Final Chapter: Together Once Again

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As we left off...Eri and the others get to mee (YN) (DoomGuy) once again. Eri was glad to see him again, and so does (YN)...and now, the moment has come...

(YN): Eri...I want to talk to you, and it's important.

Eri: Really? Cause...I've been meaning to...wanting to talk with you too.

(YN): ..You do?

Eri: Yes...and it's kinda weird of me to say this, but...I wanna see the REAL you. I wanna see my guardian angel's face, so I can look into it's eyes...and thank him...but not just that...I also want to know get the feeling...that you're a "somebody" that I know close..

(YN): ...I see.

(YN) slowly walks up to he then got on his knees to the floor, starring directly at Eri...

(YN): If you wanna see the REAL me...then I will allow you, to take off my helmet.

Eri: ..Of course.

Eri approaches closer to (YN), as she slowly puts and presses both fingers on a button on each side of the helmet, which causes the helmet to be release and to be taken off easily...Eri then grabs and holds onto the helmet, and to slowly rise it up...but (YN) stops her for a moment...

(YN): Wait, Eri.

Eri: Wh-What is it??

(YN): sure you're ready for this?

Eri: ...I'm ready for anything, and now, I just wanna see your face.

(YN): ...Very well...go on.

(YN) let's go of Eri's Eri continues to pull out the helmet up. As she did, she has the helmet off of (YN)...(YN) was looking down for a second as Eri was really concern and so eager to see his face already, who he REALLY is.
(YN) slowly rises his head up, and to reveal his face to Eri and the rest of her friends....Eri's eyes widen big, as she dropped the helemt on the floor, and began stammering a lot, as for the others, their eyes were widen to with such unbelievably astonished and shocked.

Kirashima: N-No..No...way!!

Momo: O-Oh..Oh My...gosh..!!

Mirio: B-But..y-you, wait! No!

Izuku: I..Is this..r-real?!

Naomasa was also too flabbergasted with shocked to see his old friend alive, and right informe of him...

Naomasa: Y-You...You're...what?!

As for Eri, her eyes were still widen with a astonish reaction, and kept stammering too, and she finally gets to see "DoomGuy's" real was her father, all this time, it was him, (YN) then gave a gentle smile to Eri...

(YN): ..Hey sweetie.

Eri was speechless, but at the same time she knew who he REALLY was, but didn't expected to be real as well...

Eri: I..I...d-don't..b-but...your..w-wait!

She began to shed tears, as she gently places her hand onto her father's cheek...and to realize he is real, and not a dream.

Eri: Y-Y-You're...Y-Youre...

(YN) grabs her hand, and helds it and gently smiles at her...

(YN): I know...I know it'll be hard for me to That could wait...But now...I am so happy, to see you again, my little Eri. I

(YN) slowly stood up, and to observe Eri...

(YN): Just...look at you, how grown you've become...I'm proud that I've raised you very well, and I am also very proud of you sweetie.

Eri began to shed more tears. And started holding her crying...after seeing her father suddenly and somehow alive, and with her, she sees his smile, and started having alot of great memories she has with um when she was little...she couldn't hold it no more, she hurts out her crying, and to rush at her father, and to hug him. She began sobbing alot, hugging him, and never letting him go, ever. (YN) she's couple of tears, as he wraps his arms around her...

(YN): Shh, Shh, it's okay, it's okay pumpkin...I-I'm...not going, nor leaving you anymore.

Eri: *sobbing* D-Daddy.!!

(YN): ..Yes sweetie...daddy's back home.

Eri kept on sobbing more and more, crying and sobbing with joy that once again, she's with her father now, and (YN) too is very happy to be with his daughter once again...Izuku and the rest began to shed couple tears too to witness this father and daughter reunited for Todoroki and Bakugo, they both gently smile to see this for Naomasa, he was shedding some tears too, and to feel joy and relief that he gets to see and have his friend once again.


A month pass after Eri has got her father back into her life. (YN) then had to explain to her and the others how he is alive and how was that he told them everything exactly how....and yet...they didn't know what to say or answer that...but rest assure, they're glad to have him back, and feeling relief that Eri has her father back.
One morning, (YN) and Eri were on their own home once again, thanks To Naomasa, Izuku and his friends to raise money for a house of charity to rebuild it. (YN) was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, and to then place some sandwiches on a bag, a bottle of orange juice and a sticky note with a heart shape on it.

(YN): Eri! You're up?

Eri: Yeah! Just gonna brush my teeth!

(YN): Okay.

Then, he hears his door knock...

(YN): ...Oh, that better not be who I THINK it is.

Outside of the house...we see a teenage boy,, who he happens to be Kota Izumi...

He happens to be 16 years old, and goes to UA, and has the same class as Eri. He and her have met since the day they got to UA. Kota then was fixing his hair...

Kota: Don't wanna look stupid.

He hears the door opening...

Kota: Oh hey Eri, are you-WAAH!!!

He expected Eri to open the door, but instead, it was her father. As Kota looks up and to tremble the fact (YN) was glaring at Kota...

Kota: O-Oh! G-Good morning, M-Mr.(YN).

(YN): ...Morning, Kota.

Kota: Is..Is Um...Eri-

Eri: Dad, who's at the door??

Eri appears at the door...

Eri: Oh hey Kota!!

Kota: H-Hehe, hey Eri. go?

Eri: Yup!

(YN): Hold on sweetie, I'll get your lunch.

Eri: Heh, ok dad.

He pats Eri on the head. And to glare at Kota back again and to walk away, leaving her and Kota alone...

Eri: So, are you ready for the sports festival??

Kota: Heh, you betcha! I heard it's gonna be intense!

Eri: It will!

Kota: Yup! ...So, Eri?

Eri: What's up?

Kota: I..I was wondering...if you, after school? If you are, maybe we know *scratches head behind* Get some ice cream, and hang out?

Eri blushes and smiles...

Eri: That sounds nice, Kota. I'll gladly want to hang out with you!

Kota: Cool! We can hang at the park.

Eri: Sounds nice!

Hearing Eri and Kota talking to each other...(YN) felt glad that Eri is grown up, and the fact he is proud to have a daughter like her. He then approach to her and hands her her lunch.

(YN): Here ya go honey.

Eri: Thanks dad! Well, we're off.

She and (YN) gave each other a hug...

(YN): Good luck today Eri. I'll be watching on the TV.

Eri: Thank you dad....I love you.

(YN): I love you too, my little pumpkin. Now, you two go on, you'll be late.

Eri: Yeah! Come on Kota!

Kota: Right!

(YN): Oh, and Kota?

Kota: Y-Yes, sir?

(YN): ....I expect you to bring my daughter at 9pm after your hang out, think you can do that?

Kota: Y-Yeah! I'll make sure!

(YN): Good...take care you two.

Kota: We will.

Eri: Bye dad! Love you!

(YN): Love you too sweetie.

(YN) stares at Eri walking with Kota to school, as he gently smiles and having his arms cross to see her had car she has come...and glad to be in her life again. He enters his house, closes his door and to walk over to the living room, sits down and Isabelle to appear, leap on the couch and lay on top of (YN)'s legs...(YN) pats her and scratches her too...

(YN): You know...I had a dog too. Her name was Daisy...she's just like you.

Isabelle: *Bark!*

(YN): Heh, I hear you girl...I hear you.

We then see a spirit ghost, that happens to be a animal, a dog, and that dog happens to be (YN)'s old pet, Daisy. Laying down next to him and (YN) and to wag her tail.

The End

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