Chp.44 Aftermath

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After defeating the giant Nomu for good, Eri and (YN) then make a run for down the hallway to hear Isabelle barking and Dr.Kyudai screaming in they got to the end of the hallway, they find Isabelle bitting Dr.Kyudai's leg and not letting him leave...

Dr.Kyudai: AGHH!!! G-Get it off me!! Get it off me!!

Eri: Isabelle. *whistles*

Isabelle heard Eri, as she then happily rushes to her and gladly to see her...

Eri: You did great girl.

(YN): Good girl, Isabelle.

Isabelle: *Bark!*

After that...they turn to Dr.Kyudai, as they see him trying to scan his badge to leave the hallway, but (YN) approaches to him and to stop him from leaving, grabs his hand, bends it and braking his hand...

Dr.Kyudai: AAAH!!!!

(YN): You ain't going anywhere, Doc.

Dr.Kyudai: ..Th-This...This isn't over!! M-Mark..Mark my words..!!

Eri: ...It's over. Now that he's here, there's nothing for you to do.

Dr.Kyudai: Sh-Shut up! Th-This...This can't be..!!! I-I has everything..planned! But, it's ruined, everything is ruined...all cause of you!! None of this would happen...!!

Eri: ...Well it did, so surrender now.

Dr.Kyudai: Bah! And why the hell would I listen to a ignorant no good for nothing bra-

(YN) swings a brutal punch towards Kyudai's face, braking his nose and causing it to bleed a lot...he then places both his thumbs onto his eyes...and then tells Eri...

(YN): Look away, you don't have to see this.

Eri: ...I can handle it.

(YN): ...You sure?

Eri: ...Yea, besides, he deserves it.

(YN) then slowly turns his head, faces to Kyudai...

Dr.Kyudai: W-Wait Wait!! WAAAIIIT!!!

(YN) presses his thumbs, popping Dr.Kyudai's eyes, and braking his neck at the same time and to drop his body and killing him as Eri saw the whole thing, and to look down at him...(YN) walks over to Eri and places his hand onto her shoulder...

(YN): ...It's over. Come on, let's go sounds like there isn't much trouble no more.

Eri: I hope everyone else and Noamasa are alright.

(YN): ...I sure hope so too, Eri, let's go.

(YN) then kicks the door down with some kicks. As he does, he and Eri walk out of the hallway...and to then find themselves an upstairs that leads them in a room, a room that happens to be the bar hideout the league of villains use to hide. They exited the building, and surprisingly, they saw a bunch of officers, choppers and pro heroes around the city, as the chaos was now over...
Eri felt bad to see her home city being destroyed, but those that some of people survived...and some sadly died. (YN) notices her feeling bad about he then grabs and helds her hand.

(YN): Let's go find your friends.

Eri: ..Okay, come on Isabelle.

(YN) Eri and Isabelle started walking down he road, and to see officers exporting civilians, paramedics treating them, and pro heroes talking with the officers too...and then, some of them got their attention to (YN), of how mysterious, big and unknowingly peculiar he looks...

Eri: ...Everyone...seems to be starring at you.

(YN): Seems like it...I get that a lot.

Eri: Really..??

(YN): Yup...

Eri: ...Hey, I've been meaning to ask.

(YN): What is it??

Eri: ...It's been stuck in my head for a bit...back there...I...sort of picture you father...and it's gonna be weird telling me this but...are you-

Izuku: Eri!!

Mirio: Over here!

Suddenly, Eri and (YN) heard Izuku and Mirio calling her name, and they spot them with the others in an ambulance with Naomasa...

Eri: Deku! Mirio! Naomasa! Everyone!!

Eri and Isabelle rushes over to Deku and his friends as she gives him and Mirio a huge hug...

Eri: I'm so glad you're all okay!!

Izuku: We are, and we're glad you and Isabelle turn out okay too!

Naomasa: Eri!

Eri: Mr.Naomasa! O-Oh my gosh! Are you..alright??

Naomasa: Heh, I'm fine Eri, just needed to get treated, but all that, I'm fine. I'm just glad you're okay, you and Isabelle.

Ochaco: We were so worried for you, Deku and Mirio said you were with a guy??

Kaminari: Yeah! They told us his name was "Doom Guy"?? Psh, what kind of name is that??

(YN): ..Is that a problem?

They all notice (YN) appearing behind Eri, as the teenagers were so scared to see how huge he is...

Kirashima: H-Holy...Crap!!

Mineta: Thats not human...that's a whole ass mountain!!

Eri: Hehe, it's fine guys. He's the one that saved me couple of times during this apocalypse.

Naomasa: Really??

(YN) then approach to Naomasa, as Naomasa felt a bit uncomfortable how he was standing near him...he then places his hand onto his shoulder...

(YN): I hope they treat you well, and glad you're okay...Eri has been worried for you lately.

Naomasa: Heh, I can tell...and, thank you, Uhh...

(YN): ...Doom Guy. *For Now*

Naomasa: Doom...Guy?? .....Okay, anyways...thank you again, and...Thanks for keeping Eri safe.

(YN): ...Don't mention it.

Suddenly, officers came in the scene...

