whispers...

Eri: ...Dad..???!

Dr.Kyudai: J-Just who the hell you are?! And what have you done with M-Mustard?!?

(YN): ...Let's not worry about that. Right now, he's just enjoying himself down there with those other two jackasses you've sent too.

Dr.Kyudai: What?!? N-No! No! You're..Your e bluffing!

(YN): Am I? Am I REALLY? Bluffing?

By starring (YN)...Dr.Kyudai began to tremble in fear, just by starring at (YN) of how menacingly he's just standing there...

Dr.Kyudai Mind: I..I want to move, but...but I don't want to!! Just by starting this bastard...makes me...scared of him!?! Nrgh!! No! NO!! My plans, everything is ruined!! And my experiment isn't even half down, it's incomplete!! ....BAH! Screw it!! Incomplete or not, he'll still fight!!

Dr.Kyudai pulls out a remote device, and to press a button, which activated the huge capsule that has his experiment Nomu in there...and for his eyes to slowly open and growl...

Dr.Kyudai: Experiment Nomu, kill that bastard and that brat!!

He then makes a run for as (YN) pulls a gun out, shoots and hits Dr.Kyudai on the shoulder, but manages to get away...

(YN): Shit!

Eri: Wait!

(YN): What??

Eri: Isabelle, go get him!!

Isabelle: *Bark Bark!!*

Eri let's go of Isabelle as she then makes a run for to him after Dr.Kyudai...

(YN): Eri, your dog-

Eri: It's fine, she'll catch him!

(YN): But..why?

Eri: ..I wanna stay and help you!

(YN): What?! But-

The two heard the giant Nomu growling inside the capsule, and to then break himself out of the capsule and to give a loud roar...

(YN): Shit! No Eri!! It's too dangerous! You need to leave here, let me handle it and-

Eri: No! I wanna help!

(YN): Eri-

Eri: Listen...I can fight, I can help dad has taught me to fight when I was little...and if I wanna save my friends and the city, then I got to fight back! So please...let me help you.

Then, it hit (YN)....he kept on picturing Eri has his little angle, sweet and innocent still, but not anymore...Eri has now grown mature, brave, strong, and kind hearted....

He felt proud to see how his little girl came so far away, from being a little sweet adorable girl, to a strong hoping bravery girl....He then place his hand onto her shoulder...

(YN): Okay then, you can help.

Eri: ..You can count on me!

The giant Nomu then roses again, and notices the two of them, and began approaching them...

(YN): Okay, if we're gonna kill it...just tell me you know how to use weapons?

Eri: Not really...I mean I can wield a sword, I have a big sword weapon I got from my father...if only I had it with me.

(YN): No need to worry.

(YN) pulls out a hilt and hands it to Eri...

Eri: Uhhh..

(YN): Press on it hard.

Eri then clenched the a huge bright red sword pops out of that hilt, as (YN) hands her his crucible sword.

Eri: Woah!

(YN): I wanna see how skillful you are with it.

Eri: Oh trust me! I'm ready! Let's go-

(YN): Wait, Eri.

Eri: Huh?? What is it??

(YN): ...Rip and Tear...

Eri then was surprise to hear from "Doom Guy" saying Rip and Tear...she then gave a smile, and finished the sentence...

Eri: ...Until it is done!

(YN) felt proud for her...he and Eri then stare down at the Nomu, as it again gave a loud roar and charges at them, Eri wields the sword and (YN) pulling out his shotgun and pumps it and they yell...


The two then rush at the giant Nomu, (YN) on one side, Eri the other side, Nomu reaches its huge hand to Eri, Eri then grips the sword tight, swings it and to then cut and chop off its fingers, and then to leap and chop of its hand as well, (YN) leaps on top of the Nomu's arm, runs on top of it and rushes towards the Nomu's face, leaps and wins his shotgun at the Nomu's eye, shoots it and the eyeball to pop and blood splattering, The Nomu tried to get (YN), but (YN) leaps off from him and notices Eri running around, it uses its other hand to strike a punch at her, Eri stop and dodges away, suddenly, the Nomu opens its mouth wide open and to true eating her as Eri didn't had chance to move away...but with mere luck, (YN) jumps in and stops the Nomu from eating her, holding its mouth wide open...

(YN): Now!!

Eri charges at the Nomu's face, and to jab the sword through its other eye and for it to yell in pain, the Nomu stood up and (YN) holds onto himself, as he then grabs and pulls out one of the Nomu's sharp teeth from its mouth and began stabbing the Nomu's whole face, he then leaps off from it, Eri then charges at the Nomu's leg and began cutting its legs with the sword, and then to chop out a leg too as the Nomu began to loose balance was weak, but still able to fight, both (YN) and Eri look at each other and nod as they gave a sign to finish this already. The two charge at the Nomu as the Nomu couldn't see anything due of his eyes pop out...with that said, he opens its mouth wide, and to create a energy sphere out of its mouth, and blast it at Eri and (YN)...(YN) reaches for Eri's hand, Eri grabs onto (YN)'s hand as (YN) swings her and tosses her in mid air and (YN) to leap with her, Eri then falls and dives towards the Nomu's head and to stab the Nomu straight to its head above, and (YN) to dive towards the Nomu's chest, and to use his robotic arm to land a brutal punch to its chest and asking a loud impact to it, and to send the giant Nomu crashing through the laboratory...but the Nomu wasn't finished yet, he still roars and wants to keep fighting, so he started crawling over to Eri and (YN)...

Eri: Crap! He's not giving up! What now!?

(YN): ...I got it!

(YN) pulls out his shotgun...and then, using his quirk, he started transforming his shotgun into a better, stronger and bigger weapon to take this Nomu out...and so he did, he then created a powerful gun he used once that got rid of Overhaul...Eri was shocked to see that kind of weapon as if she recognizes that weapon as well ...

Eri: That weapon...

(YN): Get over here!

Eri: R-Right!

Eri approaches to (YN)...

(YN): Hold on the trigger! Once I say press, we press it together, got it!?

Eri: O-Okay!

The Nomu began crawling towards them...

(YN): Hold it...Hold it...

The Nomu then leaps up and to dive towards them...

Eri: Now?!

(YN): NOW!!!

They both press on the trigger at the same time, as a green energy so where charges up...

(YN): BFG...

Eri: 9000!!!!!

The energy the shoots out of it...and to land directly towards the Nomu, and to cause a huge explosion, and the Nomu exploded into pieces...

Afterwards, the giant Nomu was no more, and is defeated for good.

Eri: W-We did it!

(YN): We sure did! I gotta're really a great fighter, you're skills really amazed me, Eri.

Eri: Hehe, thank you....but...i know it's weird to say this but...can I...hug you? You celebrate our victory? I mean...if that's...okay?

(YN): ...Sure, I don't mind.

Eri gently smiled, and to hug (YN)...(YN) then felt...proud, and a bit emotional that he gets to hug her daughter again, and be with her and see her again, so he hugs her too....

(YN): Eri...

Eri: Yes?

(YN): There's...something I wanna tell you. I-

Suddenly, the two heard barking down the hallway, and a yell too, Dr.Kyudai was yelling too, as if he's screaming in pain...

Eri: Isabelle!

(YN): Looks like she's got him.

Eri: Yeah, come on!

(YN): Right behind you. * ...Guess it can wait afterwards*


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