Officer #2: Okay, They should get going by now. Naomasa, they need to take you back to the hospital.

Naomasa: Right.

Eri: Im coming with.

Naomasa: Okay.

Izuku: Well, we'll leave you two be then, we still got work to do.

Eri: Okay, bye you guys!

Mirio: See ya Eri! We'll come and visit soon!

The teenaged then left to go do more duty, as the paramedics started bringing Naomasa in the ambulance...

Eri; Wait, give me a sec.

Eri then approaches to (YN)...

Eri: ...Wanna join us?

(YN): I would love to, but not right now Eri. I...have to go places, you know?

Eri: ...I understand, but...will I ever get to see you again?

(YN) pats her on the head...

(YN): I'm not leaving, I'll come back soon once Everything is clear, besides, I have...things I wanna talk with you.

Eri: Really..??

(YN): Yea, Really. Now, go on, Naomasa is waiting.

Eri: Okay...take care of yourself.

(YN): You too, Eri.

As Eri was gonna walk over, she stopped for a sec, and again had the urge to hug him, for saving her she did. She turns back, and hugs him, as (YN) again felt happy and hugs her...she slowly backs away and looks at him with a smile...

Eri: See ya.

(YN): See ya.

Isabelle barks with joy as she and Eri walk up to the ambulance with Naomasa at the back, the paramedics close the door and for the ambulance to drive off to the hospital...

Officer #1: Okay now, we wanna have a word with you-

The officer turn to have a talk with (YN), and to then find out he is gone once they turn around....

Officer #1: What the?! Where did he go??!

Officer #2: I...don't know, and honestly...I don't wanna have a word with him about who he is. For some reason he's been giving me chills.

Officer #2: Jeez, you don't have to tell me twice...but, I hope he takes care of himself.

On top of the building, we see (YN) hanging onto a rope he shot at the building to hang, and to see the ambulance Eri was in...

(YN): ...I'll see you soon, my little Eri.



Some weeks later, 2-3 weeks I say, the city has been in peace once again, and rebuild as well, and yet no trouble has been cause anymore. One evening, at Naomasa's residence, we then see the pro heroes from Class 1-A, spending time with Naomasa and Eri in the house, alongside with the Big 3. Some were at the living room, eating, enjoying the food, chatting and watching TV, and some at the table eating and chatting for Eri, she was looking outside the glass window door...and to think of "DoomGuy"...she's been thinking of him ever since, and the fact she has this feeling that she's been wondering that this Doom Guy might be someone who she knows...

Bakugo: Hey you.

Eri: H-Huh?? O-Oh, hey Katsuki.

Bakugo: The hell you're doing? Your foods gonna get cold if ya don't eat it.

Eri: I know it's just...I've been thinking about...stuffs.

Bakugo: Mm...I'll leave you be then.

Eri: Aww.

Bakugo: Quiet!

Eri: Hehe.

She again looks back outside the glass door...and Naomasa approaching to her...

Naomasa: Everything alright, Eri?

Eri: Yeah...

Naomasa: ...Thinking about him?

Eri: ...Yup.

Naomasa: ...You know, when I first met him for like...a minute, he sounded...familiar, even though I couldn't tell from the helmet, but somehow I recognize his voice, and didn't you say he saved your life couple times during that day?

Eri: ..He sure did.

Naomasa: Heh, he reminds me of someone.

Eri: ..Same. I just wish...I can get to meet him again, you know? And-

Suddenly, she and the rest heard Isabelle barking, as she was near with Eri and Naomasa, she was barking outside though, as if she saw something through the bushes and trees...

Ochaco: Hey, what's wrong with Isabelle?

Eri: I don't know, it's like she saw something outside...but I don't see anything.

Naomasa: Maybe behind those trees and bushes....whatever it is, she doesn't like it.

Izuku: Is somebody out there?

Naomasa: Could be.

Eri: I'll let her out so she can find something.

Eri open the glass door, for Isabelle to rush over through the bushes and see what it was that she's been barking. Eri, Naomasa and the rest went out the backyard and to find out as's been quiet for a sec...

Eri: Isabelle?? Come on out now.

Then, Isabelle walk out from the bushes...and to see her smiling and wagging her tail suddenly, and sat down...and then, somebody appeared out of the bushes, and was (YN).

Eri: *gasp* It's you!

(YN): Hey.

Eri jobs over to him and smiles to feel happy to see him again...

Eri: It's great seeing you again!

(YN): Heh, it's great to see you especially, Eri.

Izuku: O-Oh, hey there..DoomGuy.

(YN): Hey there you all...hope I don't mean to alarm you.

Mirio: Heh, not really...we were just having a quality time together, you know?

Nejire: Ooh!! Is that the guy you were all talking about?! He looks so menacingly!

Tamaki: And...s-super scary!

(YN): Appreciate it for the compliments.

Naomasa: So...what brings you here??

(YN): Well...I've talk with Eri.

Izuku: Talk with Eri??? What for??

(YN): It's...really important.

Eri: ...You know, I've been meaning to see you again. And now that you're here, I'm glad...and wanting to talk with you too.

(YN): Really.?

Eri: Yeah....I wanna know you, the REAL you, behind that helmet of yours.

(YN): ....I see.


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